My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 27

I bought this item with the intention of defending my body in times of facing Kusora, but to think that I’d end up using it in an incident like this. Anyway, since the item isn’t capable of being effective during a surprise attack, so I wouldn’t be able to avoid death just because I use it. However, now was a pretty good situation. The activated ‘Formless Sword’ was able to completely parry her sharp, very real sword off. However, I couldn’t see anything in my hands. It was formless, exactly as stated. A sword without any material form.

An unexpected class of swords.
That too of incredibly high expertise.
The exchanges continued on for some time. And soon enough, she finally stopped her movements, and started to speak with her sword pointed towards me.

“What… exactly are you?”

It was an unbelievable face. Living up to her sword skills, there was clear and absolute confidence in her eyes. It was indeed true that her abilities weren’t that of an amateur. They were sharp strikes that one would see on TV or movies. Definitely not one of those reckless hacking procedures. Firm and disciplined sword arts. Is it from some famous school somewhere…?

To think that there’d be earnest swordsmanship being practised in the 21ˢᵗ century. We’re not even in some kind of kendo hall right now. Isn’t this simply an unlaughabe homicide?

“Do you think it’s necessary for me to answer such a question to a serial killer?”

I made my rebuttal with false pretext, following which, the woman knit her eyebrows and replied.

“Who are you calling a serial killer?”

How shameless. Even though she looks like she’d be any second even now. I magnificently replied back. Since I currently have the Formless Sword, I’m feeling kinda confident.


“If you, who suddenly flourished your sword out of nowhere are not a serial killer, then what, am I the one who is?”

“What about the part where you were targeting and tailing after me?”


At my dumbfounded expression, the woman sheathed her sword back in her cane-like scabbard. Fortunately, it seems like she was thinking there was some kind of misunderstanding.

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“Then why were you loitering around this area?”


“That’s… erm… I was trying to… pick you up…”

Rather than giving her some weird misunderstanding, it seemed like it was better to tell her the truth. That’s why I confessed outright. And that was when an expression appeared onto her face. Till now, it was nothing but blank and indifferent.



For some time, the two of us simply stared at each other in silence.

“You… Are you mocking me right now?”

Getting angry, she once again drew her sword and commenced her flurries. And of course, having no choice, I continued to defend against her attacks with the Formless Sword I had yet to cancel. The dull battle continued for some time until I was starting to get tired from it. It was the same for her.

“Why aren’t you attacking me? What are your intentions?”

Because I simply can’t attack you. That’s an item that can’t do anything but defend. Now that I think about it, she doesn’t seem to be fazed at there being a sword she’s unable to see. It can’t be that other people can actually see it, right? Am I the only one who can’t see it? I thought about asking her about it, but then I realized I’d look like an idiot so I gave up.

“Like I said, I was really just trying to pick you up.”



“You were just… so pretty, that I…”

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She seemed to have shuddered a little at my words. As if it was the first time she ever heard those words.

“What you said just now…”


“Those words… Do you really mean them?”

“About me intending to pick you up? Of course it is.”

“N-No, I… don’t mean that…!”

She had suddenly become really meek and stuttered in her words. Just what happened?



“It’s… Come on… About me… A-Am I really pretty?”

Ah, now I see. Girl, have you never seen yourself in the mirror?

“Yes. I do think so, though?”

She sheathed her sword following those words. She looks like she’s in a really good mood, or am I simply hallucinating?


“Is… Is that so?”

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She stood there silently looking at me for some time, but started to speak again.

“That’s… the first time I was ever told that. No, wait… Just what am I saying all of a sudden? U-Umm… I-I’ll forgive you for tailing me this whole time, so… you should just return home.”

Saying so, she dashed up the wall. Standing there, she stared down at me for some time. Her long hair fluttered in the wind. I didn’t notice it before, but… as she stood up there with the moonlight shining down on her, it gave her quite the mystical air about her. Without getting a chance to say anything, she jumped off the wall and disappeared into the house on the other side.

I had already taken the first step forward. The mission had already begun. Meaning, I had no way of giving up. I can’t have myself obediently return home like that. I really wanted to know her objective already. Why did she enter a stranger’s house during a moonlit night? Could it be that it has some kind of connection to the mission?

I left the alleyway and boldly stood in front of the house gate. And summoned what had already become an indispensable item, the ‘Master Key’.

As the gate opened and I entered, I beheld a mansion before me. Judging from its size, it must belong to a considerably rich person. I’d enter the entryway, but I ended up having to use the ‘Master Key’ again to enter. Finally, the entryway. It was really quiet inside. I couldn’t find any sign of the woman from before either. I thought of using the glasses once again, but stopped. The Formless Sword might not be able to defend against surprise attacks, but as long as I can manage to hinder the first attack, it should be able to defend against the rest. Yeah, wouldn’t it be a better choice to keep this equipped rather than the glasses? It was already confirmed that I can’t activate two items at the same time, but in the end, my choice would be to use the Formless Sword.

Fortunately, the clouds had moved away from obstructing the moonlight, so the inside of the house was no longer covered in darkness. With that said, I continued forwards. But at that moment, I suddenly heard a sound from the second floor. Once I reached upstairs, I found the dead body of a plump oji-san with his neck sliced by the sword-wielding woman from before.


I stepped back a bit in surprise. It was scene of a murder case. But it was then that the woman came attacking me once again. The Formless Sword parried her attacks accordingly. I know I kept it activated, but god damn. The woman then took a good look at my face and spoke.


“You again?”

“I was curious as to why you entered this house so I got in as well, but…”

I wonder how she managed to enter. As I surveyed our surroundings, I found my answer. A window that looked like it had been cleanly sliced off by a sharp tool. No wonder she was able to get it, fumu fumu.

“Just now, you killed someone, didn’t you? Why is that? Even though you denied being a serial killer?”

Before the corpse that continued to drain blood, she cleanly sheathed her sword back, proceeding to answer me as if I asked something incredibly pointless.

“I’m a solver. Different from a serial killer that harbors no purpose.”

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She said so with her chest puffed up with pride. If you ask me, it didn’t seem that different, though… But anyways, it would seem as though a solver is someone who takes requests from someone. That’s what appeared in the scouter too.

“Phew, so anyway, when it comes to accepting requests, is anyone qualified?”

“That’s not correct.”

Looks like she also has her own standards to abide by, resulting in her glaring at my words.

“I only accept requests from individuals whose reasons I deem properly justified. This man right here is in truth, a politician. He demolished a certain area completely in order to start an impossible development project. Everybody in that area would lose their homes. Even though it’s temporary, where do you think the people who lost everything have ended up? From people living in the streets, there have also been people who took their own lives. However, my justification was not based on that reason. On top of proceeding to force the development of an impossible project, many of the inhabitants who opposed it have mysteriously died. The daughter of such a person made the request and it’s in order to exact her revenge that I have decided to point my blade at the target.”

“So basically, it’s an action based on some kind ‘ally of justice’?”

“No. It’s simply that she happened to move my heart. There is no such thing as ‘justice’ in my actions. The only thing I have is the faith in my blade. But rather than that, just how did you manage to enter this place? I didn’t hear any sound.”

“I have my methods.”

Towards me shrugging alongside my words, she spoke with faint surprise.

“It can’t be that you’re in the same line, are you?”

“Not quite. I don’t murder others.”

After hearing her circumstances, I especially didn’t feel like criticizing her act of killing. I’ve been coming across corpses quite regularly these days. I didn’t want to get used to these kinds of situations, but I ended up getting used to them anyway. No, what’s important right now is the game captures, not murders.

“Leaving that aside, you seemed to have achieved your goal, so shall we head on outside?”

She nodded at my words. And thus the two of us returned to the night streets again.

Translator: Angry Midget

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