My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 13

I grabbed my phone. Guess I’ll try inquiring with them. I have no time to hesitate. But still, I feel anxious. Taking a deep breath, I dialed the number and pressed the call button. And as soon as the call connected, I was able to hear a voice from the other end.

This was the first time I was able to make a phone call ever since I entered this world. As expected, as long as it’s taken from the game, then it’s possible to call as many contacts as I want.


I heard a woman’s voice. I wonder if it’s Akamine herself. Thinking so, I made my inquiry.

“Hello? I got a card from an acquaintance and I had some queries regarding the membership.”

“I apologize, but could you tell me who introduced us to you? If there haven’t been any introductions, then the membership process will be stricter.”

Just what was so complex about this. As I pondered on what to do, the cards lined up on my bed came into view.

“I got the card from Ariga-san.”

Even if I get found out some day, I gave the name from a suitable card with the thought of trying something out for the time being. From then, there was a period of silence from the other side of the call. The reply came after about 1 minute.

“I am the one in charge, Kimoto Ririsa. It’s true that Ariga-san is a member of our social party, but… How about this. It is required to have an interview for the being, so why don’t we meet up in person? Please bring the card that you received from Ariga-san as well.”

After telling me the time and place for the interview, the woman named Kimoto, started to ask me about my personal information. After I carelessly let out my real name, she cut the call with an ‘understood’. Kimoto, huh. It wasn’t Akamine. A sponsor wouldn’t come out for these kinds of calls.

When I opened my eyes, it was morning. Looks like I ended up falling asleep at some point. As I pondered over all the troubles that were stirring up in my head, I fell asleep before I even realized it. The sunlight that peeked through the gaps in my window let me know that it was morning. I hurriedly got up and opened my phone. The appointed time was 10 AM. And I only had 1 hour till then. Panicking, I washed my face and took out a suit that I had only worn thrice prior.

Something they call social parties. And also an interview.

No matter how I saw it, it felt like money would be needed whether it was to gain membership or to approach her, so I took out a passbook. Even though I can take out a large sum from the ATM, there’s still a limit, so it’s better to take a passbook along.

Since I don’t have political power unlike the others, would I be able to get closer to her if I boast about my money?

Packing up my things, I put on my suit, got on the bus and headed towards the subway. And getting off the subway, I headed towards the designated cafe. With 5 minutes remaining until the promised time, I finally found it. Since it was still morning, the place was empty excluding one customer. A woman with her back faced in my direction.

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There’s no mistaking that she’s the person that came to meet me. Thinking it was the one I talked to the day prior, I got closer. However, before I could even properly confirm her face, I was surprised.

The woman sitting there was definitely Akamine. Was the person who received the call yesterday really just a person in charge of membership inquiries? I never thought Akamine herself would come, but finding it more convenient for myself, I called out to her.

“Hello. Are you perhaps the one taking the interview?”

“Would you be Hasegawa-san?”


I ended up using my actual name yesterday, so it looks like it was relayed over to her as well. As I nodded she gestured me to sit on the opposite side of the table. You’re telling me to sit? Guess I shall sit. Nodding, I drew back the chair opposite to her and seated myself.

As soon as I did, she immediately presented her palm.

“To start off, would you please show me the card you were given?”

With no name nor introduction, starting off with an order right off the bat, huh. It kinda pisses me off, but I’m in no place to do anything but deal with it, so I obediently took out two cards from my pocket and handed them over. The one that held the lie about Ariga being my acquaintance and the one that carried the message for membership inquiries. She who received my cards started to examine it here and there. Looks like she was trying to figure out if it was forged or not.

“There’s no mistaking that the card is genuine. However, when I called Ariga-san yesterday and asked him about it, he said he had no recollection of Hasegawa-san, so would you mind giving me an explanation for this?”

Hearing her words made me reflexively gulp. Well of course she would call him for confirmation. Looks like I really didn’t think through this properly.[1] Her gaze turned sharp. For her to be able to make such an expression even with her innocent face, it surprised me. Since it came to this, I decided to act a little shameless.

“Excuse me? After hearing about this association, I definitely wanted to join it, but I received a referral through an intermediary, so I can’t explain the details. However, since I also run underground operations, I need personal connections as well as women. I have plenty of money so I don’t think I’d be a bother to the association. And besides, that card is the real deal. There’s no way such a thing would be given out to someone who wasn’t trustworthy. And since I was indeed such a person, I received the introduction.”[2]

Hearing my words, she frowned a little whilst thinking about something.

“Who would that person be? Would you let me confirm it please?”

“That’s confidential information. However, you have no reason to worry. I don’t run fair and straightforward affairs myself, so there’s no way I’d leak something like this association into the open.”

Unsuspicious businesses. Underground operations. I don’t know much about these things, but leaving out the internet tongue, I bragged about it with confidence. If it still doesn’t work with this, guess there’s no helping it.

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“Hmm, the membership fees for our association is 1 million yen, cash in hand. Moreover, you would have to pay a further 1 million every time to attend. Ah, and you need to pay the membership fees up front.”

1 million yen in hard cash. Surely she’s testing me right now. Looks like I’m out the moment I say I can’t arrange it. It would be strange if I couldn’t arrange that kinda money after all that boasting. It’s kind of on the expensive side, but if it’s 1 million, then yeah, I can prepare.[3] It’s about the price of an ‘Item’. It’s kind of a waste, but when I think that I’d recover from it after clearing this whole thing, it starts to feel like an indispensable fund.

“There are no issues. If it’s that much, then I can hand them over right away.”

“Truth be told, in the case we cannot identify the referrer, we take this membership fee as a guarantee. If you gain membership after properly revealing your referrer, then there’s no problem in exempting you from the membership charges.”

Saying so, she looked at her watch. And I… helplessly stood up.

“I’ll be right back.”

Nodding behind her, I walked out of the cafe and headed to the bank. I did think money would be needed, but I damn well didn’t think it would be as much as 1 million. Anyway, I rushed to the bank, withdrew the cash, and handed Akamine the bundle in front of her.

“1 million. Please confirm it.”

After making an arrogant face, she counted it and continued to speak as she put it into her bag.

“Well, it’s all right. Congratulations on becoming a member of our association. Our objective… is gender liberation, and to fully experience said liberation, our participants develop personal connections amongst each other. In other words, it would be an orgy.”

“I see. I have high expectations then.”

“You’ll be able to meet splendid politicians, and although you would need money to book a room to engage in solicitation, let’s just leave it at this being a place splendid enough to allow someone to meet people like that without hindrances and bid our farewells, shall we?”

“Yes. Well…”

“Very well, then. Come to this place at 7 PM along with your participation fees.”

She handed a letter of invitation to me that had the location written down in it. The letter had absolutely no sentences, but only a map of the location drawn onto it.

“Well, then. Let us meet again at night.”

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Grabbing the bad she had put my money into, Akamine turned around and left without sparing another glance. Looks like I was able to become a member somehow, but now what? Do I not have to expose this association to the world? I still don’t understand what the capture conditions are. The Capture Information only stated her involvement in the social parties and that I have to approach her through it.

Guess I’ll try attending the association for now. However, there’s still quite a while until the appointed time. And their place is also in the neighbourhood. Going back home would be pointless in various ways. And thus to find a place where I could kill some time, I started to loiter around.

At the corner of the multi-story building where it had been reconstructed was where the social party office was located. Sitting in the VIP room was Shigemichi Kageharu, who was, let’s just say Akamine’s first lover.

“He brought 1 million yen for the occasion?”

As Shigemichi said so, touching the bundle, Akamine nodded in reply.

“Indeed. Although he hid the identity of his referrer, since he seemed to have money, I let him in.”

“I’d be troubled if you start bringing in the masses to this as well, you know.”

“You have no need to worry. It’s only money.”

“Fuu—n, shall we start bringing in the dough with the drugs, then?”

“Yes, he looked like someone who didn’t have a referrer and only somehow got a hold of a card, so it would be the best if he simply gets addicted to it.”

“This better not cause problems in the future.”

Akamine giggled at Shigemichi’s words, with the face that said ‘You’re worrying too much’.

“By the way, how long do you plan on holding out? You’ve invested quite a lot, so why not proceed further a little?”

“No worries. I’ll be finishing up real quick. Will the woman sent out for the politician be able to  prepare it by tomorrow?”

“Yes, the girl’s been selling well recently, so I’ve left her to deal with Ariga-san.”

“Good, good. Rip off the suspicious ones of their money with drugs, and extract the wealth off of the upper brass with women… Fuhaha! Although it’s thanks to the effectiveness of your drugs that made it possible for us to reach this stage.”

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Hearing his words, Akamine frowned and complained.

“Could you please not say it like that? It irritates me.”

“Even though these social parties are where you make personal connections, if you think about it like that, these criminals are seriously screwed up in their heads.”[4]

Saying that, the man stood up from the couch. Grabbing his suit jacket, he made his way outside.

“I’m going.”

“Yeah, yeah. I won’t be seeing you off though.”

“Suit yourself.”

Waving his hand back, the man exited the VIP room, leaving Akamine in there by herself.

Translator: AngryMidget

[1]No shit, Sherlock.


[2]Huh, that was quite the different dialog. Need to check the manga again.


[3]Die! Did you ever even experience the broke life of a college student???!!!


[4]Don’t ask me. I have no idea what he means either.

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