Chapter 10 “Any of You Ever Thought of These Being Real?”

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“I finally under now why some people would spend such high prices for art, they are using their heart to understand the artist’s message and not just the eye.” Chief Fang Guofeng sighs with a heartfelt voice after witnessing this grand scene.

He may be a famous detective, but he never did learn to appreciate an exemplary artwork in the past. However, even the densest of people would have their view opened to the world of art when baptized by masterpieces after masterpieces.

“Why don’t you buy a piece as well Chief Fang?” The assistant teases from the side.

Fang Guofeng smiled bitterly, “Even if you sell me, I won’t be able to afford one.” Then with a straight face, “Okay, enough playing around, let’s start our mission and go over every corner of this room. First, we need to find some clue to the whereabouts of this Chu Yun!”


Although the ladies did search around during the first live stream, their efforts could never be at the level of the professionals. These are detectives working at the national level. They are bound to find clues most ordinary folks would omit.


The experts meticulously carried out the appraisal of the artworks as predicted. Though dull and slow, none of the viewers dared to show any signs of boredom. In fact, the volume of people entering the live stream continued to grow by the second.

“These calligraphies and paintings are all heirloom level works, unfortunately, they are all counterfeits so the value will have to be greatly diminished.” An old expert places the magnifying glass in his hand down and said in a very regretful tone.

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Soon his words were approved by his peers present in the room as well, nodding in agreement to the assessment.

“This is such a shame. With the level of the copying artists, they should’ve been able to produce their own art style with ease. Why copy other people’s style and work? At the very least, they could’ve added their own stamp to pass off avoid this and earn recognition.”

“Such narrow vision. What a shame!”

So why are these experts calling these counterfeits? It’s the stamps and signatures on these works. They don’t know who the true artists are because they never left their own mark and copied the supposed original artist.

The story of a piece matters in this industry, and the reputation of the artist matters even more because that’s what brings in the value. Without this essential factor, it’s nothing more than some paint and ink scribbled on some fabric or paper.

After knowing the difference, the fans immediately began to state their own opinions without understanding the underlying meaning.

“Yeah, what’s going on with the copying artists? If they got that much skill then why bother with making counterfeits?”

“Is this a tribute to their idol, that’s why they didn’t leave their name?”

“Wow, this is a real mystery. Some of these copies could easily go for millions if sold as a copy with the artist’s signature. But a counterfeit would instantly drop the price by half at least.”

“I don’t get it either. Why not stamp their own seal to the work? If they did, they might even live on forever by leaving a mark in history as a skilled artist.”

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Despite the heated discussion, Director Guo Mingda of the National Museum did not get fazed in the slightest. Instead, the guy had his eyes pinned to the “Qingming River Festival” right in front of his eye.

There’s excitement, shock, disbelief, and doubt in his own life….

He only came today for this “Qingming River Festival”. The original copy was displayed in the National Museum, which he was in charge of as far as the public knew. It’s also his favorite item to study so he knew this masterpiece more than anyone present in the room.

However, unlike the disappointed look on his peers’ faces, he had the look of infatuation.

It’s perfect.

This painting is just perfect!

The original work had been changing hands for a long time so it’s inevitable that there are traces of age and mutilation on the piece. But this though…. the painting didn’t carry any hints of damage. Instead, it’s perfect, absolute perfection!

For a while, Guo Mingda had found himself immersed in the world within the painting, unable to pull himself back to reality.

This reaction quickly drew the attention of the others nearby because they are all intelligent characters. It’s obvious the director had noticed something extraordinary which they had missed.

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“Director Guo, how does this counterfeit compare to the real one in your museum?” An expert couldn’t help but ask.

“Have you ever wondered…. maybe these aren’t counterfeits at all, but genuine pieces?”

Guo Mingda’s subconscious mutter was no less than a thunder blast on the ground, directly blowing everyone up.

Immediately, an uproar ensued among the experts and viewers across the globe.

“Director Guo, you can’t utter something so careless!”

“How can these be authentic? If it is a genuine artifact, then how can it be so well preserved after being passed down through the ages?”

“Director Guo, have you forgotten the original copy of the Qingming River Festival is displayed in your museum? If this is the real thing, then what is that in your possession?”

“Director Guo, now is not the time for jokes!”

Even Song appeared surprised by that comment, never expecting Guo Mingda to say such a shocking thing while he should be the leading expert on this subject.

The other three girls were equally taken aback, their hands cupping their mouths to stop that screaming voice in the head.

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The statement may be hard to believe, but those who knew Guo Mingda understood how meticulous of a person this individual was when it came to art. Unless these works are good enough to be taken as the original ones, he would never make such a statement!

“How can I talk nonsense about such an important thing?” Guo Mingda inhales deeply before loudly proclaiming, “This painting is exactly the same as the one in the National Museum. They’re all definitely done by the same person in terms of style, brush strokes, and color. I can vouch for this with my reputation on the line!”

“In addition, I also checked the seal and found that… whether it be the material or angle of the stamp imprint, they’re all identical to the original “Qingmin River Festival” displayed inside the National Museum!”

Everyone’s heart pounded away as their eyelids twitched in excitement.

Guo Mingda has been immersed in the “Qingming River Festival” for more than thirty years, and no one dares to question his authority.

“Bu-But how can that be?!” A curator’s pupil widened in astonishment as he stared at the painting in front. “Could it be….. there are actually two original copies of the ‘Qingming River Festival’?”


Just when everyone was shocked to a standstill, Wang Teng finally spoke.

“I have studied the original version of the ‘Lanting Collection’ for a long time and found this version here in the study to be more natural and smoother. From this fact alone, I can attest to the possibility of these being real and not some inferior copied version.”

This analysis once again pushed the topic to a climax, sending the audience into ecstasy!

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