My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 26

Fuhaha, shit. You made me waste 500,000 ¥ for nothing. Complaining all on my own, I chose the first option this time. And following the words in the option, I went further in. However, there was nothing to be seen. This giant wall was the only thing in this alleyway. Getting irritated, just when I thought of turning back and heading out, a sharp pain rushed up my back

I instinctively screamed and collapsed right there. The sensation of death came over me. The same as when I got run over by the car. A sensation of my back completely burning up. It seemed as though I was about to lose consciousness. I wanted to take a look behind me, but I didn’t have the luxury to take that chance. I mustered every ounce of my adrenaline induced strength to trigger the ‘Load’ screen and unhesitantly clicked on the terminal. What followed was the ever so familiar transformation into the white world.

This was already the second time I loaded in such a short time.


Recalling the feeling of getting stabbed in the back, I took deep breaths and regained my composure. There was no more pain. But the feeling remained vividly engraved into my brain.

What the hell is this?
Are both the choices wrong?

After having loaded back, as I tried to endure the remaining painful sensation, she had already disappeared from sight. Was she intending to enter the same alleyway from last time? I would’ve tried heading there as well, but I had already lost sight of her. I have no idea what’s going on anymore!

However, at that moment…
A pain rushed up my back again. An even more intense pain from last time.

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A kitchen knife. This was most definitely a kitchen knife. A slightly larger variant from regular home knives had tore into my abdomen.

The pain… was beyond my imagination. I felt like I would faint right then and there. Literally every inch of my body was screaming death out to me.


With a quivering hand, I summoned the ‘Load’ screen again. Willing myself to stay alive before my consciousness went somewhere far away, I clicked it. I was unable to see the perpetrator this time as well. If I bothered doing that, I’d have lost strength in my arm and become unable to click the terminal, leaving me in the embrace of an eternal slumber.

With that said, the load point this time was before the cart as well.
Ugh, I’m so done with this shit. The hell is up with this infinite loop! It’s as if I fell into an endless labyrinth of death!
I wonder if I really did accidentally enter such a place.
This was indeed, most definitely a labyrinth of the night streets.[1]

Anyways, I started running again. But this time, earnestly keeping an eye out for my surroundings.
The alleyway came into view in no time.
Yeah, this was definitely the same dimly lit place where I got stabbed by something sharp as I stood still. I wasn’t bothering much with my surroundings at the time. That’s why, this time, I made sure to stay alert in all four directions. I even used the glasses again.

But nevertheless, there was no sign of any other existence around me.

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Hmm, let’s try backing up a bit here. The first time the choices came up was when I immediately started to chase her.
And then I loaded back.
And after that, thanks to a wrong choice, I got stabbed in the back.
And then I loaded back again.
And at the time, thanks to almost falling unconscious due to the pain of getting stabbed before I loaded, I was already too late in chasing after her. Without thinking much about it, as I pondered on various stuff and made my way to the alley again, I got stabbed by something like a kitchen knife.


I wonder if there’s something special about this time difference in time between the events.

The first death was in the alleyway.
The second was right in front of it.

Doubts tingled my spine, together with the cold than down it. Just where exactly was I stepping on what kinds of flags? Did I unintentionally trap myself from all sides with death flags? A situation where I didn’t die on its own was the lucky route. If I get my head sliced off, then it would be a bad end then and there. Or should I say… a ‘dead’ end?

The second time was incredibly painful. I don’t ever want to experience that again. The sensation from that time can’t be described with mere words. In particular, the pain from having such a tool plunge into you is unimaginable. Even now, my head is throbbing from it. This is too cruel. But no matter how I felt, I kept on walking ahead again. That’s because if I stay still for too long, something would definitely end up happening.

As I did so, I finally came across the alleyway again. The alley where I got stabbed, and also where the choices appeared. Whatever the case, this is where that woman disappeared into. The secret definitely lies somewhere here. But even so, both of the choices were a miss.

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And then, it was time. Just as I set foot into the alley just a little bit, the choices appeared. However, among the choices that had all too gotten used to seeing, an additional option sprung up.

« Choice 1: Look around the alleyway a bit more. »
« Choice 2: Leave the alleyway. »
« Choice 3: Look up. »

A third choice had strangely appeared.

Is this where the correct option finally appears after having overcome death? But what if this was a trap as well? Yeah, I bet there aren’t any correct ones anyway. But that doesn’t mean I’d pick the same options again after failing with them already. If I do, I’d be going around the infinite loop again. That’s why I decided to go for option 3.

Just as the choice stated, I looked up. The moonlight illuminated the dark night streets. As the drifting clouds moved away, the moon became clearer. And it was exactly then when I discovered the woman standing atop the wall, glaring down at me. Even though she wasn’t before. But of course, it’s only to be expected that I’d notice her if I simply looked up. I’m not that big of an idiot.


It was exactly now that she suddenly got on top of the wall and stood glaring down at me.
So this was the power of the third option.

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She drew her cane without uttering a single word, revealing a long sword in her hand. It wasn’t anything like a kitchen knife. It was a legitimate sword that would be used by actual warriors. Although an insipid one without any kind of decorations, it looked incredibly sharp. If that’s the case, then it was clearly this thing that stabbed me from choosing the first option. The place was also right here.

“H-Hey… wait a minute!”

The woman suddenly faced me and brandished her cane-sword. The hell is up with her, this homicidal maniac! She seemed like she’d chase after me no matter where I ran.

In the end, the only way to survive was through the items.
I didn’t want to get stabbed again. Thanks, but I’d gladly pass up the opportunity to feel that pain again.

The sleep spray? Its range was quite excessive. As my mind raced, pondering on my options, the bottommost item in the list came into view. The ‘Formless Sword’. This is it. The ‘Formless Sword’ that I had yet to even try once.

This was the perfect opportunity to test it out.

« Would you like to use the Formless Sword? »


Translator: Angry Midget

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