Chapter 17

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It was because of this that I had taken out all the business cards from Akamine’s purse. I searched for the ones that belonged to famous people I had seen on TV. Most of the cards that I checked were of entrepreneurs. And among them, a card that only had a name and contact number slapped onto it caught my attention. That was a name I was well used to coming across.

If someone ever met the person I’m thinking about right now, it would become a big deal on the internet.

Ahah! This was exactly the kind of person I was looking for! Oh, but I of course had no intention of contacting this politician. I only intended to make use of his face. Okay, so this is the plan. I have the ‘Morph Potion’. I’m going to transform into him and recommend myself to Akamine. If I do that, then I’ll receive different treatment. After all, I was already under the pretence that I had experience in dealing with drug trafficking.

According to Kusora Yurea’s information, the relationship between her and the yakuza behind her back was getting complicated. If so, then I have plenty of chances to make this work. If I turn into such a backer, then I bet they’d come after me. This guy is a renowned politician after all.


Although I brought along Akamine’s cards, her contact number remains in my call history. If I call this number again, then this Kimoto person will be receiving it as if she were the owner of the number, but I guess it should be fine if I let her convey it.

“Yes, hello?”

After a few moments of ringing, I heard the voice of a woman from the other end.

“This is Hasegawa speaking. I became a member just yesterday. Is it possible to… meet that same person from yesterday again?”

I was just about to mention ‘Akamine’ but immediately panicked and shut myself up that same moment. She never actually let me know her name. It’s obvious she’d think it’s suspicious that I’d know it without her even uttering it. That’s why I corrected myself with ‘the same person’.

“What would be your business?”

“That’s… the pill…”

Her voice grew cold after she heard my name, but as soon as I mentioned the pill, her tone turned cheerful.

“Is that so? Then please come by the same cafe that you were interviewed in at 11 AM.”

After saying that, the call was cut. Just what’s up with her conceited attitude despite being some call receptionist. Is it that since the superior is cheeky that even the subordinates are the same?


Of course this pisses me off. But I don’t have enough time. I’ll suppress my anger for the time being and head out.

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Putting the same suit from before back on, I left. Since I still had some time extra, I decided to walk till downtown. My head muddled with numerous complicated issues, as I tried to sort myself while walking, I arrived downtown before I realized it.

So it takes about 40 minutes, huh?

And thus, I got on the subway and headed for the cafe.

In order to carry out the plan properly, I checked out my ‘Owned Items’ before I reached my destination.

«Owned Items»
‹LV 2 Scouter›
‹Master Key›
‹Sleep Spray›
‹Morph Potion›

The ‘Morph Potion’ was what I intended to use. Firstly, I clicked ‘Save’. Just in case I fail, this should be a good point to do over from.

Doing so, I used the ‘Morph Potion’.

«Would you like to use Morph Potion?»

Clicking the message, a different window popped up above it.

«Please draw a clear image of the person you would like to transform into in your head.»


So it goes like this, huh. I recalled the face of the politician from the card I chose. I drew the image of his cunning face that carried his fake gentleness I saw from back in the elections in my head. And so, yet another different window appeared.

«Please think of the person you would like the masquerade to work on.»

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Of course it’ll be Akamine. I thought of the pure and innocent face that she had. That repulsive woman whose face was the only thing pure about her. Her face distinctly floated into my head.

«Transformation complete.»

Followed by that message appearing, when I tried looking at myself through the reflection on the glass window, I saw the same ol’ me having no particular change in appearance. If all is according to what the item details had said, then only Akamine should be able to see the appearance of said politician.

I have no room to doubt the item’s abilities. That’s why boldly strode up the stairs. As I continued to walk in a haughty demeanour, there in the cafe, was nobody else but the same person from the day prior.


I walked towards Akamine, sitting there with her natural demeanour of looking down on others, and crisply patted on her shoulder. Responding to the sudden call, she looked up at me. And of course, her clearly surprised expression lay bare before me. After all, projected into her eyes should be the famous politician that was the ringleader from the card in her purse.

She didn’t even consider getting her ass off the chair back when I showed up, but now, seeing me like this, she gracefully rose up from her seat and bowed down her head. She had immediately submitted herself to a state of powerlessness.

“W-Why would Sensei be here?”


Heh, seeing that even her manner of speech had regressed down to stammering, it made me find it quite comical. Carrying an expression that portrayed I had several issues, I haughtily sat myself down on the seat.

“Anyways, you sit down too.”

Concealing her expressions, she pulled back the chair and calmly sat down without making a single sound. First time I got to see her acting so courteous. The difference between her treatment from back then was as far as heaven and earth. She’s just a typical snake, a snake!

“You’re aware that I’m an incredibly busy person, right?”

“Yes, of course. That is why I’m always awaiting the day of your meeting. Have I perhaps… made a mistake?”


I see now. Looks like choosing this guy was indeed the best choice. Even if we part ways now, it seems that she won’t be contacting this Ariga person himself for confirmations for quite a while. Incidentally, politicians should be having some kind of cost for introducing others for personal connections. But now, it looks like the person I transformed into was so high up that the question of it arising itself became invalid, huh.

Ah well, that’s for the best. Because I won’t get caught anyway, I suppose.

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“Then, I’ll get straight to the point.”

“Yes, Sensei.”

“You know about the person named Hasegawa, correct?”


She made an obviously surprised face, but after blinking a few times, she quickly returned back to her poker face. Looks like her surprise was beyond control.

“It was actually me who recommended him. Since we had our hands in the same line of trade, I intended to have some synergy take effect. And despite this, it seems you even made him take the pills?”

“I-I-I sincerely apologize! I never even dreamed that Sensei was his referrer…”

Shocked beyond belief, she immediately bowed her head down, bending her torso over onto the table.


“There would be too many eyes directed at me if I took action directly. That’s why, although I dispatched him towards you…”

“I sincerely apologize! I’ll make sure I never make such a mistake ever again. I will also make sure to provide my utmost assistance to the person himself.”

Seeing Akamine in her current state with her head hung low, not even daring to look back up was an exhilarating feeling so my revenge against her has been successful, but I wasn’t really this powerful politician myself, so there wasn’t any point.

“Incidentally, what would you be referring to when you mentioned ‘same trade’…”

“Oi, since when have you learnt to talk back at me?”

“No, I sincerely apologize. Forgive me for being unable to realize my position.”

“Well, judging from the type of business you do, it’s related to drugs.”

“Is… Is that so… I get the feeling he did mention something similar, but… if he had at least mentioned his relation to Sensei, then…”

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Hearing her words, I purposely twitched my eyebrows and said with an angry expression.

“That’s obviously not something he can disclose so openly!”

“Please forgive me once again. I sincerely apologize!”

Akamine slammed her head on the table once again, making a grunting noise as she forced her mouth shut. Guess this much should be fine. If I stay here and keep talking, I might make a blunder and end up revealing myself. If she asked me about anything I wasn’t aware of, it’d be quite troublesome.

“Stay well, then. I’ll be taking my leave here. Hasegawa should be coming here any time soon, so you two should talk it out.”

“Yes, of course. Please rest assured. I’ll make sure to not treat him with any kind of disrespect.”

After hearing her say so, I stood up and headed towards the exit, followed by Akamine who seemed to be intending to send me off. Ah damn, now that’s gonna be a problem.

“There are eyes everywhere, so this much is fine.”

“Ah, yes. P-Please take care, Sensei!”

As I looked back at her after my exit, she faithfully followed my— no, the politician’s orders and returned to her original seat. With this, I guess it can be considered a success. Then, quickly slipping away from the cafe, I called upon my ‘Owned Items’, after which, clicking on the ‘Morph Potion’ resulted in a window appearing.

“Would you like to release Morph Spray? If you release it now then you won’t be able to use it again.”

Without a shred of hesitation, I clicked on it, making another window appear.

“Morph Spray has been released.”

I reflexively clenched my fist, yelling ‘Fight!’ and made my way back up the cafe once again. The part-timers at the cafe seeing me appear again gave me weird looks. Well it’s a given since the Morph Spray only affects a single individual. In the eyes of the part-timers it looked like the same person had come again.

I ignored those guys and simply carried myself over to where Akamine was.

Translator: Angry Midget

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