My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 20

“What are you looking for there, sonny? I haven’t seen you around here before.”


When I turned towards the direction of the voice, I saw an old lady standing there. Wearing rubber boots, it seemed as though she was on her way to return back from working in the fields.

“There’s nobody living in that house anymore, so what would your business be?”

“Ah, excuse me. I actually came here to visit the person named Kimoto Ririsa. I was told she lived here.”

“Ririsa? She has long since passed away though?”

“What? She passed away?”

I was surprised to the point of getting a heart attack. If she’s dead, then who on earth is the one who accompanied me? A goddamn ghost?

“Aah, and after her death, both her parents also followed her to the afterlife… A very unfortunate bunch.”


Her parents too? I was so shocked that I was completely unable to suppress myself from shuddering. To think that her entire family just got up and left. Then who the hell is the Kimoto back in Tokyo? I felt like I had been bewitched by some kind of fox. That’s when it suddenly hit me. Just in case, thinking that it might be possible, I tried asking the lady about the other name. That oh-so accursed name.

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“In that case, do you happen to know anybody named Akemine Miyuki?”

“Akemine? Don’t ever utter the likes of that name before me!”

The old lady showed a clear sign of displeasure. I got the feeling that I was beginning to understand the gist of it. If someone who knew Kimoto also knew about Akemine then it’s possible that my conjecture was correct.

“Would it be alright to ask you a few things? I’m kind of a new reporter, you see, so I’ve come to investigate some matter regarding this Akemine individual.”


Of course it was a lie, but after giving me a once-over, she sighed and decided to speak, having nothing to hide in particular.

“I have no idea why Ririsa’s name would resurface again after all this time, if I’m able to be of service for the sake of that woman who’s still at large, then I’ll speak. Although both Ririsa and Akemine had lived together in this village ever since they were little, then were pretty divided and behind the eyes of the adults, Akemine would often bully her terribly. Moreover, it got worse once they entered high school, where she joined a group of delinquents and forced Ririsa to give her money. And then soon after, by those guys, Ririsa was… you know.”

“She was raped, wasn’t she?”

Although I already got the feeling that it was the case, I absolutely had to put it into words for absolute confirmation, to which lady nodded accordingly.

“Yes, indeed… But even so, Ririsa tried to live an earnest life after that. However, at the end of the day… you know. She just wanted to get over with high school as fast as possible, and in order to rid herself from Akemine, she sought employment far away in Tokyo. I’ve heard she raked up a good set of qualifications. But Akemine who also got to know about it got together with those guys again and wished to ceaselessly torment her. By making countless men… It terrifies me to even attempt to put into words. We got to know about it much later, since Ririsa never wanted us to see her in that state.”

The woman seemed to know Kimoto quite intimately, but… the shame and grief from it was correspondingly shown on her frown. And a moment later, her recital continued.

“And then… she jumped into the village reservoirs, thus passing away. Afterwards, from the police inspections, it was said that during the time of her death, there was a child in her belly. It’s possible that it’s because of this that she had a mental breakdown.”

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A devastating truth. But the old lady’s explanation had still yet to end. Seemingly having more to say, she continued on.

“Either way, it was quite noisy for an hour or so since a person had died, but since there wasn’t enough evidence, Akemine was released. It’s absurd, but that’s just how the world is. As a matter of fact, Akemine lost both her parents at a very young age and so was raised by her grandmother, but… it is also rumored whether she had been the one to kill her as well or not. In any case, following Ririsa’s death, what happened to her conscience, you ask? She fooled around even more girls and then escaped somewhere far away. But this time there since there were clear evidences, she was charged with murder and said that she won’t be able to slip away anymore, but strangely, we were never informed whether she was really captured or not. Please, I sincerely beg you to capture her somehow or another.”

“Ah… Thank you very much… for letting me know such a thing. I also wish that she’d be captured as soon as possible.”


“Oh dear! It’s already so late. I need to hurry.”

Recalling the errands she had to do, the lady briskly took off with those parting words. As I looked back at the deserted house, I could feel the knots open up. That woman had escaped to Tokyo after running away from here.

I had completely misread the situation. It’s not that her personality had become warped after being bullied but that her personality was fucked up to begin with, tormenting others as a hobby ever since she was a child. That too, to the point of killing others. Exactly like her current self!

If so, then that would mean their faces are alike even though they aren’t twins?

It’s possible she remodeled herself with plastic surgery… in order to avoid the police’s radar. Considering that she has yet to be captured, this was highly likely.

Since the entire family was dead, I wonder if she took advantage of that and took Kimoto Ririsa’s driver’s license in order to head over to Tokyo. Since she took all her qualifications, it wasn’t strange to take the driver’s license either. She was in need of employment after all.

In either case, it turns out that the scouter had indeed displayed her real name. Just because she got plastic surgery done, doesn’t mean she’ll be able to trick it.

Although the death statement was released, since she wouldn’t handle her business on the surface, she would face no problems in continuing to live on as Kimoto.

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For a while, I smiled before the deserted house. As I did so, I was suddenly hit with an idea on how to cook up Akemine. This is where the real counterattack starts. Any more failures are unforgivable.


As I returned to Tokyo, my revenge plot took a change.
And of course, the Morph Potion was an integral part of it.
However, I had no intention of turning into the politician.

«LV 2 Scouter: 150,000 ¥»
«Sleep Spray: 250,000 ¥»
«Master Key: 600,000 ¥ »
«Camera: 100,000 ¥ »
«Sleep Spray: 1,000,000 ¥ »
«Telescope: 700,000 ¥ »
«Stopwatch: 30,000,000 ¥ »
«Imported Car: 50,000,000 ¥ »
«Domestic Car: 8,000,000 ¥ »

Before, when I took a look at the items’ descriptions, the Morph Potion didn’t seem to have any usage limitations. However, it was a single-use item for 100,000 ¥. Meaning, it’s the same as actually having a limitation. However, I can’t avoid anything at this point. Without any hesitation, I chose to repurchase it.

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«Would you like to purchase the Morph Potion?»

I clicked on the window. And so, just as before, I arrived at Akemine’s apartment once again. It was already the time of dawn. I used the Master Key at the entrance, got on the elevator and used the Master Key once again on the door to her residence.


I entered her home in secret. Since it was the time of dawn, she must still be sleeping. As I entered the living room, there was nobody around. Carefully, I opened the room to her bedroom, where I saw Akemine lying asleep. Rather, I bet she’s sleeping after an entire day of killing people since daybreak. Of course, that’s something from before loading back.

Either way, I closed the door to her bedroom and went to the living room once again. Heading into the room that had the desk, I took Kimoto’s diary. In order to look at the picture slid inside it. There, Kimoto stood in the photo with a frightened expression.

At first, I thought it was Akemine herself, but rather than her, it was Kimoto who had died. It’s possible that one of the girls in this picture is what Akemine actually looked like before the plastic surgery.

It’s not certain, but my conjecture would be that this person placing her hand on Kimoto’s shoulder with a smile on her face might be her. Her smiling face gave off the same feeling of being forced as she gave me from back in the cafe. If my conjecture is right, then her skeletal structure was indeed similar to Kimoto. If so, the plastic surgery wouldn’t be that big of a deal to undergo.

The reason for why I had taken the photo out once again was to observe every minute detail of Kimoto’s facial expression. Of course, as Akemine’s face floated into my head, it certaily did look like Kimoto’s, but it wasn’t as distinct or vivid. It was necessary for me to get as close to her youthful appearance from around the time of her death as possible. It won’t do if it’s not exactly the same as her face from that time.

I had already confirmed that this house didn’t have any other photos. Perhaps, Akemine herself wasn’t really fond of taking pictures herself. And also, she must’ve gotten rid of all the other photos from her past. As such, this single remaining piece of photograph had an incredibly important role to play at this moment. I wonder why she never got rid of this particular photo.

Maybe, she took the diary in order to make her impersonation of Kimoto as real as possible, but in that gap, never noticed the existence of this photo. That’s probably the right way to go about it.

Translator: Angry Midget

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