My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 16

“Ara, Hasegawa-san. Welcome to the world of pleasure. Would you like to head outside and enjoy yourself with a woman that suits your tastes?”

I appropriately nodded to her words. Afterwards, as I was about to leave the room, I tried pouncing at her as if I was actually intoxicated by the drug. And then, as if I lost all my strength, dove onto the bed, making sure she clearly saw me faint in place.

“What, again? Either ways, there are plenty of such weak ones. Guess I’ll deal with it next time.”

Just as Kusora Yurea said, Akamine trotted out of the room, speaking as if this was all just a bother. After who knows how much time later, I persevered in staying fainted through the whole ordeal and once I rose my body and warily made my way out, a yakuza-looking man in a black suit showed up and opened his mouth. I wonder if the meeting was over, since there wasn’t really any noise coming here.


“You may take your leave. We will be contacting you through a phone call for the next meeting, so please look forward to it.”

Briefly nodding to his words, I exited the building.
Just what the heck was that.

Last time, exposing Sakurai’s secret was the capture condition.
If so, then this time would be Akamine’s secret?
Meaning, I’d have to reveal the truth related to this narcotic to the public?
Either that, or I am to sabotage their whole assembly.

When I checked the system panel, there weren’t any particular changes.
At the very least, it’s certain that the capture condition isn’t that I shouldn’t be investigating the essence of the social parties.
Comparing the difficulties, there’s no way it’d be that easy.

Rather, let’s just say I took on a mission that was too difficult.
She, who could utilize Kusora Yurea however she pleased.

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Furthermore, it was also true that I was boiling at the fact that she was one who would drug me.

Either way, being unable to turn back once you’ve set foot onto a mission was this game’s rule.
In that case, it’s something I have no other choice but to show it.
And for that, I need evidence.
Since the yakuza are also tied to this, brash actions are taboo.
Although, it’s alright if I acquire certain evidence with the help of the items’ powers.

For the time being, there was nothing else to do but to request Kusora Yurea for any kind of information she had. It was only a matter of time before the appointment at 7 AM would arrive. I got on the first departure of the bus and headed towards the stop where I first met her.

Confirming the time once I arrived, it was 7 AM. Seating myself onto the bus-stop bench, I calmed myself down in body and mind. As I was in the middle of that, I heard a voice calling out to me from my rear.


Her makeup was left just as it was last time, while her clothes were the only thing that was changed; to the parka she wore yesterday. As I turned back to look at her, she came to my side and sat down.


“Although I did try coming, I’m not really informed much about it.”

“That’s fine. At least compared to me, who doesn’t know a single thing, you’re probably aware of various things?”

“Hmm, could I be honest with you?”

“If so, then there’s no helping it… As expected, you’re that woman’s ally? Unlike last time.”

No matter how much I tried to act serious, she continued to stare fixedly at me and move her mouth.

“Just as I thought, you’re strange, Oji-san.”

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“How many times am I going to hear that?”

“It can’t be helped since you really are weird. Fufu.”

“Yeah yeah, I get that I’m weird, so can we go somewhere else and talk about this?”

“Ah yes, I’m sorry. I don’t really have that much time. I have something to take care of later, so let’s speak here.”


That’s what she said, taking a look at her watch. Since it couldn’t be helped, I started to inquire about anything that caught my attention. Firstly, the medicine.

“What is that medicine exactly? You said it was some kind of narcotics, right?”

“Even I don’t know the exact details. It should be fine if you take it once, but after a few more times, it’ll turn to a point where you won’t be able to spend the night peacefully without it, or something? At a glance, it seems like a narcotic that aggravates the male hormones, but even if you do a blood test, it won’t seem like any was taken.”

I’ve heard about the gist of it a while back too, but it really was a worthless drug. I’m fortunate that I didn’t get to take it. Although she said I’d be fine after a single ingestion, it still bothers me. Bastards.

“Then, what about that woman’s true identity?”

“She gathers members in a way that doesn’t make it seem profitable at first and makes them take the medicine, thus completely extorting them dry, then slowly turns people with some degree of social statuses into addicts and makes them obedient. One might even say it’s laughable how she curries favour with powerful politicians through services and solicitation, making them provide hefty commissions and what not. On top of having notorious yakuza backing her up, thanks to all the political and personal connections she’s getting through the medicine, she’s pretty much able to do whatever she wants.”

“I see. You mentioned they can’t be fought against, right? Can nobody slip past their radars?”

“Yes, after all, it’s a fact that I was partaking in prostitution. Having grasped onto that weakness, I was pretty much forced into participating in her business. And it’s not just me, but plenty of other women who had their weaknesses taken advantage of like so.”

So even after having your weakness exploited, she decided to help me out? Suddenly, my gratitude towards her doubled. Alongside crushing Akamine underneath my feet, I also wanted to set her free through this capture.

“Is that so. Perhaps, would you happen to know anything about the other women?”

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“Nothing… I’ve said this before, since I’m nothing but a mere ‘companion’, I can’t say anything further than this, nor do I want to…”

“I see…”

After taking another look at her watch, as if it was no longer possible for her to stay anymore, she stood up from her seat and bowed at me.

“I’m sorry. I’ll have to excuse myself.”

“Got it. Ah, right. Could you give me your phone number? You know, so I could contact you in case I need anything more.”


Although this was a game world, I unlocked the achievement of asking for a girl’s number for the first time. My heart thumped, thinking about her potential refusal. My objective was of course not for the sake of getting acquainted with her further, but even so, it was a fresh new feeling. However, she seemed to be troubled with her brows knitted like that. Sigh. She pretended to act kind and said she wouldn’t be able to give it to me.

“I… actually don’t have a cellphone…”

I unintentionally cracked up. She doesn’t have a cellphone? That was way too much of a lousy excuse.

“Would it be alright to give you my residential contact number instead?”

But then, a sudden plot twist occurred. She took out a memopad from her bag and started to scribble in a bunch of numbers, tearing it off and handing it to be after she was done. So she wasn’t actually refusing? She really didn’t carry a cellphone? Seeing her giving away her residential number without any hesitation made me flustered. I involuntarily received the page, after which she bowed and bid me farewell, leaving the place as if she was actually in a hurry.

“I shall take my leave.”

“Got it, take care. Is it alright to call here if anything happens?”

As I asked, pointing at the memo, she nodded in reply. And thus, she left the bus stop. When I looked at the memo, the name Kusora Yurea followed by a contact number written in incredibly pretty handwriting entered my eyes. I was still considerably happy even though I got this instead of her personal phone number. I was so engrossed in my own sea of emotions that I didn’t even register the people walking around me. And then, she, who had taken her leave, returned once again in bated breath. Did she need to come back for something on the way?

“Hmm? Did you forget something?”

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Catching her breath, she replied to my inquiry.


“I remembered something on the way. Recently, her opinions have been clashing with the yakuza boss. They’re fighting quite often these days.”

“For real? Thanks!! That’s really useful information!”

“And… Please don’t do anything dangerous. They’re legitimately terrifying people. In any way, that’s all. I’ll be taking my leave now.”

Leaving behind those words, she ran back in a hurry for real this time. So she ran back to the point of being out of breath just to tell me that bit of information? I keep receiving her kindness the more I get to know her. The more I unveil her, the more she seems to be the exact opposite of Akamine.

They were in discord. I’ll use that to my advantage and sabotage them in the process. If only they’d show a gap somewhere, it would be easy to defeat them. I might be able to get my hands on some kind of evidence that they leak to the cops thanks to their conflict. It’ll be a whole nother can of worms if it involves politicians though.

At any rate, the capture condition this time must be to crush these social parties. Nothing else comes to mind. I’m indeed a little scared since she’s got the yakuza backing her up, but I’m not in a situation where I can suddenly back off, so… If I did, I’d die.

Last time, it was a case of homicide. This time, it was the eradication of underground parties.
Quite the righteous game, I see.

For the time being, I returned home. Despite having slept a little while being collapsed at the party, I felt worn out. And just as I fell onto the bed, before I even realised it, the morning sunlight rained down on my eyes.

Although I slept till morning, to think that morning had already arrived. Startled, when I checked the time, it was 9 AM. Did I really sleep just this much? Checking the date, I saw that a day had passed.
Hahaha. I should have set an alarm before falling asleep. Looks like I overslept.

Anyways, my mission right now is to make Akamine’s parties crumble. Recalling the information Kusora Yurea gave me the day prior, it seems I have plenty of room for flexibility. My arsenal consists of the items, ‘Save’ and ‘Load’. I’ll have to utilize my loadout to their maximum potential.

Translator: Angry Midget


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