My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 28

“By the way, are you sure we aren’t in the same line of operations? It’s been quite a while since I met someone who can repel my sword.”

“Umm, I… was just a passerby?”


Her eyebrows perked up as if she didn’t like my answer.

“My abilities with the sword aren’t really that good. Even the technique itself is focussed on defense and has no offensive aspects at all.”

It was then that she finally seemed to have caught on and nodded in understanding. It was actually the abilities of the item and incapable of offensive moves, but did I slip out anything along those lines?

“Hmm, I see, so that’s what it is. It’s that you’re completely incapable of attacking, is it? That sword style is pretty half-baked.

“That would be the case, wouldn’t it.”

It was a harsh criticism but not off the mark, so I couldn’t let out a single rebuttal. But more importantly, at this rate, it seems like I’ll be naturally parting away from her like this, so I’m in quite the trouble. I had to make ourselves go on a tangent somehow or another, thus I started to think over possible methods. It’s out of the question that we’d be seprataring after this conversation at this rate. The fact that the mission is such where I must absolutely capture her, it’d be a severe setback if I let it slip.


Hmm, how should I hold her back.

“Um, would you like to have a bite at the cart from back then? I got hungry again thanks to you. You know, after the whole sudden assault and whatnot.”

“Your actions were so suspicious, I had no choice but to attack you. Fuu, alright. As an apology, I’ll treat you.”

She nodded her head with vigour. And so we returned to the cart we first met. That was also my starting point, so I thought of saving there again. I really want to free myself from this labyrinth of death and since I managed to slip out of it somehow, why not.

Just as usual, the cart was being managed by the oba-san. There were no other customers in sight. The two of us, who previously sat in different places, now sat together at the same table.

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“I’ll have a yakitori, what about you?”

She had yakitori last time too, so she must really like it, right. In that case, I’ll get ramen too. There were no other items on the menu that I liked as much.

“You came here a while ago too, didn’t you Onii-san? And now it’s two of you, hmm?

That’s what the oba-san said as she brought the food over. I laughed to hide my embarrassment. And on the other hand, she completely ignored the oba-san’s words and silently started to eat away. What an interesting woman. Last time when I spilled the ramen, she got incredibly pissed, but once I came back, she seemed to be all smiles again. How fickle, she and her emotions.

At that moment, I stood up feeling thirsty and called for her. She was busy cutting up veggies with a kitchen knife.

“Excuse me, a glass of water please.”

Following my words, she reached for the jug nearby and brought it over. And at that moment, at the same table where she took the jug from, the kitchen knife that she placed seemed to look familiar. I don’t know why, but it was this murky feeling of having seen it somewhere before. As I returned to my seat, she continued to stare at me, and it was by then that I the feeling slipped away from me as I remembered the capture information. It was the perfect situation. There was something regarding delusions about juniors, wasn’t there? I don’t know how such a thing would help in the mission, but I tried to appeal to it for the time being.

“Excuse me, but… your name? How should I address you…”

“I am Higami Miyuna.”

“I’m Hasegawa Ryou.”



She nodded. The conversation seemed to be reaching a stop, so I tried appealing with my age.

“I’m 25.”

“Oh? You’re… younger than me?”

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And she immediately bit down the bait. Her eyes seemed to be sparkling.

“How old are you, Higami-san.”

“I’m 27. But for real, I assumed you’d be older than me.”

“I’m 25 though…”

I ended up slipping my tongue and responding in a muddy tone, making her laugh. But that didn’t seem one of ridicule. It was simply a pure smile. From the looks of it, I’m not sure if she would’ve readily accepted me by now if I had prioritized my charm points a bit more, but perhaps, it’s also possible that her standards for looks were peculiar as well. If Kusora’s standards were about how dull someone is, were her standards about how strong one is?

Whatever it may be, since she seemed in good spirits, I decided to do a quick check on her affection points.


Higami Miyuna
Age: 27 years
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Solver
Capture Difficulty: C
Address: Tokyo ☐☐ ☐☐
Phone Number: Inaccessible at current level
Capture Information: Fatally risky if approached leisurely. But surprisingly a very simple woman? It’s also a hobby for her to loiter around in the night streets while undertaking a job. Suffers delusions when it comes to men about 1 to 2 years younger than her. Appeal to her using this factor, if you decide to approach her.
Affection Points: 60

Hoh~, if 100 is the maximum, then isn’t this really good? Since simply bumping into one’s shoulder was enough to once bring the points to negative values, seeing this right now makes me really satisfied. Of course the affection points didn’t have a direct connection to the mission based on how everything has played out till now, even so, she’s quite the beauty. I have absolutely no complaints.

However, surely, it was at that moment that a sense of numbness started to take hold of my body. The sensation of paralysis. Moreover, it seemed to be happening to Higami-san as well. I immediately turned towards the cart lady. And that’s when I saw her staring at us in ridicule.

Absurd. This is too absurd.

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I steadily moved my finger. Using every last bit of my strength, I carried it over towards the load button. If I get completely paralyzed at this rate, I won’t be able to show her my cool side anymore.

And thus, once again, in front of the cart.
Beside me, stood Higami-san.


I entered the cart with her like this, and played out everything the same way as before. This time however, I didn’t taste the food. That was the only thing different. The reason for getting paralyzed is the cooking no matter how one thinks of it. And of course it goes to say that the water that only I drank was not the cause at all.

Suddenly the whole cart started to feel very suspicious to me. Now that I mention it, I haven’t seen any other customer other than us. Normally it wouldn’t be strange for at least one two drunkards to show up every now and then. If not then then it wouldn’t really be a profitable business, would it. Leaving the strange things aside, even the ground had weird stains all over it, now that I look at it.

However, the contents of our conversations were the same. That’s right, this was exactly when the paralysis took place. And just as one would imagine, Higami-san made an odd expression and fell under the table just like that. There’s something in the food, then it’s obvious that the owner of the cart would be the most suspicious. The figure of her ridiculing face from before the load left a deep impression in my mind.

And on top of that, the kitchen knife. It was by this time that I was convinced of it, but… it’s obvious that that was the thing that stabbed into my stomach.

The first was Higami-san’s sword.
That misunderstanding was resolved.
But after thinking about it, the second time was different. Whatever the case, the weapons were different.
The tool on the second time was, unlike Higami-san’s full-fledged sword, much shorter.

But now, shooting up in surprise, I quickly held her feeble and pained figure and sat her down onto the chair.

“Higami-san! Are you alright?”

“Don’t tell me… you…”

“No, you’re wrong! Although I didn’t take a bite as we talked, it’s definitely not me. It must’ve been someone else who spiked the food…”

That’s when Higami-san somehow managed to turn her head towards the middle-aged woman and glared at her. And of course, the same goes for me. However, the oba-san grasped onto the knife ahead of me and slowly started to tread closer.


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“Oh dear, just one of you ate the food, eh?”[1]

And so she started to approach me. Instead of running away, she was coming right to me.[2] Somehow, with a quick movement, I managed to dodge her swing onto the surface of the table. We were in a desperately perilous situation. If I didn’t have the items, I might never be able to win a one-on-one against this lady. Ugh, I’m so miserable.

“My… my sword…”

As though the drug only paralyzed her without taking away her consciousness, she weakly said so with her upper body languidly sprawled over the table. But the distance  from her sword was still quite far. The knife came at me once again, but this time, raised and threw the table that was laid out; and immediately read through my owned items.

« Would you like to use the Formless Sword? »

However, before I could click it, the woman lunged at me once again. That when my mind switched. The Formless Sword is something that would repel attacks anyway. The woman kept getting closer and closer. I tried taking a backstep and after having thought of using the sword, I got rid of the terminal screen and returned to my owned items, this time clicking on ‘Sleep Spray’.

« Would you like to use the Sleep Spray? »

The distance between me and the oba-san was but a head’s width away. An instant before getting stabbed. I panicked and clicked the message that instant. And immediately, she fell asleep, the knife in her hand falling to the ground as she lost her strength.

Phew, is this where raising my constitution would’ve been better? It’s still a long way to level up, and there’s also plenty of ability points to raise. But anyways, I stood back up. I can’t stay here for the whole duration of the paralysis, so I carried Higami-san on my back, grabbed her cane-sword which I camouflaged into a rolled up bedsheet[3] and slipped out of the cart.

And so, I returned back into the politician’s home that I had intruded upon using the ‘Master Key’ the other time. There were a whole bunch of corpses on the second floor so I kinda got the shivers, but since it was good that I didn’t have to waste another key usage, there was no other choice. I fumbled around the first floor after lowering her onto the sofa, but it seemed like there was no other family member around. I thought of using the ‘Sleep Spray’ on them if they existed, but it wasn’t necessary.

“Just where did all the members of this house go that the politician had to be left alone here?”

“I don’t know.”

Translator: Angry Midget

[1]Prolly a typo. The author wrote “just one of you didn’t eat” which doesn’t make sense in context.

[2]Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. I just had to do it. XD

[3]It says ‘toko’ (床).

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