Chapter 2 “Searching for his Personal Savings”

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“Song, you have finally decided to find your hubby’s secret stash?!” Spirit exclaims, her eyes twinkling with light as she eagerly stepped over.

That man definitely has a problem. We must help Big Sis find the evidence and go confront him!

Coco also rushed forward, “Then let’s start right away. Where do you want to search first?”

This question instantly stumped the party since they had no experience in this type of stuff.

“Maybe… we can ask our fans? Maybe they will have an idea in this field?” Music suggests.

With gritted teeth and great reluctance, Song accepts and nods: “Alright, let’s do it!”

Immediately, Music opened up her broadcast room with the smartphone and went live. However, unlike the usual stuff where her fans go crazy right away, there’s not a single message on the screen. This gave the internet influencer the idea of it not working and was about to relaunch the app.

Then the next moment —


“Song, Coco, and Spirit?!” EEEEeeeAAA, I’m going crazy!”

“Oh no, I can’t see enough with only two eyes.”

“This won’t do, turns out dying from seeing too much beauty is true!”

“The four goddesses in the same frame, what day is it today? I’m so happy!”


Everyone went crazy, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room instantly exceeded one hundred thousand viewership, with the number continuing to soar. Then again, it’s to be expected with four of the most prominent female celebrities on the planet. A sure hit for the internet!

“Hello everyone, today we want everyone to do us a favor and help us find the secret savings hidden in the house by Song’s husband, okay?” Music makes a peace sign with her fingers and acts all cute in front of the camera.

This method always diverged the audience from thinking it was nefarious and merely a happy play for the screen.

“Find her husband’s personal savings? Hahaha, I like this!”

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“What Song’s husband? He’s clearly Thief Chu Yun! My brothers, this is the time to exact revenge on that bastard for snatching away our goddess!”

“This is perfect. My specialty is digging up someone’s savings! Like last time, I found my husband’s secret stash under the water tap. He was so cheeky when I demanded him to cough it up, saying I won’t find it at all. HA!”

“Hahaha, I’ve never seen a guy that didn’t end up sleeping on the couch after his wife starts digging. Let’s go everyone!”

“Thief Chu Yun is done for now. I want him roasted!”


The fans screamed with glee and used their brainpower to the extreme there, suggesting one advice after the other: insole of the shoe, mezzanine of the cabinet, and behind the frames… but in the end the four beauties found nothing.

“I knew my hubby wouldn’t hide money from me.” Song heaves a long sigh of relief and quickly forms a warm and happy smile.

This means her husband didn’t do anything behind her back so that’s reassuring.

Spirit and the other two friends weren’t so convinced and exchanged a look among themselves. Sure, it’s discouraging to come out fruitless, but the sense of being defeated made them even more dissatisfied.

Spirit spoke first after some thought, “Song, does your husband have money on his debit card or something? That’s why we can’t find his savings?”

“That’s not possible. My husband has no money on his card because he doesn’t have a job. I offered to transfer him money every month but he said he didn’t want it.” Song sounded proud about this point.

However, her words caused an uproar.

“Jeezes! He’s a gold digger?!”

“I vote for nicknaming him Gold Digger Chu Yun!”

“Oh I’m so jealous, why can’t I get a wife that is willing to feed me!”

“Thief Chu Yun, the debt of stealing our goddess won’t be forgotten, heaven will smite YOU~~!”

“This matter is not over, if I can’t find Thief Chu Yun’s money then I can’t die in peace!”


The three friends here weren’t faring so well either. Unlike the frustration of the netizens in the chatroom, their shock was downright exploding due to the revelation of Song’s husband being jobless.

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If he’s unemployed then why is he going out all the time?!




Oh genuine scumbag!



And poor Song trusted him so much too when she said he’s out on a business trip!

Music immediately sneered, “Everyone needs money so your husband must’ve hidden it somewhere.”

Song retorted, “No way, my husband will not lie to me.”

Everyone: “…..”

They only had one thought at this time and that was to expose Chu Yun’s true face!

Song can’t be deceived like this!

Music began whispering to her phone so only the viewers could hear her, “You’ve heard it for yourself everyone. Hurry and come up with a plan to find the scumbag’s money! We need to wake her up from this delusion!”

“Our brains are already popping out!”

“AHHH, Thief Chu Yun is a real master. How can he hide his money so deeply!”

“Argggg, something is obviously wrong with the guy, how can Song be so innocent?!”

“Kitchen! Hurry to the kitchen. That spot hadn’t been searched yet!”

Suddenly, a barrage of comments caught Music’s attention and caused her eyes to light up, “Go, let’s go to the kitchen right now.”

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“That’s even more unlikely. All the cooking in the house is done by me, and my husband never goes in there.” Song was full of confidence and puffed up her chest.

However, her words only made everyone’s hate for Chu Yun grow by another layer.

Let Song do the cooking?


Dog, scumbag, die!!!

Music and her fellow compatriots swiftly turned the kitchen upside down, searching every piece, every corner according to the viewers’ suggestions. Even so, no discovery was made despite their efforts.

At this point, everyone became lost on what to do next.

“Hee-hee, I just knew my husband is the best.” Song giggles and covers her chin with those fingers to hide the blush.

However, that’s when it happened.

A row of super fire comments fired off in the chatroom.

“The Handsome Wine Seller rewards the anchor with 10 super fire comments: Anchor, please pull the camera closer to the wine bottle under the window!”

“Holy cow, ten super fire comments just to say that?!”

“Did he figure out something? Quickly go check, CHECK!”

“What’s so nice about that bottle?”

Music naturally took notice to this barrage and fell into awe at the heavy hand of this fan.

Making a super fire comment wasn’t unheard of in the streaming business. Every big streamer has it once in a while. But to get one person blasting off dozens of this would be costly, even for someone that’s loaded.

Without delay, Music leaned closer with her phone camera to get a better picture.

The bottle didn’t have any packaging on the outside, bare, plain and only half-filled with alcohol.

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No one could see why it was so exceptional in the eye of the guy.

Handsome Wine Seller: “Anchor, turn your camera up to the bottle lid!”


Only then did Music pay closer attention to the lid in question. It’s extremely beautiful from the surface, especially when looking down from above with those golden studded engravings.

Handsome Wine Seller: “It’s real! This is impossible! How is this possible?!”

“What’s going on Handsome Wine Seller? Quit being so vague and spill it!”

“Why do I feel like he’s going crazy behind the screen?”

“What kind of wine bottle can make someone go crazy after he fired off a dozen super comments??”

“Wine Seller, can you explain to us plebians before you go crazy? My curiosity is killing me!”

Forget the chatroom in the stream, the girls are also dying from curiosity.

Right as Music was about to ask as well, Handsome Wine Seller sent another comment——

“Anchor, please pass on my message to Mrs. Song: I want to buy that bottle for $100,000, please!”


“Am I blind or did Handsome Wine Seller make a mistake on his keyboard?”

“Buying a wine bottle for $100,000? Who in the right mind pays that much for a bottle?”

“Someone tell me what this thing is first!”

Music also got stunned by that astronomical price tag. After reconfirming the price, she finally passed on the message to her friend: “Song, there is a viewer in my stream that wants to buy this bottle for $100,000.”

“Wah… $100,000?”

Spirit and Coco were dumbfounded by this setup. Although they were both rich in their own right due to their family background and profession, it doesn’t change the fact that the money being used in this fashion was for a bottle.

Thinking her friend was pranking herself, Song casually said: “Quit joking Music, if this bottle is worth that much then the boxes of this in my storage room are worth millions.”

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