Chapter 103 “Or Else?” (Part 2)

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Before long, only Zhao Yunkong was left alive on the battlefield with his subordinates all dead. Of course, this was deliberate by Chu Yun to instill despair into the bastard

“So you were this strong from the very start!”

Something in him snapped and broke because this turn out never even crossed his mind.

His blood disciples came in force, more than anything he’s ever mustered. It should’ve been a grand day for stepping into the Celestial King level, but his great plans didn’t even come into the inception stage and had died in its womb. How ironic!

“Hahaha, my son didn’t die unjustly!” Zhao Yunkong smiled bitterly with extreme remorse for his own folly.

Indifferent in his voice, Chu Yun asks about something he wanted to know, “The three houses of the Blue Star, are they also in your sect?”

“Yes, they have been encouraging me to kidnap your daughter and woman since the very beginning. I also know they’ve been targeting them long before the worlds merged.” Zhao Yunkong did not hesitate to sell the three scum houses out because this whole mess was partly their fault to begin with.

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If it weren’t for them, how could the Blood Sect have offended such a being like Chu Yun, right?

“Give me quick death,” Zhao Yunkong pleads.

“Stop!” But at this moment, an old voice came from the void.

Instead of expecting a senior like how the voice sounded, what they saw were a tall woman wearing a purple fringed dress descending from the sky. She had long golden curly hair draped over the shoulders, and her skin was snowy white with an air of allure that could entice the opposite sex by merely standing there.

Then came the old senior, the owner of the voice just now. Like the Blood Lord, the gramps was also a Celestial King, but his attention-grabbing ability paled compared to the lady.

“It’s Lin Yue’er, I heard that the third prince of the royal family is ready to take her as a concubine!”

After knowing the identity of this woman, the crowd flew into an uproar.

The Prime Mistress: “What’s going on? This type of battle can’t possibly alarm the royal family. So why would the consort come in person?”

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“As expected of the royal family, even a consort is able to bring a Celestial King as an attendant when going out!”

“I once heard this future concubine is a Blue Star denizen, perhaps she has past history with this Chu Yun?”

“Shhhh, be careful of what you say!”


Lin Yue’er comes before Chu Yun and spoke in a generous tone of superiority, “Chu Yun, it’s been a long time.”

“Indeed, it has been a long time.” Chu Yun responded calmly without any sign of fluctuation in his attitude.

In the past, he’s befriended many outstanding women on top of those from the Blue Star. Lin Yue’er may be outstanding in appearance with a face equal to Dairen and a seductive body of a succubus, but that’s not enough to make him care. To him, it’s merely an ex that he’s long moved on from.

On the contrary, the chatter around him didn’t fare so well. They’re all of the opinions that the consort has come to revel in the man’s face after gaining royal status.

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Lin Yue’er saw how calm Chu Yun was and became disappointed inside. She honestly expected him to be more proactive now that she’s come on equal footing or even superior depending on who they ask.

Taking a deep breath, “Chu Yun, you can’t kill Zhao Yunkong!”

Chu Yun raised an eyebrow, “Give me a reason.”

“The Blood Sect is a power under the West Continent. If it becomes known a Blue Star person destroyed a power under its rule, the consequences will be dire. You know how it is about unspoken rules. This is one of those.” Lin Yue’er explains like it’s a given.

Chu Yun’s eyes grew frosty without any kindness left, “And why should I understand? You mean to say I should just ignore things if others slaughter people from the Blue Star? That the Blue Star’s people are inferior to the other worlds? Don’t forget, you’re also a woman of the Blue Star.”

“The weak eat the strong, this is the eternal truth. Chu Yun, the times have changed. Before you stood on the top of the Blue Star so you can’t relate to those living a modest life at the bottom. Survival means adapting so you should recognize reality for what it is. Bowing your head when it’s required isn’t a crime! Besides, if it weren’t for the Snow Pavilion shielding you from the Blood Sect, you think you can still stand here talking with me?”

Lin Yue’er’s arrogant attitude was annoying to say the least, but for the Prime Mistress, this statement was utterly confusing.

Chu Yun relied on the Snow Pavilion to live?

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This woman is clueless about Chu Yun’s strength!

Chuckling at the self-conceited assumption from his ex, Chu Yun found it humoring that he had even spent a minute with someone like that. His standards sure have come a long way compared to the past….

“I am invincible. A mere insect like the Blood Sect only needs to be squashed with a stomp. Why would I need to rely on others?”

The proclamation only reaffirmed the consort’s assumption and that this was Chu Yun’s shallow arrogance talking. Unlike the husks of bodies strewn across the battlefield, only Chu Yun was untouched without any stain on his clothes. This, in her mind, proves he’s done nothing and was only taking credit for the Snow Pavilion’s victory.

Taking on a superior attitude now and losing any sense of friendliness, the consort puts on a commanding voice: “Regardless of what you want, I’m ordering you to not kill Zhao Yunkong. Otherwise, the royal family will…..”

Without waiting for Lin Yue’er to finish speaking, Chu Yun suddenly raised his hand and punched Zhao Yunkong into oblivion, turning his body into a sludge of gore and blood.

“Otherwise, what?”


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