My Savior Identity Got Exposed Because Of My Savings chapter 104 – Bcat00 Translation

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Chapter 104 “The Three House’s Demise”

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“You’re looking for death!”

The old man behind Lin Yue’er let out a low growl and released his aura mountainously to suppress Chu Yun. He intends to kill the guy too, which was the excuse he needed to avoid being punished by the royal family.

“Yun Lao stop!” Lin Yue’er hurriedly ordered the elder.

Elder Yun frowned slightly and responded in a deep voice, “Consort, the Blue Star person over there killed the leader of the Blood Sect. If we let this slide, neither you nor I can face the royal family.”

“You don’t have to worry about the royal family. I will ask the third prince to take care of that.”

After Lin Yue’er finished speaking, she turned back to Chu Yun with complicated eyes. Then, shaking that head disappointedly: “Your temper really should be changed. Think about what I said, I can save you once, but I can’t save you twice.”

“It wasn’t me you saved; it was him.” Chu Yun indifferent states this. If it weren’t for her ordering the old man to stop, he would’ve blasted the grandpa’s head apart.

Lin Yue’er smiled helplessly, “Hoho, I know it won’t change your mind no matter what I say to you. But a person can’t always live in the past. His Highness the Third Prince will recruit talents at the royal capital in half a month. I hope you can be there. I will also help give you an introduction so you can gain a footing in this new world.”

“Not interested.”

Chu Yun felt a pang of boredom at her insistence and found his opinion of Lin Yue’er decreasing by the second. It’s almost impossible to communicate with such a person….

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Knowing their conversation was at an end, Lin Yue’er didn’t say much more and proudly took Elder Yun away with her neck held high.

When they left, the Prime Mistress chuckled and playfully came over to tease the guy: “Your ex-girlfriend just clung onto a new tree and became a phoenix. It’s only natural she doesn’t want her new boyfriend to be inferior to the old one.”

“It’s none of my business what she does.”

Chu Yun shook his head and put the ex-girlfriend on the back burner.

The Prime Mistress added, “But… she really doesn’t deserve you.”

Although the time of contact with Chu Yun was still short for herself, the guy’s reputation of being Blue Star’s hero has superseded him. What’s more, the power he displayed has proven he’s a capable person. If Shen Qingxia’s prediction was right, he would become a leading figure in the new era for sure.

“All of you should go back first, I have something to do.” After Chu Yun finished speaking, he raised his leg and disappeared from view in an instant.

He hadn’t forgotten there were the three houses still on his must-kill list! The best thing of all, he knows where they are through the memories he absorbed through the black hole spell.

“You all go back first, I’ll follow later.” Shen Qingxia guessed what the man’s doing and wanted to confirm it in person.

Spirit Cloud Peak, a mountain with an incredible feat of human engineering with an astonishing set of staircases that spanned from the foot of the mountain to the top. This here was the main base of operation for the Blood Sect.

“Who are you? This is the Blood Sect’s main school grounds. State your name and purpose; otherwise, get lost now!” The two disciples on watch were naturally shocked at finding an unknown man coming up to them when they were usually without visitors.

“Poof!” Before he could get more orders in, the disciple’s body exploded and turned into a blood mist.

Within the Blood Sect, the three criminals responsible for all this were currently gathered around discussing the matter of Chu Yun. They should’ve been happy about the guy being suppressed with the full might of the sect, but an ominous feeling kept nagging at their nerves.

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Buju frowns and looks up into the looming sky that seems to want to rain. It’s grey and depressing, hardly the weather of a victorious day.

He suddenly asked, “My eyes are constantly twitching. Could something have happened during the operation?”

Patch lets out a heavy breath and tries to reassure the three of them: “It must be us overthinking this. The Blood Sect is so strong, there’s no way they can lose. Even a simple disciple can destroy mountains, what can’t they do? Let’s not scare ourselves by having wild thoughts.”

Meinek nodded, “Yes, we are worried because Chu Yun’s name is too great. Don’t scare yourself Buju. The guy only touched on the realm of a cultivator slightly ahead of ourselves, but not anymore. Not only us, but all of our clansmen are working hard to grow as we speak. It won’t be long before our three families return to the same height on the Blue Star.”

The uneasiness of Buju quickly eased, “Haha, that’s right, Chu Yun is a thing of the past, and today is the starting point of our three clan’s renewal in the new world!”

“Pffff Poooffff Pooffffff!”

Suddenly, a series of watermelon bursting sounds fell into their ears with a steady pace of increasing by the second.

This instantly left the housemasters colorless on their faces as they swung their heads over to the source. It’s the sight of a youngster climbing the mountain, and wherever he went was a trail of blood filling the air and ground in the background.

“Chu, Chu, Chu… Chu Yun?!” Buju directly wetted his pants and stuttered the name out.

If Chu Yun is able to appear here then that means the Blood Sect’s operation failed?!


How can this be?


How strong is Chu Yun?!

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A numbing chill crept up along their backs and endless regret gripped them by the throat.

Chu Yun’s gaze eventually landed on the stunned three and recognized their identity in a second.

“Everyone in the three houses, say goodbye to this world.” He spat with a freezing voice of murder and rage. With a raised hand, he sucked over a drop of blood from each clan leader and chanted: “BLOODLINE CURSE!”

The three drops of blood immediately flared up and burned in the air.

At the same time, the figures of the three heads also burst into a pyre. If it were only the three of them then that’s that, but Buju and his counterparts could clearly sense their clansmen were also burning up in flame!

“No, no, no!!!”

“Chu Yun, we were wrong. Please have mercy and withhold such cruelty!”

“Aaaah, I’ve failed my descendants, I’m so sorry!!!”

At the same time, in other areas across the continent, the children and descendants of the three houses were all howling out in agony and horror as their own bodies inexplicably burned away.

The Prime Mistress had just arrived at the scene when Chu Yun activated the curse. She had never witnessed anything like this, leaving her quivering in fear at the insane reach of the spell.

Being able to erase the entire bloodline of a person, where in the world did he get such a spell? I’ve never even heard of such a thing is possible!

It finally dawned on the Prime Mistress that she underestimated this man from the beginning. What Celestial King? He’s only at that level because he’s been controlling his powers to appear that way. In the end, she’s the real clown.

This man must not be offended!

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If that consort knew what kind of treasure she had missed, I bet she will cry until she fainted….

Meanwhile this was happening, Ye Lan had already taken Dairen and Duo Duo to the Valley of Clouds for the medical examination.

The place was a true evergreen with tall trees and lush grasses from the weather. Although the herbs planted by the residents weren’t rare, but the elixirs created here were well known and highly sought after due to the third-rate alchemist that’s living here, named Master Qingfeng.

Alchemists were a very special profession regardless of what continent they were in. Not only are they versed in medication, they’re also excellent at crafting equipment. A true support class profession with a lofty living style due to the income they make.

With the help of the Snow Pavilion’s name, Dairen soon got an audience with Master Qingfeng, who had just finished seeing another patient.

The examination didn’t take long though. After a few glances, the old senior with his goat beard quickly concluded Duo Duo’s condition was the cause of the skin trauma she suffered from the Blood Sect. But, after some herbal ointment, things should clear up and heal.

But just as he was about to prescribe the medication, his eyes suddenly froze and fixated on the scars on Duo Duo’s arm.

As an alchemist, his perception and awareness are naturally stronger than the rest. He could feel the special power flowing out of Duo Duo’s wounds and noticed the gradual recovery of the scars.

“What a curious healing effect!” Master Qingfeng inwardly murmured.

What kind of heavenly treasure did she eat before to possess such properties?

Duo Duo became frightened by the intense stare from Master Qingfeng and shrank into Dairen’s arm for a sense of security: “Mama, Duo Duo is hungry, I want to drink milk.”

“Be good okay, mama will make you milk now.” Dairen patted the baby’s head and took out a premade milk bottle from her backpack and was ready to pour the hot water in when the old alchemist stopped her.

Originally Master Qingfeng was still thinking about what kind of treasure the baby had eaten when the fragrant scent caught his nose. And sure enough, his eyes glowed at first glance and grew greedy, which he hid really well from the mother.

Acting surprised like he didn’t know what he’s seeing, “Huh? What is that? Why does it smell so unique?”

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