Chapter 1 “The Only World Reincarnater”

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“System, who is the strongest being in the universe?”

“Demonic Space God, Nightmare.”

“So it’s him?”

“Host, only when you control the last reincarnation world can you defeat Nightmare.”

“The last reincarnation world eh?” Chu Yun lets out a muddled breath as his eyes gradually grow firm over the mission.

No one knows this, but he’s the sole reincarnater in this world.

He had been to prehistoric times and used dinosaurs as his mount.

He’s lived with primitives and taught them how to build bonfires and paint the wall.

He once drank with the Three Great Kings and Five Emperors and was known as the Emperor’s Teacher.

He also discussed topics with the so-called immortals and ascended to godhood.


From the ancient world to the fantasy worlds, he’s conquered them all.

What gold, jewelry and wealth? That’s nothing in his eyes. What’s truly valuable was the knowledge and powers he obtained. Chu Yun’s superhuman wielding power beyond human means!


At this point, Chu Yun couldn’t even remember how many worlds he’s conquered and lived through already.

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From the joy of getting the first piece of gold in his hands, to now… being apathetic to the elixirs of legend.

Glancing back at things… everything he owns now could turn the world upside down if he brought a single piece out.

Propel the world’s technology by several centuries?


End world hunger?


Make everyone into cultivation masters with his knowledge?

He could do it all!


Chu Yun has that strength, unfathomable power beyond mortal comprehension.

To put it bluntly, he could annihilate the real world with a snap of his finger!

However, after experiencing so many reincarnation worlds, seen endless prosperity, experienced the vicissitudes of life, and enjoyed all kinds of flavors…

Chu Yun had long grown tired of all this flare and flattery.

He only wants to return to being the ordinary man that he once lived as.

Fortunately, fate didn’t forsake him. In the real world, he finally encountered the one and only woman that could make his heart settle down. It’s been more than a year since he married and he couldn’t ask for a better life.

Unfortunately, the good times didn’t last.

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The system that he relied upon to reach this stage suddenly told him the great Demonic Space God Nightmare would come and destroy the blue planet within three years.

As such, Chu Yun had no choice but to re-enter the reincarnation world and continue to enhance his strength.

“Husband, are you okay? You’ve been inside the bathroom for a while now.” The jiggling voice of a songbird echoed in from outside the bathroom door, revealing the unspeakable love and attachment the lady carried for the occupant inside.

“I’m coming!” Chu Yun hastily flushed the toilet and pretended to wash his hands before opening the door.

Outside was standing a young female wearing a set of bunny logoed pajamas looking affectionately at himself before she literally threw that body against Chu Yun’s.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would be shocked and drop their jaws on the ground.

The reason?

Because this woman was recognized as one of the top singers in all of the planet, Song!

With the face of an angel, the figure of the devil, and that intoxicating voice of a succubus, she’s the perfect embodiment of a goddess.

“Husband, you’ve grown more handsome again, kiss~” Mrs. Song didn’t leave room for denial and moved her lips closer, which Chu Yun happily obliged the request for the morning ritual.

Though the two has been together for over a year by this point, the honeymoon phase never waned. It didn’t take long for both of them to be mingled together as one with their tongue.

“Hubby, you won’t leave so soon after just coming back, right?” Song pokes her husband’s cheek with an expectant look as she leans against that muscular chest on the sofa.

“I can only stay for three days.” Chu Yun’s face was full of apologies.

“Just three days?” Song’s expression instantly collapsed like she’s about to cry.

Shaking that arm in a whiny voice, “Hubby, you don’t have to work so hard, just stay home with me, okay? I have enough money to support both of us just fine.”

Chu Yun gently caressed her hair in return, “Song, you don’t understand but I have something very important to deal with. I promise you, when it’s handled and finished, we will never be separated again!”

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He must clear the last reincarnation world before Nightmare arrives. Only by doing so could he keep Song safe for the rest of their lives!

Furthermore, an inkling sensation told him the key to overcoming this hurdle lies in the final world. Once he passes it, Chu Yun’s certain he would know the way forward.

By then, what’s there to fear about some space god?!

Seeing that Chu Yun had decided to leave, Song could only compromise and nod like some scorned petty lady who didn’t get what she wanted as a present.


In a blink of an eye, three days had elapsed with the moment of separation upon the couple.

“Hubby, how long are you going out this time?” Song reluctantly clings onto her husband’s arm.

“A week at the earliest. If late then a month.”

The flow of time in the reincarnation worlds are different from the real world. Ten years in there would equate to a single day out here.

Chu Yun softly coos his wife to behave, “Love, you take care of yourself during this period. When I return, I will make you the happiest woman in the world.”

Nodding obediently, “Mmm, I believe in you Hubby.”

Finally, the two shared a deep goodbye kiss before Chu Yun left the house.

Things seemed normal at first, but once out of the community and away from public view, the guy instantly disappeared from the ground after tapping his foot to reappear ten thousand feet up into the sky.

“System, send me into the last reincarnation world!”


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At the same time, inside Chu Yun’s home.

Song felt tied and troubled as she took out her phone to send a message.

“My husband is out now, all of you come!”

An hour later, a knock rang on the door to signal the guests arrival.

“Sister Song, we are here!” Three outstanding females were standing at the doorway, their superb beauty no less inferior to the lady of the house.

However, it’s not only their picturesque flowery appearance that stands out, but rather it’s the shocking level of fame they each controlled

Film actress Spirit.

Internet celebrity streamer Music.

The most beautiful and pure school girl idol with a wealthy background Coco

Regardless of who it was that’s brought to the public, each of them would make countless otakus scream in joy at their arrival.

In light of their well-deserved fame, few actually knew they in fact best friends, and because Song was the oldest of the group, she’s considered the defacto big sister of the other four.

“Brother-in-law is out again? How can he be like this!” Spirit frowned, feeling frustrated for her friend’s predicament.

Likewise, Music and Coco also frowned at the irresponsible guy who snatched their older sister’s heart. They are well aware of how clingy the couple had been before marriage, and now Chu Yun was suddenly running off on a business trip? Any woman would find it odd and suspicious!

Music asked, “Song, what do you want to do?”

Biting her lip, Song sounded hesitant: “Didn’t you say finding a man’s secret stash of money is a way to tell if he’s loyal or not? I want to try that method.”

In the past Music did mention this idea to Song to verify if he’s faithful, but the singer shot the idea down without a second thought back then. In her view, doing such things was disrespectful to her partner, and she didn’t want to step out of line. The issue was the recent behavior was too abnormal for her, making it difficult not to be suspicious of an affair.

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