My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 12

No matter how much I haven’t ever gone out with a girl before, I’m pretty sure that going for ramen on a date was out of place. Nothing but the images of high class restaurants would appear in one’s head.

But now that I think about it, I’ve never said that this’d be a date. Moreover, she already started to walk her way towards the ramen restaurant. And so, with nothing to do but to obey this simple proposal, I entered the dining room as well and took my seat.

“Is it really alright for me to not return this money? I’ve never heard of someone paying 20,000 ¥ simply to have a meal with someone.”

“Well, if those things happen, so would this… Anyways, let’s drop the money talk.”

As she kept staring at me intently, she finally nodded her head, surrendering to me. Only, her gaze this time made it seem like she still had her doubts.

“It’s my first time meeting someone like Oji-san. After seeing my scars, you didn’t have sex with me, and yet you still gave me the money. And here, saying you only wanted to have a meal together is really strange…”

“No, rather… I’m not an oji-san. I’m still only 25 years old.”

As I said that while ordering two bowls of miso ramen, she looked at me dumbfoundedly and asked again.

“25 years? Ehhh—?”


“I thought you’d be 30…”

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Hearing her say that so boldly, my hand that was pouring water trembled with anger. I know I don’t have a baby face, but aren’t you a little too frank? Look, you made me spill the water all over the table.

“Ah, I’m kidding. Even so, since you’re 6 years older than me, ‘Oji-san’ should still be fine, right.”

Making a face as if she committed a blunder, she corrected herself. But you’re too late. If I were to have Affection Points regarding her right now, I would say it would be at -1000 already.

I give up. As I resigned myself, I realized there wasn’t really anything to talk about, so I tried asking for her name. Since not even her name appeared in the scouter, there isn’t any other way but to ask her directly.

“What’s your name?”

“My name?”

She looked like she was somewhat troubled by it, wondering if she should say it or not. Just as I thought, women are indeed fickle creatures. Even getting their name out is an insurmountable task. Even more so if it’s a woman with charm similar to her. Just when I thought I reached a setback, she suddenly opened her mouth.

“Kusora Yurea.”

I also told her my name clearly.

“Aah. I’m Hasegawa…”

“I didn’t particularly ask for it, though?”

“Ah, yes, that’s right, isn’t it. I apologize…”

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My confidence was boosted thanks to being able to get her name out, but she immediately shot it back down again. As I looked at her after having lost grip of this conversation, I wasn’t sure if my facial expression gave it away, but I got a hold of myself amidst the puzzlement.

“Fufu, this time it was actually a joke. So then, your full name would be?”

“Hasegawa Ryou.”

And with that, our order was brought to the table. I don’t know if she was really listening to me or not, but I received the ramen. No, I’m sure she actually heard it. She’s just pretending to ignore it. I grabbed the chopsticks. As she stared at her serving intently, she also grabbed her chopsticks following my motion.

And then, as I expected, when I started to put the noodles into my mouth, she copied my actions again. Just what is she doing?

Afterwards, after she took in a mouthful of it, she started to slurp and chow down on her own. Don’t tell me she didn’t know how to eat it this whole time? That can’t be it, but… her actions are pretty strange.

Although, she seems to be enjoying it, so I’m happy for her. Was she on an empty stomach?

“Are you not going to eat…?”

She stopped her chopsticks in their tracks once she noticed me staring at her.

“No, I will.”

And so, once I started to sip spoonfuls of the soup, she resumed her meal once again. Her speed made it seem as if she was someone who had spent several days without eating. Before I realized it, I could see the bottom of her bowl. Of course I’ll be eating, but just so that I don’t end up too slow, the two of us left our bowls clean at approximately the same time.

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“You done?”

“Yes, thank you for the meal.”

Giving me a slightly awkward bow of gratitude, she took out her portion of the bill from the money I had given her. Very quickly, I pushed her hand back and took out 1400 ¥, paying for both our food.

“I could at least pay for the food. You even gave me money after all…”

“No, it’s all fine as long as you enjoyed it.”


“Well then, let us bid our farewells, shall we?”

“Will you really be going back like this? If you want, I can still…”

How many times is she going to say the same thing again and again? I quickly put a finger on my lips and gestured her to shush as a reply. Afterwards, trying to appear cool, I waved my hand and bid farewell, walking out of the area.

Including the love hotel charge, I spent 28,400 ¥. It didn’t particularly feel like a waste. What a strange feeling. Compared to the price of items, this wasn’t anything special. That’s why I decided to forget thinking about that woman.

In the first place, she was not someone I could get closer to at the moment.

I felt more at ease having the liberty to forget about her rather than getting caught in the trap.

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As I took a shower after reaching home, I slowly tried to forget that girl that kept going around my head and started to find ways to approach Akemine instead.

Actually, I didn’t really need to think much about it. After all, didn’t I already acquire the business card to enter the social parties? Done with showering, I opened up the purse I brought with me and took them out.

00 Group
Washino Towa

00 Group
Managing Director
Hazahara Yasumasa

00 Entertainments Office
Ariga Masaya

Excluding the membership inquiry cards, everything else was just regular business cards. Membership in a social party, huh. Lining them all up in a row, I noticed that all of cards belonged to names pretty high up the societal ladder.

And of course, the most important would be this card.

Please become a member of our party.
For membership queries, contact 080-1111-2222

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