My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 18

“Good day.”

As I said so, Akamine looked up at me, gave a sweet smile and rose from her seat. This scene. If I was given that smile right from the beginning then I’d fall for her on the spot, but what I actually got was her receiving me in a manner that made it feel like she was making an investigation instead. Now that I know this was because of the politician appearing, as if I’d fall for her flattery at this point!

“Ah yes, Hasegawa-san! If you were related to that person, then you should’ve said something. I’ve been incredibly rude yesterday, so please excuse me.”

“Well, it’s fine. It wasn’t a big deal, so I’ll let it slide.”

“I’m really sorry. Moving on, I’ve heard that you’re also involved in trade business akin to my own.”

“Yes. I think I’ve mentioned this before, though.”

Hearing my words, she rubbed her hands together and made an apologetic expression.

“I’m sorry… Please don’t take it to heart, alright? Please appease your temper.”

And she made herself appear as pleasing as possible. Damn, that’s some terrifying charming ability. Even someone like me, who’s aware of everything, feels as though my chest is gonna burst, so how would other men respond? But of course, I held back my feelings and continued on with the plan.


“I understand. More importantly, why not consider working alongside our operations? This also aligns with that person’s will.”

“I’ve also heard about that, but… What would we be handling primarily?”

And thus starts the technical stuff. What product would we be handling? The hell if I know. I’m bewildered. At times like this, ambiguous answers are the way to go.

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“In general, pretty much everything. The drug you made me take yesterday is also one of the drugs I handle.”



Akamine asked me to repeat myself as she frowned at my words, but her countenance took a huge turn. Did I say something suspicious? Well, now that I think about it, I guess it is kind of strange that I took the drug even though I knew full well about it from my operations.

“Oh, but of course I was aware of the type of drug and secretly spat it out. I can’t have myself spilling Sensei’s name so I could slip away without issues.”

“Fufu, I see.”

Hearing my excuse, she smiled. Could this much be considered an adequate excuse?

“Then why not make a deal with me? But before that, I’d like to have a more detailed discussion, so would you mind us changing our location? At my building. Having a discussion both verbally… and physically. Well? Fufu.”

As expected, taking the politician’s support sped everything up. If I feed the yakuza relevant information and cause a misunderstanding after going along with her and completing the deal, they should start taking each other out. Since they were already in discord, this was a timely opportunity.

I don’t see anyone coming after me after it was disclosed to her that I have the backing of a big-shot. And as such, if I manage to acquire all the evidence I need amidst crossfire and disclose it into the news, the social parties should collapse. Fuhaha! A perfect plan, I must say.

Rather than defending her, if the secrets regarding the drug are exposed, the politicians I saw from her bag should all cut ties with her instead. Indeed, she’d be the scapegoat for my actions! Even if problems arise, the politicians that continued to trouble themselves would no longer be there. If so, then my revenge will be accomplished. And consequently, the capture of Akamine too.

All the trust I have was thanks to the powers of the politician I transformed into.

“Let’s do that, then.”


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I stood up from my seat. As I paid the bill, she left her seat to head to the washroom. And after a short while, the two of us made our way towards the building from yesterday. Her car was a high class imported one manufactured by B.
Once we arrived in the underground parking lot of said building, Akamine went ahead and got off before me. I followed suit.

“Let’s go.”


Faintly humming and singing, Akamine continued to walk through the parking lot. Well, she’s in a good mood. Is it because of me? Amusing girl. Keep enjoying this while you can. Your end is nigh.

As the two of us walked side by side, we reached the elevator. And at that moment, Akamine turned around and spoke.

“By the way, Hasegawa-san?”


Before I noticed, her expression had changed. Even ceasing to hum, her eyes sharpened, completely unlike her overall innocent appearance.

“Is anything the matter?”

“Hasegawa-san is familiar with handling my medicine, correct?”


“Yes, it’s similar…”

Answered her as though it was a matter of fact.

“You see, that drug is something I personally concocted myself, so there’s no way you would be familiar with handling them.”

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“Yes? T-That drug?”

I was astonished. Suddenly, the expression that portrayed I was saying something ridiculous from back when I first mentioned this ‘fact’ about the drug had resurfaced.


However, why did she keep quiet about it and only mention this now?
Something’s definitely wrong here.

— Vroooom

At that instant, a car came charging towards me at breakneck speed. No, by the time I processed it, I had already been run over by the car.

— Crack crack crack!!!

The sound of bones breaking.
And at the same time, I tumble across the ground, having been launched away by the car. And so, the car stopped. I was able to discern someone getting off of it. As I confirmed it amidst my blurring vision, Akamine’s figure came into view. Beside her, stood a man in a suit. And then, she approached me, crouched down, and raised my head by the chin.

“Hasegawa-san… you’re a hundred years too early to be probing at our underground business.”

Saying so, she dusted her hand off and stood back up. I couldn’t see much since my vision was blurry, but I managed to hear the voices of her having a conversation with that man.

“Just what’s up with that Sensei?”

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“I feel something suspicious going on. Recommending someone like this, does he plan on betraying? Even though so much money was put upon him, fuck, politicians are so…”

“Shigemichi-san, what shall we do about ‘him’?”


“Just bury him in some asphalt or something.”

That’s some terrifying conversation these two are having!

“Ara, I’d really like to see that happen. Fufu.”

And so, Akamine linked arms with him.

Even as I suffered through such pain and agony, she laughed. No wonder it felt like things were going smoothly. I thought I was being cautious but I had been considerably underestimating her. It was a mistake to talk about the drug without investigating it thoroughly. I tried to move my hand but my arm kept trembling, making it difficult to budge. Even so, using every ounce of the last bit of strength I had in order to hold onto my waning sliver of life, I clicked on the Load window.

«Would you like to load?»

“The hell is up with this guy?”

Right then, my hand was trampled on, making that side of me unusable. Seeing me in that state, Akamine scornfully laughed at me.

“Doesn’t it fill you with rapture when you see him struggle for his life? Let us leave the cleanup over here to your subordinates and leave. If I see a person die before me like this, I’d get too excited again.”

A voice of coquetry.
Her face filled with enrapture, Akamine involuntarily swung her waist. Hearing those words, I somehow managed to come back to my senses a little. The seething rage forced me to continue  breathing and hold onto my consciousness. Luck still on my side, the Load window hadn’t disappeared yet. I tried to move my other hand, but couldn’t muster the strength. As it shook and trembled with the incoherent control over my muscles, every so slowly, I somehow managed to graze the window with the slightest tip of my finger. And thus, my vision was filled with whiteness once again.

Translator: Angry Midget

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