My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 22

After watching the final moments for a short while with an uninterested look, I stepped away from the scene, shaking my head. I could hear the sound of sirens from a distance. Returning to her abode, I put the knife back in its place. And finally, taking the safe I had kept on the desk, I returned back home. Sure enough, just what kind of things would that crazy woman be hiding in such a safe… money?

A safe that was thoroughly locked up by that Akemine. It has to be something as important as money and the like. Thus, I opened it up using the ‘Master Key’. What lay inside were a bunch of documents and envelopes. Checking out the documents, I found out that there were a list of names of the members of the social parties. And there was also a collection of documents and proof regarding the involvement of the yakuza. I guess this is what one might call a bombshell being dropped. Seems like she was preparing countermeasures just in case her relationship with them really did turn sour at some point.

These are the perfect materials for getting the yakuza that sponsored the social parties arrested. It’s just… although the documents regarding the party members were exactly what seemed to be — a list of names, the names of powerful people that she had connections with as a means of getting funding were not among them. Of course, including the politician I had transformed into.

Either way, as I thought about how politicians would easily be able to slip away at a moment’s notice, I took out the documents that were kept inside the envelopes besides ones prior.

There, the information about the drug Akemine herself had concocted was written. Even if it could be something impossible from people higher up, they were documents that she and the yakuza would be able to settle scores with.

If so, then there’s no helping it if it takes some more time. It was about 8 AM so, utilizing the post office, I sent various copies to the broadcasting stations, police stations, newspaper companies, and also just in case, famous magazine publishers. It was a pain in the ass to send one copy at a time, but since I couldn’t use my computer, there weren’t any other methods available.

With this, the bribable politicians should all be forced to hush up and retract back, pinning the blame onto their subordinates for the transgressions. Recalling all the dramas I had watched in the past of similar genre, I returned back home.

Anyhow, there’s no way for my existence to be leaked. The game always guards me when it comes to actions pertaining to a capture. I have that conviction… that at the very least, that would be the case for actions others than murder, rape and similar such foulplay that would settle things too easily.

Either way, with this, Kusora will no longer have to be bossed around by her.


With the sudden spark of joy awakening within me, as I was about to close up the safe in order to throw it away, I noticed a single memo pad placed within it. As I took the memo pad, that was placed underneath all the documents thus making it hard for me to notice it at first, out onto my hand, I found something written in someone’s actual handwriting.

Looks like some kind of organization chart that’s drawn up on it.

『Advocators of the underworld // Government funds…

Ebihara Masuji / Itorai Shizuka / Sawabe Juushuu

Takashi Kai – And me』 [1]

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The entire thing was written right there for me. That is… the memo that Akemine herself had prepared. And on top, were the names of various different politicians. Names that were not on the membership registry. It even had the name of the one I transformed into on it.

No matter superpower Akemine was, she was unable to gather evidence behind all of these people. As I scanned over it for any possible minute details, I noticed something written down above the names of the politicians but had traces of being erased. Thinking about it a little, it felt kinda unnatural. Something written down in pencil but later erased. I could but at the same time could not see it, so I tried to gently smear it over with a pencil, having it placed atop my desk. And thus, the erased characters were once again visible. No sooner than having my eyes land on it, I ended up dropping the memo pad from my hand. I was too overwhelmed with shock.

The name that was written above bigshot politicians.
Because that name was…

Kusora Yurea.

— A few days ago.

On the day when Hasegawa was appointed to be a member of the social parties.
1 hour before the opening of the party.

A single woman accompanied by bodyguards appeared at the top floor of the building. And Akemine, as soon as she took notice of this, scampered hurriedly towards the scene.

“For you to have all the way here, is there something the matter?”

“I’m bored. So I thought of coming over to take a look at the faces of men who have lost all reason and drowned into madness.”

“Is that so… Of course, please help yourself.”


Fidgeting along the way, Akemine guided her to the VIP room. However, the woman shook off her hand.

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“Not that place. I’ll be playing around outside of the room.”

“Yes? That’s…?”

The woman made a strained smile at the puzzled Akemine.

“Would you care to dress me up as a woman intending to fool around with men? More appropriately, because  I plan to stroll around the place and enjoy myself.”

“I’m afraid I can’t let that pass. If the men misunderstand something and come assaulting you, then what do you plan to…”

At those words, bodyguards standing behind her immediately pointed their guns at her. As if she was saying that she had no need to worry about such a thing.

“I see you like to talk, woman. Aren’t you getting quite ahead of yourself these days?”

“I sincerely apologize!”

Akemine’s skin turned pale as she bowed down.


“Kimoto-san, I’m incredibly bored. May I wash it off here for a bit?”

The woman made a gesture with her hands as if to tell her to raise her head as she said so.

“That’s… If you could give me a bit more…”

Akemine could not answer her. That was because she had absolutely no idea what was going through this woman’s head.

“Lend me some clothes. A dress that’s similar to the one you’re wearing.”


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As she said so, she tossed off the worn out parka that she had been wearing till then. Her hair unkempt with the traces of a hat being worn, no matter who looked at her, they’d think of her attire as really shabby. Even so, her beauty could not be hidden.

“Could you also set my hair? I feel like this kind of appearance isn’t appropriate for a place like this.”

“Ah, yes! Please come here.”

Afterwards, Akemine guided her to the room where all the girls that would keep the men company were gathered with prudence. And after 1 hour, the party commenced. Appropriately dressed up for the occasion, she walked around the entire top floor to her heart’s content, checking out the faces of those beastly men as if she was sightseeing.

However, her visage was very quickly drained of all its curiosity.

“How dull…”

As she muttered those words as if that was her catchphrase, there was a sudden spark of curiosity in her eyes. The face of a single man that was being guided by Akemine came into view. A face that she was aware of. And immediately, she tailed her, finally uttering the words at her who sat over the man as though riding a horse.

“Madam! They’re looking for you in the VIP room. Please leave matters here to me.”

With those words, she grabbed the puzzled Akemine’s arm and dragged her out of the room. Once out of the room, with her arm still being grasped, she said…

“W-What happened? To want to keep a man like that company…”


“Hmm? It piqued my interest a bit. Is that a no?”

“N-No. But incidentally, is he someone you know…?”

“No, not particularly.”

Saying so, she held out her hand. Akemine made an inquisitive expression, causing her to speak with an irritated face.

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“The drug? You intended to make him have it in the end, didn’t you? I’ll make him take it.”

“Eh? Really? Then is he really not someone you know…?”

“That’s what I said!”

Relaxing her dubious expression a little, Akemine placed the drug on her hand.

“Come back after about 10 minutes later.”

“I understand.”

“That’s right, once you return, I think… you’ll probably see me stripped naked, so I want you to make me wear them back with my scar as an excuse.”


“Just do as I say!”

“I understand.”

She had no idea what she was planning to do, but it was impossible for her to disobey her. Slightly bowing, she parted ways and left the room’s vicinity.

“What a dull woman…”

Facing the retreating Akemine, she shook her head in disappointment and returned to the room where the man lay once again.

Translator: Angry Midget

[1] These four names didn’t have any furigana on them, so I was at the mercy of dictionaries and intuition. Their actual names might be something different, so if you happen to know them, please let me know.

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