My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 25

The darkness of night loomed heavier in the streets. And amidst such darkness, I continued to walk. The drifting clouds covered up the moonlight being cast down from the night sky like that of thin curtains, thus darkening the desolate night even more.

By the time I woke up, it was already the dead of the night. Judging from how deeply I slept, it serves to show just how fatigued I was in both mind and body.

Thus night had fallen. The cramped room in which I lived, being unable to even turn on my computer, I could feel nothing but solitude. Unable to bear it, I decided to go for a walk. 2 o’clock at night. For the common folk, this was a time where one would already be drifting in their dreams. Thanks to that, the night streets were dead quiet.

I wonder if I can even expect to find a capture target like this. I won’t hold any high expectations, since there wouldn’t really be that many women walking around the streets in such a dark night. As I walked and walked, I caught a glimpse of a light from somewhere. Whoa, a food cart. To think there’d be a food cart running at such quiet hours. Would this even be good for business, I wonder. Come to think of it, I’m kinda hungry. It’s really rare to find a stall open at such a time.

As I made my way straight towards it, I heard a voice call out.


Nodding slightly to the keeper as a greeting, I sat on an empty seat. More like, I was the only customer here. The cart being on the smaller side, it would be easy to move around. I wonder if it was specially made in order to avoid authorities and serve around in different places. As bubbling sound and the steam carrying the fragrance of the oden wafted into my ears and nostrils, my hunger was further aggravated. 

“One bowl of ramen, please.”

The menu was a simple and classic assortment of ramen, yakitori and oden.
And among them, I ordered myself my favorite.


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“Right away.”

The keeper oba-san[1] replied with a bright smile. And before long, the ramen was placed before my eyes.

“Thank you for your patience.”

I got a naturally pleasant feeling from the lady’s gentle appearance and delicious dish. I wonder if it’s thanks to my improved Charm points. Till now, I’ve never had someone treat me in such a fresh manner no matter where I went. Whether it was a convenience store or a restaurant, an oba-san or a young woman, they’ve always been the same.

Now that I think about it, ironically enough, the only woman who has seen me inside and out is Kusora. Besides my mother, of course.


Ever since the very first time I met her, Kusora Yurea has never been someone to judge someone based on their looks. Even when she was out pretending to engage in prostitution, she had, as a matter of fact, judged me not based on my outward appearance. When it comes to her, the criteria upon which she bases her judgement on would be how interesting, or uninteresting beyond saving that person is.

Completely different from how a normal person would think.
If she ever wanted to obtain something, whether it was a well-sculpted handsome man, or a muscle-bound model-like macho man, she’d be able to obtain any number of them with ease. That was why outer looks were completely meaningless to her.

Wait, why am I thinking about her again? As I shook my head to get rid of all the various random thoughts that kept popping into my mind, I accidentally ended up knocking my ramen bowl with my elbow and spilling all of it onto the floor. Ah, shit. This is all her fault! What a good-for-nothing! With that, the Oba-san hurriedly rushed to the scene. I don’t know, but her prior gentle expression suddenly seemed to have gone on vacation as her face turned incredibly rugged and stern. Isn’t that a bit too much for simply wasting a single bowl of ramen by mistake?

When I tried to lend a hand in cleaning it, she swatted my palm away and refused.

“Ah, I’m sorry, but could I get another bowl? Of course, I’ll properly pay for the portion I spilled too.”

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Unlike her prior gentleness, she replied really unsociably this time with a simple nod as she swept up the spilled ramen and returned. The change was so night and day that I couldn’t help but tilt my head in confusion, during which another customer entered.

A woman carrying a long cane. Jet-black hair that was let down just below her shoulders. Her attire too was similarly black. Somewhat dark skinny jeans and a black tee. At a glance, she appeared as though she was coated in a black substance.

With this, she would completely blend into the night, making her difficult to spot in the darkness. Even the sneakers she put on were black. Just how much would one have to love black to cover oneself in their entirety in it?

Her looks were a complete beauty. It seems as though I’ve been encountering quite a number of beauties lately. Truly an oriental beauty. It suddenly piqued my curiosity, so I decided to take a peek with the scouter.

«Would you like to use the LV 3 Scouter?»



Higami Miyuna[2]
Age: 27 years
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Solver[3]
Capture Difficulty: C
Residence: Tokyo ○○ ○○
Phone Number: Inaccessible at current level

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Capture Information: Fatally risky is approached leisurely. But surprisingly a very simple woman? It’s also a hobby for her to loiter around in the night streets while undertaking a job. Suffers delusions when it comes to men about 1 to 2 years younger than her. Appeal to her using this factor, if you decide to approach her.
Affection Points: 0

Someone with capture information popping up. Am I lucky to be able to find a capture target so easily like this? That too at such late hours. However, I can’t understand a bit of what the capture information is supposed to mean. But since I’m already appropriately younger than her, do I tick all the boxes?

Leaving that aside, the oba-san seemed to have frowned again the moment she showed up, after which she brought the remade ramen over. Since she placed it curtly, a bit of the soup ended up splashing out. A complete 180 from her pleasantly smiling face from last time. That’s really a bit too extreme for simply spilling it once. Although I wasn’t able to comprehend her thought processes, the ramen was still quite delicious. A broth that tenderly quelled my hunger away, it was indeed magnificent.

As I frantically slurped up my food, I could hear the voice of the girl sitting on the table behind me order a plate of yakitori. Afterwards we had a few moments of peace and quiet. Amidst the quiet food cart, only the sound me slurping my ramen resounded, followed by her commencing her meal as well. As stealthily took a peek at her with a sidelong glance, I found the yakitori gone in a flash.

Suddenly, she stood up from her seat. Seems like she’s done chowing down. So far, having already finished the noodles, I had been taking my sweet time sipping the broth as I awaited my chance, and finally, now was the time to strike. I immediately started to tail her, clicking save in the vicinity as well.

However, she very quickly vanished from my field of view. I couldn’t find a single trace of her. This must be thanks to those black clothes of hers. No wait, this isn’t the time to marvel at her. Deftly, I equipped myself with the ‘Glasses’.

It was an item that makes my field of view light up like daytime even if it was as dark as the night. I never imagined I’d be using it to tail someone, but it was the perfect time to make use of this guy. After blinking consecutively, its effects activated. And after I kept my eyes closed for a relatively long time, the vision returned to that of the original darkness.

Having gotten the gist of how it’s used, I immediately commenced my pursuit. Although it wasn’t really as aggressive as a ‘pursuit’. A simple ‘trailing’ would be more appropriate.

With the item activated, I could finally spot her clearly a good distance away. Carefully, I proceeded to follow along. And after seemingly walking straight forwards for a while, she suddenly took a turn and disappeared into an alleyway. I panicked and rushed in as well, to my surprise, there wasn’t anybody there. There was a concrete wall in my way, or in other words, a dead end. It was right then that I got a sudden sense of discomfort surge up my body.


« Choice 1: Look around the alleyway a bit more. »
« Choice 2: Leave the alleyway. »

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By now, I had even grown accustomed to this kind of situation. For now, I went with the second option. I also kinda get the feeling that she wasn’t really in this alleyway. It was dark so it’s possible I was mistaken somewhere. Wait, I had the glasses on that time, so then, why? Either way, it didn’t seem like she was there, so might as well try leaving. Once my body regained its freedom after making my choice, even after feeling around other nearby alleyways, her whereabouts were nowhere to be found. 

An odd feeling. So… it wasn’t really a mistake. No matter how I look at it, she disappeared in the same alleyway as where the choices appeared. There’s no way the choices would show up for no reason. I gave it a go once again. I checked the alleyway I entered the first time. But as expected, there was nobody. My only company was the moonlight beaming down on me.

Not only that, but the choices didn’t appear again either. In that case, I have no choice but to walk away. It can’t be helped. I drearily loaded back, after which I made sure to follow her quickly this time, hurriedly entering the same alleyway as soon as she slipped in.

« Choice 1: Look around the alleyway a bit more. »
« Choice 2: Leave the alleyway. »


Translator: Angry Midget

Hmm, well that’s new. I’m sure I recall the manga correctly, where he’s actually stabbed by… ‘someone’ before the second time the choices appear. Guess it’s either a retcon or we’ll get to see in the next chapter.

But never mind that, because… BEST GIRL IS HERE! YOSHAAA!!!

[1]Aunty or any middle-aged woman.

[2]Apparently it can both be pronounced Higami and also Hikami. The furigana here says Higami, so I’ll keep it at that for now. This might change in the future chapters.

[3]解決師 (Kaiketsushi): Literally meaning settlement (kaiketsu) such as, a deal, and someone in that ‘X’ field of expertise (shi). Basically, someone who settles or solves stuff. Idk how common this term is since it felt pretty unorthodox to me, so I left it here just in case.

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