Chapter 102 “Or Else?” (Part 1)

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The Blood Sect and the people of the Snow Pavilion immediately meshed into a brawl, erupting into a shockwave that blew the air apart.


While some took to the air or underground, most fought with spells and swords on the surface in an endless barrage.

“Shen Qingxia, come meet your end!” The Blood Lord flew into the air and challenged.

“Today will end everything!” The Prime Mistress drew her sword and graced herself up into the sky, her sword pointing at the scumbag.

Hundreds of blows were exchanged instantly, with deathly sparks of ice and fire raining down due to contact.

Chu Yun didn’t do anything while the two forces collided there, only paying attention to the battlefield in case anyone from the Snow Pavilion fell into danger so he could secretly help.

But then a loud roar from the sky drew his attention to the two sect leaders.

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“Blood Handprint!”


A vast crimson handprint descended from space, scattering the Prime Mistress’s ice swords that were cycloning around herself as a barrier.

“Celestial King?!” The woman exclaims.

Zhao Yunkong’s gigantic aura stunned the females from the Snow Pavilion, which was the opening that those from the Blood Sect were waiting for.

Using this opportunity, countless balls of crimson blood were shot out repeatedly, enveloping the targets in a plume of red that seared into the skin if unprotected.

“You actually made into the Immortal King level?” Shen Qingxia gasped and struggled to get after being injured.

She knew she was finished, completely finished.

A Celestial Rank cultivator was no match for a Celestial King because they’re fundamentally different in power, the former able to create a Field while the latter could control the Field to its will. The Blood Lord knew this and deliberately hid his strength. Even if she wanted to flee, she couldn’t anymore because the scumbag had already locked her in his grasp, thus making escape impossible.

The Snow Pavilion is finished, and it’s all done because of my decision….

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Zhao Yunkong smiled cruelly, “Hahaha, Shen Qingxia, you finally got what you deserve today! I will turn you into my personal toy and have all Snow Pavilion disciples serve as pleasure slaves for my sect! Your Snow Pavilion is done!”

Shen Qingxia grinded her teeth in frustration but knew she had nothing left. In a loud booming voice: “Disciples of the Snow Pavilion, FLEE!!! RUN AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!!! Chu Yun, I will block them here, you run too and take as many of my people with you, please!”

In her mind, Chu Yun was also at the Celestial Rank like herself, which meant they stood no chance of fighting the foe.

“You can try and run. I like to see how far you lot will make before I catch you all, hahaha!” The Blood Lord snickered derisively at the other side.

However, instead of seeing panic and fear, his response was indifference.

“Why should I run?” Chu Yun pointed at the Blood Lord flatly, “You are taunting me to run because it will give you the chance to save your son. But if I stay here, your son’s life is in my hands so you’re hesitant to attack me directly. Truth is, neither you nor your son will live today!”

At the end of the conversation, he pumped out a punch and blew the restrained young master of the Blood Sect into gory mush!

The audience went dead silent.

Everyone gawked at the magnificent man with disbelief and horror because not even the Prime Mistress would dare try something like this despite being arch enemies of the Blood Sect.

How could he? How dare he?

“Aaaah, you’re asking for death!!!”

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Zhao Yunkong roared with endless rage, which manifested in the form of his blood Qi surging out from his body as a Celestial King.

“Blood Spear!” A crimson-colored spear materialized out of the Blood Lord’s hand and shot out at Chu Yun with deathly precision and speed.

Shen Qingxia’s face got deathly white at the spell. Shouting out with great urgency: “Get out of the way, it will kill you!”

However, Chu Yun ignored the warning and instead stretched out his hand in return.

“Black Hole!”

An overwhelming suction force suddenly came into existence within the palm of Chu Yun’s hand, pulling in the blood spear with ease without raising a single ripple in reality.

This, this, this…..

Everyone dropped their jaws at this shocking scene with the Prime Mistress exploding in the head with a bang.

However, Chu Yun’s spell did not end there. Quickly and surely, the suction force also descended upon the blood disciples with increased vigor, turning their Qi into nourishment for his own soul.

Feeling the rapid loss of power in his body, Zhao Yunkong was filled with panic, and he used his full force to slap down at Chu Yun again.

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“Blood Palmstrike!”

The blood-colored palm went towards Chu Yun, but in comparison to the black hole that was continuously sucking in vast amounts of blood mist, the attack barely made a dent. In fact, it didn’t even raise a single splash.

“Blood Qi Barrier!” Horrified, the Blood Lord promptly resorted to the last ability in his arsenal and mustered up a shield to cut off the abnormal suctioning force.

“Poof, poof.”

The blood disciples fell one after another on the field as their bodies turned into lifeless husks.

This incredible turn of the event left the females from the Snow Pavilion gulping. They’re awestruck but also very much afraid of Chu Yun’s power.

There were more than a thousand blood disciples, some with strength at the Celestial Rank as well, but they’ve all been sucked dry like a mummy husk with only the Blood Lord left!

“He… what is his strength? Celestial King, or… a Celestial Monarch?!”

Thinking of a Celestial Monarch, the Prime Mistress hissed in disbelief and then promptly shook her head to dismiss the idea.

Impossible, how could he be a Celestial Monarch….

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