My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 14

When the appointed time finally came before I realized, I nervously headed towards the building that was mentioned on the paper Akamine handed me. It was at the topmost floor. After I ascended using the elevator, I found her waiting outside.

“Good evening.”

“You’re a bit late. If you delay then you’re automatically out, so please be careful next time, alright?”

“Ah, I apologize. It’s my first time, so.”

“I shall look past it this time.”

That’s quite the attitude. It pisses me off, but I’ll hold it in for the sake of the capture.

“Yeah, yeah. And here, take it.”

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She walked forward to take the 1 million I presented, and when I surveyed her surroundings, what I found was a world for beasts. It could be said that it was a jungle where several naked men and women were piled up over one another in all directions.

“Hoho, this is what I meant when I said gender liberation. You can enjoy your partner to your heart’s content. You could also say it’s a paradise for men.”

Explaining so, she showed me around.

“Since it’s your first time, would you please come over here?”

As I followed her, I was led to a place having room doors on both sides. With not even a single room number attached, they simply plain ol’ doors. Encompassing an entire floor in such a large building for their needs, this was seriously on quite the scale. Excluding the VIP rooms at the furthest back, none of the rooms had any number plates. She guided me to the third room on the left and entered.[1]

And thus, she lay me on top of the bed and straddled me.

“Welcome to heaven.”

Saying so, she suddenly brought her face closer to mine. Am I about to do it with this woman? I have no idea what’s what in this situation anymore. However, right at that moment, I heard a voice that felt familiar.

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“Madam![2] They’re looking for you in the VIP room. Please leave matters here to me.”

As I raised my head, my eyes shot wide open. Astonishingly, the one before my eyes was the girl I met yesterday, Kusora Yurea.

“It seems something has come up, so please excuse me for now. I sincerely apologize. Instead, I shall leave your first time with this girl as your companion. Afterwards, please do whatever you want to any woman who piques your interest. Hoho.”

After that, she pulled Kusora Yurea’s hand and headed outside. Seems like they’re talking about something. Afterwards, Kusora Yurea headed back to my bed once again without any delay. Confirming that Akamine left, I asked her.

“Why are you here?”

“More importantly, why is Oji-san in a place like this? I was really surprised when I noticed it was you. It was quite difficult to make an excuse so I could come here, you know.”

Saying so, she closed the door and led me to the bed. And there, she continued on as she embraced me.

“The door can’t be locked, so it would be suspicious if someone suddenly entered. We need to pretend we’re doing something, so please lie down on the bed for the time being.”

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I was eternally baffled at her appearance in such a situation, but she had a point, so I obediently lay down on the bed for now. From what she said, it kind of felt she was here to save something.

“Oji-san, the representative said that you joined here today. How on earth did you get caught in that woman’s paws?”

“No! You’re wrong. Don’t misunderstand. I didn’t come here wanting to participate in an orgy. I had something to investigate, so…”

I naturally started to make excuses. I don’t know if she believed me, but she nodded after what I said and took out a capsule drug from underneath her dress.

“Well, in the end, since Oji-san didn’t do it with me yesterday, I’ll believe you. But it was about to turn into a serious situation just now, you know? Do you see this? Just a moment ago, when the representative brought me outside, she instructed me to make sure I made you take this…”

“What… is that?”

I asked her as I was thinking about how suspicious it was to suddenly take out a capsule, when she started explaining with a really serious expression.

“This is a drug completely different from the drugs that’s normally circulated around the world. Once this is taken, a normal man wouldn’t be able to act against her words.”

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And she told you to make me inject such a thing?

There are plenty of suspicious aspects about this, but does this mean that she had decided to make me blow my money from the very beginning?

Was it because the fact that I hid my referrer’s identity was a problem?

So it was the routine of where they let me in but didn’t trust me.

I wonder if it would’ve been possible to load back while not properly conscious due to the drug. Suddenly my head started to hurt. Thinking that such a woman even exists, I was seething with rage. As I thought continued to think about that, Kusora Yurea suddenly swallowed the drug. Startled, I raised my voice.

“Why did you—!”

“I’m fine. Although this is a drug, strangely enough, it doesn’t affect women.”

“Is that so?”

Translator: Angry Midget

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