Chapter 9 “Second Live Streaming Broadcast”

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That night, countless netizens who had not yet slept were shocked awake by a message sent to their phone

Self-exposure by Song the famous singer!

Some time ago, the live broadcast of the four ladies could be said to have detonated a bomb on the networks. Although the hype eventually calmed down, the question remains hovering over everyone’s head and with arguments constantly popping up on the forums.

However, at this moment, the queen has come forward to announce everything was true!

And….. it would be a live broadcast tomorrow!

“Holy crap, I didn’t think there would be a big bomb dropping at this hour!”

“Oh I’ve lost any drowsiness I had earlier!”

“What shock did my Song get to do this?”

“Oh I can’t wait, tomorrow is going to be a real drama show, AHAHAHA!!! I like to see how things will blow up across the news!”


Next day.

Music opened up the live broadcast as suggested by Song the following morning. Immediately, a barrage of comments came flying off the screen as the viewers populated the stream.

“Hello everyone. To start off the day on a happy note, we will be holding an audition!”

Music knew her friend wasn’t feeling up for any jokes or warmups so she got straight to the main topic.

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All the viewers were confused.

Who are they auditioning?

But they didn’t need to guess very soon.

As Song went ahead to open the front door, the professional-grade camera they had prepared ahead of time swept over to the individuals standing there with the lens.

“OMG! Am I seeing this right? That… that’s Old Wang and Junior Wang! When did he arrive outside Song’s home?!”

“Oh I recognize one of those old men there. Wang Teng, he’s the acting chairman of the Northern Calligraphy Association!”

“Hiss—look over to the right, that old gramps is the head director of the national museum. How did someone like that get permission to visit Song’s home?!”

“Yo, why are you guys only looking at those old farts? Check that middle-aged man to the back, he’s the boss of the Feimao Group that produced the wines!”

“Really, you people only know how to recognize those business tycoons. Look to the left you idiots, that’s Fang Guofeng, he’s the chief detective of the National Security Bureau!”

“My god, why are so many big people on screen? I’m getting goosebumps just watching this scene!”


Which of these characters weren’t big people? In fact, some of them often made appearances on TV as well, yet every single one of them were obediently waiting outside the door for permission to enter.

“Miss Song, I have no other hobbies, the first is calligraphy and painting, the second is a good wine. Modestly speaking, I am quite accomplished in these two aspects so please allow me to participate in the live broadcast. I beg you!” Old Wang was the first to speak while keeping a humble attitude.

Whether it be the wine, painting, or old scriptures, everything inside the singer’s home held a strong attraction for the old enthusiast. He must witness this historic moment for himself! Unfortunately, these other bosses present today aren’t going to give way. They’re all extremely wealthy and influential.

Wang Teng snorted coldly after hearing his peer’s statement, “Ha, do you have no shame Old Wang? In terms of achievement, what have you got in those fields? Miss Song, I have immersed myself in the study of calligraphy for more than thirty years. I won’t say I’m number one in the field, but I dare say no one will say they’re number one if I claim to be number two. Please let me participate in this grand historic moment!”

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Another boss cuts in, “I’m sorry, if you are willing to flatter yourself then go somewhere else. Miss Song, my history research is second to none within the country. I dare say my ability to authenticate a historical relic is absolutely the best!”

“Miss Song, I am an expert in ancient paintings, you must choose me!”

“I’m the boss of Feimao Group. The only one that can authenticate the wine is me, there can be no other!”


This scene made everyone in the live broadcast room go numb.

“Good lord, so that’s what Music meant by audition!”

“Hahaha, they are no different from us when they are nervous! This is too funny watching them tear into one another!”

“This live stream is simply too good, even the bosses of big corporations are getting on their knees begging the ladies!”

“No shit, did you not hear what they’re asking? Who wouldn’t want to get inside to examine those items.”

“Thief Chu Yun is awesome!”


Soon, Song had made a list of candidates she deemed fitting.

Super detective Fang Guofeng, Feimao boss Gu Mingfei and all the authoritative experts in the field of calligraphy and painting present.

Professional things should be left to professional people, all she wanted from this was to find a clue to her husband’s whereabout. As to the bosses who didn’t get selected, the singer could care less about offending those who got left at the doorway.

Naturally, this scene once again made countless viewers laugh their heads off.

Meanwhile in the highest-level conference room of the National Security Bureau, a middle-aged man with a square face was currently sitting at the center of the conference table with four subordinates to his sides. This guy was called Li Tianlong, the acting director, and they were all watching the broadcast through a huge projector.

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He not only had Fang Guofeng enter the home to investigate but also took charge of the case to act as the head of the support team. That’s how much importance the government has placed on this puzzling event.

Of course, being able to enter the home doesn’t mean they’ve succeeded in their investigation. There’s still the missing owner Chu Yun in question. The director could hardly sit still unless the guy’s mysterious disappearance gets solved. Experience told him the matter was far from simple.

Under the watchful eyes of all, the live broadcast has officially entered the main show.

The first segment started off with the identification of the wine in storage. The steps were not complicated, and soon Gu Mingfei and the assistants he brought along were able to one-hundred percent verify the authenticity of these bottles as the real deal.

This naturally made the viewers even more excited for what’s to come, and sure enough, the experts soon got blown away after entering the study. It’s as if they were on a pilgrimage, carefully treading through the floorboard in order to not disturb the contents inside.

Gradually, the books on the shelves got unfolded to reveal their true nature.

No matter how mentally prepared the viewers and experts were, such a grand scene still left them awestruck.

No one could imagine this many world-famous paintings and works gathered in one place. Yet, that’s what happened here despite the odds.

“Jeezes, these are all world-famous paintings my school taught me. How in the world did Thief Chu Yun get his hands on these copies?”

“I haven’t studied calligraphy art at all, but even I can tell they’re no ordinary works. Like that Monalisa, it’s way more authentic looking than the one I saw on TV the other day.”

“This is such a privilege to see such a scene. I suddenly feel my heart racing for Song’s husband. He must be so romantic to collect this many poems.”

“Why do I get this strange feeling of finding the seven Dragon Balls?”

“Severely condemning Thief Chu Yun’s preservation method. How can he casually fold these precious artworks inside some novel cover? Does he have no respect for art? I want to tear him a new one for ruining such fine works, even if they’re all just copies in my opinion!”


Outside Song’s door.

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Despite being rejected to enter, Old Wang continues to praise the items through his phone’s screen: “Everyone look, these are what you call works of art!”

He has great regret in his heart, but being able to watch it nearby still brought him great joy.

In addition to this old gramps who came for the sake of his own interest, many famous bosses were also nodding their heads in approval.

They’re all successful people, and money was already a bunch of numbers for them so this would be their way of satiating that spiritual desire for more. Unfortunately, a single door now acted as a moat, separating them from the world of heaven and mundane.

Wang Da Chamber of Commerce Old Wang rewards Anchor with ten super fire comments: “I truly adore these paintings and calligraphy artworks. Mrs. Song, please sell me a pair after the stream. I am willing to start the bid at eight million dollars, please hear my plea!”

Penguin Technology Old Horse rewards Anchor with ten super fire comments: “Asking for a pair of artworks as well. My starting bid can start at ten million dollars. If this price is not to Mrs. Song’s liking, I can offer more. Just state the price!”

A Tanuki Bar rewards Anchor with ten super fire comments: “I’m willing to start at fifteen million dollars. If there is anything else beyond money, I am also willing to discuss further with Mrs. Song on the deal.”

“They’re here! The rich and wealthy fans are coming out!”

“Penguin is such a boss, he’s willing to open a blank cheque!”

“HAHAHA, this is the first time I’ve seen so many bosses hanging outside someone’s home like beggars. This stream is too amazing, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts!”

“What about money? In the end, they still couldn’t buy what they like at all.”


As for the group of calligraphy and painting experts inside, they didn’t know the explosive bidding war happening nearby. Instead, they’re entirely focused on devoting their attention to the study of these fine masterpieces.

At the same time.

The curators of major exhibition halls across the country were zooming in on the stream and making calls to send their own representatives on site. They are not going to pass up on this grand opportunity either even if they are a tad late to the party.

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