My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 21

«Would you like to use the Morph Potion?»

Anyway, as I looked at the photo and formed the image of her in my head, I resolved myself to use the ‘Morph Potion’ and clicked on the window.

«Please draw a clear image of the person you would like to transform into in your head.»

Since I had the photo right in my hand, there were no issues. I drew the image of the face in the picture in my head, down to even her garments.

«Please think of the person you would like the masquerade to work on.»

That’s easy. After all, the target and the subject both have the same face.

«Transformation complete.»

Clicking the final window, I slid the photo back in its place in the diary and retreated back. As I was about to exit the room, countless cardboard boxes entered my vision. I didn’t bother opening them last time, thinking it wasn’t important, but now my curiosity was piqued anew.

I wonder what she’s keeping stored here. Her being someone involved in countless crimes till now, considering that makes me think there must be something or another inside these. Since the Morph Potion didn’t even have a time limit, I thought why not, so I tried checking out the topmost box nearby. But there was nothing strange in particular. There were several books crammed in. Moving on, I opened another one. There was a bunch of junk organized in it. Was it all seriously simply her belongings?


But even then, I somehow mustered up my willpower and continued to check on one box after another once I moved away the topmost one. I don’t know whether my patience was high or not, but once I reached the middle box, I discovered a safe. The size of the boxes piled up behind the desk were just as big as the ones used for changed residences. The safe was a fourth of that size. I thought of opening it was sealed shut. No matter how I saw it, it felt like it held some pretty important stuff. When I tried shaking it, the sound of gold… did not greet my ears.

Since the ‘Morph Spray’ is currently in use, I can’t use the ‘Master Key’. Thinking that I’d take it back later, I kept it atop the desk. Then I thought of directly going back to the bedroom, but I suddenly had a different idea. No matter how bold of a woman she was, if the girl she killed came back to haunt her as a ghost, there’s no way she shouldn’t be afraid. Even if she was an emotionless psychopath, it was a situation where she couldn’t help but be surprised. And now, what if the ghost also wanted to come kill you? Of course, it would be even more effective.

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I headed to the kitchen and searched for a murder weapon. And very quickly, I discover a variety of kitchen knives amongst her cutlery. I grabbed the largest in the collection. And of course, it goes to say that I didn’t really have any intention to kill her. There’s a chance that murder would trigger legal action, so I only intended to scare her.

There’s no way a person who wouldn’t shudder in fright after seeing a ghost standing beside their bed with a large knife in their hands as soon as they open their eyes exists.

Opening the door to her bedroom, I quietly entered. I gave her, who was sleeping in her underwear, cheek a tight slap to wake her up. And immediately after, I deftly made my way near her bed, making the most ominous face could as I held the kitchen knife and stood steady.



Having her cheek slapped, her eyes slightly opened. Her face probably stings. I kind of unintentionally ended up mustering all my strength in that after all. As expected, Akemine rubbed her cheek and sat up from her bed with a dubious expression. She rubbed her eyes as she struggled to open them.


I slowly called out her real name in order to make her face my way. And accordingly, her face immediately shot towards me.

“Who is it!”

She got startled and shot up from her bed. However, she still seemed to have trouble comprehending that someone was standing right here. I wonder if she can’t discern my face since the lights aren’t on.


Calling out to her once again, I quickly moved the curtains away, letting the moonlight rain down on me. Now she should be able to recognize Kimoto’s face before her.

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“Y-Y-Y-You should’ve been dead!”



Purposely stretching my words in one continuous pauseless stream, I brandished the knife as an act of threatening her. As the moonlight reflected off its metallic and sharp edge and entered my eyes, even I shuddered from it.

“S-S-Stop fucking around! G-G-Get away from me…!”

Repeatedly flailing arms around in front of her, Akemine ran away from her bed. And just as she was about to leave the room, her legs got caught in between, making her fall.


I kept repeating her name again and again to instill more fear. Finally lifting herself back up, she slowly drew back. Her facial expression was just as contorted as you’d expect. A completely unbelievable countenance lay bare before me.

“A dream?”

Trembling in place, she pinched her own cheek. But all she received was pain. Of course, since this wasn’t a dream. After experiencing the stinging sensation of pinching her cheeks on her own, she yelled in agony.

“Get away from me! Just where does a dead bitch like you think you’re in!”

Even as she said so, she continued to slowly draw backwards, unceasingly trembling. And then, as I grasped the knife in my hands, without saying a single word, I broke into a sprint towards her.

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And just like that, Akemine turned around and started running. Flying through her entranceway, she dashed out of her house in her underwear. That’s just how much she was in panic. And of course I pursued her. I intended to scare her to the point of reaching the police. Just her fingerprints alone should be enough for them to reach the conclusion of the female murderer that ran away.

Akemine repeatedly mashed the elevator button. But seeing as to how it was descending from the 21ˢᵗ floor at its own steady pace, she gave up and ran down the stairs. And of course, I continued to run behind her.

Lengthening the syllables, I called out her name single-mindedly. As she descended down, she lost her footing at one point and tumbled down. At the end of it, her body was curled up and quivering.

“This is a nightmare! This has to be…”

Saying so, her panties proceeded to become completely drenched. Spurts of urine continued to leak out of her. The floor she had fallen onto had now been flooded… with her filthy piss. Then, from the top of the stairway, I jumped down. Akemine being utterly terrified at that scene, continued to fall down the stairs as she continued to wet herself. The impacts ultimately made her limp. If I really intended to catch her, I easily could have done with at the speed she was trying to escape me, but I kind of wanted to make her fear me more so I ended up taking my sweet time following her around.


Even with the elevator coming down, Akemine ran towards the parking lot. The figure of her running in her underwear was incredibly gruesome. No matter how someone looked at her, they’d think she had gone crazy. Not gonna lie, that kinda made me feel refreshed.

Although she’s the same person who killed me, the terror that lay bare was more than what I anticipated. Soon enough, I also arrived at the parking lot, the trail of urine leading me towards her.

“Don’t come. I’m… I’m not even on drugs… Why… Just why! Why am I able to see a dead person? Why the fuck is this happening!”

However, a completely unexpected scenario unfolded. In order to run away from me, she only faced forward without paying attention to her surroundings, resulting in a parking car running over her. It was barely dawn so the driver couldn’t make out what was in front of him either. Since it entered the parking lot without even stopping, it was travelling at a considerable speed. At the same time as the sound of the brakes being stepped on all of a sudden reverberated throughout the area, Akemine was flung ahead. And finally, after a tumbling a few times, she collapsed, sprawling onto the parking lot floor.

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Startled, I ran towards her. Ironically enough, her current state was quite the same as mine before I loaded back. You reap what you sow, was what I thought. In the end, evil deeds will be judged accordingly. However, Akemine struggled up in that same state and continued to stagger away again. All for the sake of going as far away as possible from me who had gotten closer to her. 

“Get… Get away from me! Get away — Don’t come near me! You really think a bitch like you is capable of killing the likes of me…? Geho-gehoh!”

Spouting and shouting all that at me, she turned back around again and limped forward, resuming her escape from me once again. What immense willpower! The driver had dashed out for her out of concern, but now he pretended to not even have seen her. Even after leaving through the apartment entrance and reaching the sidewalk, she continued on to cross the road. Thinking it was about time I ended this charade and seriously catch her, I picked up my speed and started running. However, that ended up having adverse effects.

As she screamed at the top of lungs on her own and broke into a sprint to cross the road, as if there was some kind of universal compelling force[1] in action, in these early morning hours, a large truck suddenly appeared and came speeding in and crashed into her. Akemine’s body was blown off straight up into the sky, flying dozens of meters ahead, and finally falling splat onto the ground.

I tried confirming the situation that sprung up. Her body twitched and blood poured out her mouth. And even in that state, she muttered something again.

“Sa… Save me… I… I don’t… want to die…”


“Don’t screw with me. What about the people you’ve killed?”

“Sh-Shud up… N-No… I was wrong…… That’s why, please… Save me… Uuuu…”

Thus saying so, Akemine reached out her arm towards me. However, that arm very quickly lost its strength and languidly dangled. And finally, her body was no longer able to move anymore. Once I tried confirming her breath, she had already died.

Compared to the countless evil deeds she had done, I felt that her end had been all too quick. Moreover, having been run over twice consecutively… that really was quite the compelling force.[2]

However, what was particularly pitiful was that I strangely didn’t think she had died for my sake. Not just me, but who knows how many people that stood in her path had been run over by her. And now she herself also faced the same fate. I can’t call this anything other than retribution. It was exhilarating to chase her around, but all those feelings had suddenly died down. I kind of wanted to personally inflict pain upon her through numerous other evil acts, slowly taking my time in making her regret everything she had done. Man, if she just up and dies so suddenly, then everything is all over, isn’t it?

Translator: Angry Midget

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