My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 4


I braced myself and faced the reality I was forced to deal with. Is it really true that I’d die if the remaining time expires? Looking at the absolute powers of the items, that does seem like the case. I bet the ones who forced me into this world have both of these omnipotent abilities. I might’ve fallen into some kind of game amongst gods. Thus, I can’t help but complain about the fact that I’d die simply because I didn’t abide by the rules and clear the game. In the end, I have no choice but to relentlessly push my body forward and find the capture conditions one by one.

Looks like I got involved in a seriously fearsome game. In all honesty, I was terrified. However, even as I thought about this, time continued to flow. I need to continuously adapt to the circumstances reality throws at me.

I clicked on ‘Item Shop’ again and read through it.

[LV 1 Scouter: 100,000 Yen]
[Sleep Spray: 250,000 Yen]
[Master Key: 600,000 Yen]
[Camera 100,000 Yen]
[Imported Car: 50,000,000 Yen]
[Domestic Car: 8,000,000 Yen]

This time, I didn’t think of recklessly purchasing every single item. I carefully thought about whether I should purchase one of them or not. For the time being, I decided on leaving ‘Sleep Spray’ and ‘Camera’ on hold. I have no plans on using them immediately. I’ll buy them later when it’s necessary, so I’ll pass.

Next up is Master Key. Of course I had a purpose for it. However, by any chance, if I simply use it to infiltrate her house and the cops charge in again, then 600,000 Yen will be gone in vain. 

However, I’m also hard-pressed at the usage restriction it has. Just 6 times is quite the dicey number. There shouldn’t be any restriction on strategic items, though. Is it only for the sake of preventing convenience abuse?

It seems as though legal action is taken if I assault a woman, but not if I simply open the door and enter. If that’s the case, then the usage restriction on the ‘Master Key’ is completely meaningless. Such a useless item… to not be allowed to assault the woman even though I infiltrated her house.

However, to be able to open absolutely any door was quite the attractive ability. I can see that I’d be able to legally use it at times when I’ll have to infiltrate or escape. If I think of it that way, then there was indeed a huge merit in getting the ‘Master Key’ rather than ignoring it. As such, I decided to purchase it once again.

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[Purchase Master Key for 600,000 Yen?]

Hesitating on the amount of money, I ended up touching the window after a long sigh. After spending 600,000 Yen, I entered ‘Owned Items’ and read through its details… 

[Master Key]
[Has the ability to open absolutely any kind of door.]
[Can be used by touching the window after standing in front of the desired door.]
[Usage Limit: 5 times]
-Repurchasing will not change this limit.
-Limit restoration is possible if repurchased after level up.

… in order to confirm the usage count. Just as I imagined, the usage limit had decreased from 6 times to 5. It seems like it’d be better for me to drill it into my head that even if I load back in this game, the usage count of important items will not be restored.

Since I had purchased an item, I updated my save point at once. I can’t have myself lose the items I purchased with great trouble slip away again like last time.

Setting items aside, the problem right now is how I can capture Sakurai. The information I currently possess is too insufficient. While it’s true that she’s enjoying adultery while hiding it from her husband, just how do I utilize this information?

I’m lacking way too much information! Capture or not, it seems possible to approach her for the time being. There’s also the part where it’s impossible for me to suddenly smooth talk my way into getting close to her. In the end, it boils down to information. With the information I currently have, forget capture, it’d just end up in the remaining time passing away. For the time being, I resolved myself into going to her house and checking it out once again.

I wanted to acquire some kind of information from there. Her hobby was to go to clubs, but I was curious to know if she had any other ordinary hobbies. Besides that, there was also the necessity of investigating whether the police would march in if I simply intruded upon one’s house without permission. I was already convinced that was the case, but if I confirm it with certainty, then I’d be able to use the ‘Master Key’ risklessly.

So this time, I thought of waiting for a gap when she’s not home. I intently kept watch outside with my curtains rolled up. From here, I could see the entranceway to her apartment on the opposite side. It’s also because of this that I knew the time at which she comes to take the trash out.

The moment she comes out onto the entryway is my best chance.

The time was now just beyond 11:30. I got tired after keeping watch for this whole time. I was kinda getting fed up with it. My computer was looking really tempting. Shit, it would’ve been great if my PC still worked at least! It occured to me that I hadn’t left the house the entire morning. Speaking of which, she had been lying down watching TV, wearing nothing but a pair of hotpants and a T-shirt back then. In that case, she won’t be coming out for some time.

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That’s when I decided to go to the convenience store to quell my hunger. Even the money I spent for the food there was gone after the ‘Load’. Thus, I went there and bought myself a bento, and continued to munch away at it while keeping my eyes peeled outside my window. Time continued to flow steadily. She didn’t perhaps leave while I was out, did she?

I’ve heard that it takes quite a while for women to prepare before leaving. Especially if it’s for a lengthy occasion. And it was precisely this lengthy occasion that I was aiming for. That’s why I shouldn’t rush and go to her home yet. While I was starting to get irritated at the reality of not being able to do anything but stare outside, I finally noticed some movement. I saw Sakurai walking across the entryway. Wearing a pair of tight jeans and a blouse. And also seemed to be adorned in makeup.

No matter how one saw it, it was the attire for an outing.

The Scouter had mentioned she had a lot of illicit affairs on the capture information. And no matter how I see it, this indeed looks like an example of keeping one’s husband in the dark about her lovers. While thinking all that, I nimbly made my way towards her apartment. Just in case, if by any chance her husband or someone else had come to her home during the time I was out, it would be disastrous, so I stopped in the entryway and pressed the doorbell. And there was no response. Even if it was an unbreakable stone bridge, safety check was currently imperative[1]. However, everything seemed to be alright.

[Would you like to use the Master Key?]

Calling upon the ‘Master Key’ and clicking on the window, I unlocked the door. I entered the house without any issues. Going further in after taking off my shoes, I surveyed the living room. Just as I thought, the police didn’t come barging in. Since this was the very reason for the existence of the ‘Mastery Key’ itself, the game can’t take legal action against it.

Now I was certain that the cops had broken in because I assaulted her. Feeling relieved, I looked around the house. In front of the couch was her TV. Apart from a bunch of furniture, there wasn’t anything particularly suspicious.

Moving towards the table, a bunch of mail and posters appeared before me. Looking through them, I found a debt notice. There were also some notices regarding unpaid loans. I wonder if they’re due to the money she secretly invested in clubs.

There were a total of two rooms. One of them was a bedroom, whereas the other seemed like some kind of study room. I saw her bed, dresser, as well as her closet once I entered the former. I unintentionally ended up opening her closet, inside which I found several of her clothes.

However, I saw no sign of her husband’s. I wonder if they store their clothes separately. Or were they living separately? Since the Scouter said they didn’t get along, my hypothesis is plausible. Leaving the bedroom, I entered the study. Whether it was her husband’s room or not, I saw several objects for men. However, all of them seemed ordinary. None seemed like they’d give me useful information.

It’s just that I felt quite uncomfortable due to the lifelessness. I could see a lot of dust collected atop his books. Compared to the bedroom which had absolutely no dust, it seemed as if this room was intentionally kept unclean.

As I thought, they must be living apart.

I even went to check the bathroom, which had not more than one toothbrush. Moreover, everything from the shampoo to other bathroom products were that of women. Seeing this, I’m leaning even more towards my living-apart theory.

The kitchen had a really large refrigerator. I returned to the living room once again. There was a picture of Sakurai and her husband atop the table, looking quite happy. Just why did these two end up drifting apart, I wonder. Perhaps due to cheating?

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— Piriririri

At that moment, I heard the door lock being released. I panicked and ran into the bedroom, immediately shutting the door behind me. She returned earlier than I thought. What do I do? This is a seriously difficult situation. If she comes in here, at this rate I’ll be exposed. As I worried, the closet popped into my view. Nimbly opening it, I hid myself inside, strongly praying that she’d leave the house again.

I heard the door to the bedroom opening. I bet it must be Sakurai. It’s only about time that she discovers me. My heart felt like it was about to explode.

“My house… did you search for it a lot?”

“Yup, it was very difficult to find.”

“Even though it would’ve been easier to just call me rather than pondering on it~.”

“There’s also a man’s pride, you know.”

“And then you still ended up calling.”

“More importantly, you sure your husband won’t be coming home?”

“Yup, he won’t return. Stop worrying about that and let’s kiss. I can’t hold myself back anymore. Ufu!”

“I love you!”

At the end of those words, I heard buchu-buchu noises. Sheesh, they even started kissing. I’m amazed. Of all things, to kiss right in front of me. They’re about to do the thing on the bed any time soon too, aren’t they?

I’m getting tired of getting reminded that she has a lot of lovers. It was just then, the X-Ray Camera passed through my mind. If I take a picture of Sakurai committing adultery, wouldn’t it become quite disadvantageous to her? She probably won’t even get consolation money during divorce, so it’s imperative I get these materials to threaten her.

If I use this, I feel like I’d probably even be able to peer deep into her heart. Was the Camera not in the ‘Item Shop’ for this purpose?

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Steeling my heart, I called upon the ‘Item Shop’.

[LV 1 Scouter: 100,000 Yen]
[Sleep Spray: 250,000 Yen]
[Master Key: 600,000 Yen]
[Camera: 100,000 Yen]
[Imported Car: 50,000,000 Yen]
[Domestic Car: 8,000,000 Yen]

[Purchase Camera for 100,000 Yen?]

Translator: AngryMidget

TL Note: To be honest, novel Hasegawa seemed smarter to me compared to manga Hasegawa. You know, since you can clearly see every single thought that occurs to him. Even if some are very obvious facts (which might get annoying) he doesn’t overlook them.

But while translating the end of this chapter, I went “Chotto, Hasegawa-kun. Aren’t you forgetting something? Something hard and probably dark and belongs down below? You mentioned it in the manga, so why are you forgetting it now?”

Psych! Hehe, did I get you guys? I’m talking about his shoes, not his d***! Guhehehe! ( ゚o⌒)


[1]石橋も叩いて渡る (Ishibashi mo tataite wataru): Stomping across even a stone bridge. An idiom that refers to facing something whose outcome seems very obvious (a rigid stone bridge that would never break or collapse) with extreme caution (stomping over it to check if it really does break or not).

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