My Reality is a Romance Game

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Chapter 5


I clicked on the popup window. Last time, when I saw the explanation, it said it was an item that could take photos of anything; and even see through walls. So I bet I can take a photos of them sprawled on the bed outside this closet pretty well too. The usage method was to click the window, then look in the direction where I want to take the photo of and blinking. And then it should be fine if I put it in my head that the target is a person.[1]

However, it was at that moment.

“Hey, won’t you like to drink some water?”

Looking for water right after kissing. Just what is this woman doing? Thanks to you, I can’t take a picture of you kissing anymore! Immediately, I heard the sound of their footsteps exiting the bedroom. Might as well leave the house entirely while you’re at it, please.

For the time being, I closely paid attention to the outside situation and,

“No~ stop. Pervert!”

The woman moaned in a coquettish tone. Looks like something happened in the kitchen. I turned around to what was my backside in the closet and blinked in the direction from where I heard the voice. Perhaps, I thought, and I turned my head slightly to the left, taking pictures of both rooms.[2] The usage limit was 3 times. For the time being, I decided to verify the photos I took first, leaving the last chance remaining in case the two were out of focus.

And then immediately, a message appeared before me.

[Would you like to verify the photos?]

[Image file 1]
[Image file 2]

Two files appeared. Well of course, since I took two of them. I confirmed the first one, from which appeared the scene of the pair being on top of one another in their naked bodies. That was a good shot. While I was filled with content, I heard their voices once again.

“Say~, could you lend me some more money?”

They were kissing just a while ago, but now I distinctly heard money being requested.

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“Eh? I lent you some just while back, though. Again?”

“Even though… you have so much lying around…”

“Just what do you need so much money for? Is your husband not earning anymore?”

“We’re living apart right now since I got caught cheating. I can’t even collect the consolation money, so I need it…”

“Seriously woman, you… Anyways, until you return the money I lent you last time…”

“Heyyy~! I’ll treat you really~ nicely, so… why don’t we take a shower together? I’ll give you plenty of service, so go ahead and enter before me. Bring a change of clothes too, ‘kay~?”

“Fuu—n. I wonder what kind of service they’ll be~? Should I get my hopes up?”

And after the last bit, I couldn’t hear them anymore. However, that conversation gave me a feeling of emptiness. If Sakurai’s husband already knew that she was cheating on him, then these photos had become totally meaningless. I thought it was a good card to play to capture her, but the feeling quickly faded now that I realized it was just a careless move.

I heard the sound of the man entering the bedroom. If he was going to get a change of clothes, then he should be coming to this closet. At that instant, the nervousness made me gulp a ball of saliva. If he opened this closet then I’d have no choice but to ‘Load’ again. I prepared my finger over the ‘Load’ window ahead just in case, but then I heard the sound of Sakurai entering as well and closing the door behind her. 

Why the door? Of course, it’s still bad news if you do or not. Because the change of clothes was definitely in the closet. This is already a hopeless situation.

However, the closet wasn’t opened. More like, I heard a gasa-gasa sound instead. Gasa-gasa. Something like the sound of an envelope being ripped open, but it wasn’t really loud, so I can’t say for sure.

And then, after I heard her footsteps, she stopped right in front of the closet. It was all over, I thought.

However, right after that, she opened the door and left the bedroom just like that.

The sound of water came afterwards.

— Sshaaa—

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They said they’d do it while in the shower, so it seems it was already that time. So, they ended up not needing a change? Either way, this is my chance. A chance to run! Carefully, I opened the closet door.

And slipped out of the bedroom. Just as I thought, there’s nobody here. Let’s try checking the living room. And yet still, there was nobody. All I heard was a voice. Thinking it was a chance given to me by God, I slipped out of the house.

From there, I returned home for the moment. I sat on the bed. Looks like the Camera ended up a failure. She’s an opponent I can’t even threaten. After letting out several deep breaths, I sorted out the information I acquired from my infiltration.

Seeing how she had several debt repayment letters and how she asked her lover for money, there was no doubt that she’s a gold digger. In that case, the last resort is money? Demand notices of unpaid loans. And if I connect the dots with her tendency to ask her lovers for money, then she’s in a serious financial crisis. If I can somehow get her interested in me by hinting that I have a lot of money, then she might just approach me on her own.

If money didn’t work, then there was no other way. No matter how much I wracked my brain, that was the final method. I immediately ran towards the nearest bank and withdrew 500,000 Yen. If it’s this much, then she might actually go mad and pounce at me. Especially if it’s her who has so much debt piled up.

Afterwards, I went back home and started to observe her entranceway again. She’s probably having quite the intense moment with her illicit lover about now. And once the fun time is over, she’ll be coming out to send him off. That would be the best chance, I thought.

However, no matter how much I kept my eyes peeled, there was no sign of them coming out.

— Shit!

That man, is he planning on staying over for the night? No matter how much they’re living apart, to think that she’d bring another man and let him sleep over in her room, I was truly shocked speechless! Even though I had to fight against this boredom the whole time, I kept trying to find more clues as to how I could get closer to capture her, to the point that I even ended up staring outside through the dead of the night. But in the end, Sakurai never ended up coming out. And neither did the man.

No doubt he’s staying over. In the end the whole plan turned out to be pushed back all the way to the morning. The man should have his own job to deal with, so I bet he wouldn’t be staying for two days in a row.

Afterwards, I lay down on my bed. Since I’ve been maintaining surveillance this whole time, my eyes hurt and I was dead exhausted. I ended up falling asleep immediately.

And then suddenly, my eyes shot open. Everything turned out to be a dream once I woke up, was not the kind of development that happened. I stood and stretched up my body on my toes and yawned. Even now, the ‘Game Window’ was in the corner of my vision. Flustered, I checked the time. It was about ten o’clock.

I slept quite a bit. While being surprised at the great deal of time that had passed, I looked out the window. There, I saw Sakurai leaving to take out the trash. The time at which she took out the trash seemed to always be decided. Looks like the man returned home before I even noticed. I had lost my chance, being asleep at the time.

I grabbed my money and descended down to her apartment with haste. Just as I thought, she was done with her trash and was on her way back inside. I faced myself towards her and ran as fast as I could, bumping my shoulder onto her and dropping my money on purpose. The plan was that I’d give off the appearance that I’m in a hurry somewhere with this cash and accidentally bumped into her, forcing her take a look at it. I even completed saving while I ran. All preparations complete!


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“Aah, I’m so-y[3]!”

Just as expected, while I apologized and was busy picking up the dough, Sakurai kept a watchful eye on me. With curiosity and greed in her eyes, she started to help me pick it up too. While handing me back the portion she had picked up, she gave flirtatious glances at me.

Flirtatious glances that were sexy enough that I’d have already fallen for her if I hadn’t known her true nature. But now that I do, she looks like nothing but a living mass of greed.

“Are you alright? Carrying such a large sum in broad daylight, what would you have done if you encountered a purse snatcher?”

“No, I had just drawn it out to go have some fun, so I just… Anyways, thank you very much!”

I purposely said it indirectly to probe out a reaction from her. And immediately, her eyes started sparkling.

“Rather than spending money in places like those, how about you come play with me~? Fufu, I’m also quite good at this, so… well?”

She casually made gestures of revealing her body and invitingly whispered into my ear. She strongly grasped at my arm that held onto the money, as if to say she wouldn’t ever let me go. Even though I spent so much effort in thinking up possible methods to convince her, in the end it was settled in one go. Looks like the keyword to approach this woman was indeed money. I gave a somewhat troubled look and then made a serious expression.

“Eh? Pardon? When you say play, what do you…”

Perhaps thinking that she had finally caught me hook, line and sinker, Sakurai smiled and pulled at my arm.

“If it’s playing between adults, then of course it’s that, isn’t it? Let us neighbors thoroughly enjoy ourselves, hmm? Hohoh! Come, stop by my place.”

Surprisingly, that sounded very convincing. She was indeed very much in need of money. Is she planning on asking me to lend it to her? If I continue to her room and end up in bed with her like this, would that be considered a successful capture? Even while I was aware of her painfully strong greed, my heart kept racing. In the end, I wound up stepping into her house anyway, where she advised me to sit on her couch.

“What about your husband?”

As I asked her about it, seeing the wedding photo set in front of me, suddenly, a sad expression arose onto her face.

“We got divorced. That’s why I’m lonely these days…”

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Divorced she says, don’t make me laugh! I already know you’re living apart, so what’s with this sudden divorce story?! Rather, if you’re already divorced then it’s weird that you’re still putting up this photo as internal decor! Thinking about this random bs, I shot up from the couch. Stressed out, I wanted to go to the washroom.

“Would it be okay to use your washroom for a bit?”

“Of course! It’s that way.”

I ended up entering her washroom before she finished speaking. Well, shit. Since I already knew where it was, my body thoughtlessly ended up entering on its own. Wouldn’t it be really suspicious for a person you just invited to already know where your toilet is?

Once I exited, I saw Sakurai pouring out something to drink in the kitchen. She didn’t seem like she suspected me on the outside. As usual, her gaze was always on the bundle I had in my hand. That’s when I tried leaving the notes on the table; and her gaze naturally rolled over to them.

And then, time froze. I was enveloped in a white light. Looks like the choices are gonna come up again. As expected, once the world froze, two options appeared before my eyes.

[Choice 1: Barge into the study.]
[Choice 2: Chat with her.]

Translator: AngryMidget

TL Note: And thus, the plot thickens. Mwahahaha! Ciao!


[1][2]: Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. Based on these two sentences, it would suggest that the Camera can apparently take pictures back in time as long as he imagines it properly? Was that how it worked? Someone correct me please. Anyway, I’ll leave the two raws down here too for public inspection.



[3]Hasegawa says ‘suimasen’ rather than the normal ‘sumimasen’. Since he’s roleplaying as an innocent boy about to get his cherry popped, I thought it’d be better to remove the r’s since he’s ‘flustered’ at the moment.

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