Chapter 101 “Brewing Storm”

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That’s how things are sometimes.

Sometimes it’s slow, sometimes it’s fast.

On this night in particular though, it’s so long that those with a keen sense of awareness had noticed something was amiss and grew anxiously worried.

Take the Sunset Dynasty’s castle for example – its empty. The old king and ministers had all bailed out of the city and hid far, far away in some secure location. As for the common citizens, most ended up fleeing on their own due to the creepiness of the night, with the remaining being driven off by the blood disciples with open threats of death.

It’s a full sweepout spanning hundred of miles out of the city with Chu Yun’s villa as the center. And let’s not mention the ordinary folks, even cultivators are not allowed to come close. The Blood Sect already made it clear: once you enter into the clearance zone, you would be regarded as a fellow party to Chu Yun and ruthlessly killed!

Hundreds of miles away.

There were still people from the nearby sects who, like everyone else, dared to watch from a distance.

“I can’t imagine that the number one person of Blue Star will cause such a big commotion the second he returns. Unbelievable.”

“I heard that he crippled the young master of the Blood Sect so it’s no wonder they’re so angry.

“Hahaha, I’m not hiding it, but I’m quite curious about this person. When the Five Continents just formed, his supposed achievements were so loud that it overshadowed the royal family itself.”

“Watch your word! How can you compare the Blue Star people to the royal family? You will end up dying if the ears of the royal family overhear your opinion!”

“Blue Star’s legend should not exist to begin with, and now that curtain is finally coming to an end.”

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The crowd was buzzing with noise, and although they were far from the scene, it did not hinder their enthusiasm for the upcoming battle.

Suddenly, a whiff of faint scent had hooked them by the nose.

Prime Mistress Shen Qingxia, dressed in her blue fringed dress, slowly graced through the air with her entourage of fairies that were equally as eye-catching. Truly a band of beauties befitting of their fame.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the ladies directly ignored the warning of the Blood Sect and stepped into the clearance zone.

“Am I seeing things? That is the Prime Mistress of the Snow Pavilion! She’s personally leading the party over!”

“Is Shen Qingxia crazy? If the Snow Pavilion intervenes in this matter, it will cross the line with the Blood Sect. War is inevitable with endless death!”

“Why are they helping the Blue Star people though?”

“It’s getting more and more interesting…. No wonder the Blood Sect wants to clear the scene, it seems they knew the Snow Pavilion will get involved with this matter.”


Meanwhile inside the temporary estate housing Chu Yun, the man was taking a seat outside on the balcony to enjoy a cup of wine.

Unlike the people living on the Blue Star who only experienced several months of change, he had been spending thousands of years inside the reincarnation world. If he doesn’t get a fill of the good stuff then he’s not doing himself justice.

Shen Qingxia eventually led her girls to the villa while she herself gently jumped up to the balcony to meet face to face with Chu Yun.

Looking at the man in front of herself, the Prime Mistress’s eye flashed a trace of surprise.

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Leaving aside the matter of strength with this man, she’s got to hand it to the guy for being able to stay so nonchalant during this tense period. It’s definitely impressionable for others.

“Why don’t you drink this one of mine instead. This is Biyou Wine. For you, this is definitely considered an elixir nectar.” Shen Qingxia took out a jade bottle and placed it in front of Chu Yun.

“Thank you, but no. I’m not drinking the wine for its taste, but for the emotions.” Chu Yun kindly declined with a smile.

He was the lord of the reincarnation worlds, what kind of fine wine had he not drunk? Even the incredibly rare immortal jade dew was inexhaustible to him so why should he lower himself for less? For Shen Qingxia’s bottle of wine, it’s absolutely tasteless, fragranceless, and textureless. A genuine third-rate product not even worthy of a glance.

Shen Qingxia’s pretty face froze awkwardly for a split second at the rejection. Inwardly, she’s a little upset and called the guy clueless. This was also true for the other ladies that came today and chuckled at Chu Yun’s ignorance.

Taking a seat opposite to the guy on her own: “My name is Shen Qingxia, the current Snow Lord and Prime Mistress of the Snow Pavilion. I’ve long heard of your name Chu Yun, and from our meeting today, I can say I’m not disappointed.”

Chu Yun frankly smiled and nodded at that, “The Blood Sect is going to besiege me with all its strength soon. I am really grateful that the Prime Mistress is willing to come stand by me in times of peril.”

Shen Qingxia slightly frowned at the carefree attitude and pushed to let him understand the direness of the situation: “Chu Yun, I know your strength is not weak, but the power difference between the Blue Star and the other worlds aren’t even at the same level. Ignoring the royal family in charge of this continent, the Blood Sect alone has been established for thirteen hundred years, and its current Blood Lord is at the peak state of the Celestial Rank. If the disciples under him combine their Qi and activate a blood rite, the Blood Lord can match even a Celestial King! Trust me, you are over your head if you underestimate the opponent.”

“You need not worry Ms. Shen Qingxia. No matter how many of them come, I only need to slay them all.” Regarding the concern shown, Chu Yun merely waved it off with his hand.

“You!” Shen Qingxia turned pink as the heat picked up inside.

Talk about a king not being worried and the eunuch is!

Knowing that persuasion was useless, she ends up sulking inside and sighs in acceptance. Shooting a look to her own people, the Prime Mistress signals them all to prepare.

At the same time, back in the Snow Pavilion grounds.

Duo Duo’s small little figure had been standing atop of a manmade ornamental mountain and gazing over in the direction of her father’s location.

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With a deflated pout: “Mama, Duo Duo still can’t see Papa.”

Dairen’s eyes became hot after hearing those words because she understood how much her daughter wanted to see that man. It’s also the reason why Duo Duo refuse to come down despite it being dangerous from that height, it gives the child the best view from above.

Shaky in her voice, “Shifu, he’ll be fine, right?”

Ye Lan nodded and comforted, “Rest assured, the Prime Mistress brought the three head elders with her as well. Unless the Blood Sect can gather an overwhelming combat force, they won’t be able to kill him.”

“Thank you…” Dairen said softly.

All she could count on now was the Snow Pavilion.

“Mama, itchy, Duo Duo is itchy.” Suddenly, the baby reached out and grabbed at her mother’s hand.

Tensing up at the oddity: “What’s wrong? Where do you itch?”

“My whole body is itchy…” Duo Duo said as she scratched her scars vigorously.

Ye Lan appeared and quickly forms a frown, “It’s the scars from before! What is going on? It can’t be… The Blood Sect might’ve smeared poison on her wounds before!”

Upon hearing the word poison, Dairen’s heart pounded furiously. In an instant, she grew hysterical in her voice: “Shifu, please, what should I do?!”

Unbeknownst to them, this wasn’t the work of poison, but the milk powder brought back by Chu Yun.

The milk had the healing effect of the mythical Rainbow Cow. Not only was the white fluid able to heal any wounds if drank, though not instant, it’s also able to gradually improve the user’s physique. Right now, Duo Duo’s body was going through an evolution of breaking off the old skin and giving birth to a new one, hence the itching.

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Ye Lan: “Don’t panic, there is an alchemist in the Valley of Clouds, we can go and ask him for help diagnosing Duo Duo’s condition.”

“Mm-hmm, let’s hurry then Shifu.” Without hesitation, Dairen plucked her daughter up and followed the female elder away on a flying crane.


Sunset Dynasty Palace.

Little by little, time passed with the rain growing heavier by the hour. It’s flooding on the street, unusual but fitting to the oppressive mood.

Finally, the hour reached noon with a gong from the public clock in the city square…..

“Here they come, the people of the Blood Sect are coming!” It’s unsure who shouted this through the rain, but the onlookers all swung their heads over in the indicated direction.

A large group of blood disciples were shooting over from the air with various types of weapons in hand: large swords, axes, whips, and all sorts of other lethal weapons.

Eventually, the red dots in the sky had overshadowed the rain itself, creating an unintentional water barrier with their Qi, and leading this army was none other than the Blood Lord himself!

“Father, save me, save me Father!” Zhao Yucheng was strung atop of a roof when he cried out to his old man for help. He’s got quite the vitality because the blood had never ceased to flow from his wounds, trickling down from the building and giving it quite the horrendous sight of some demonic offering ritual.

Zhao Yunkong’s eyes twitched violently at the deplorable state of his son. Letting the killing intent run wild, he roared at the one responsible: “Chu Yun, you think the Snow Pavilion is enough to save you?”

From the very beginning, the Blood Lord didn’t even consider Chu Yun as an opponent, merely a starting flint for the old grudge between the Blood Sect and the Snow Pavilion. His opponent was the Snow Lord, and only the Snow Lord!

The Prime Mistress gracefully flew into the air and confronted the Blood Lord on equal height before speaking condescendingly: “Zhao Yunkong, this is not the place where your Blood Sect can do as it pleases. Your son brought this upon himself for the evil deeds he committed. Today, no one can touch Chu Yun because he’s under my Snow Pavilion’s protection!”

Immediately, the three head elders and leading disciples from inside the villa shot out and got into formation around their Prime Mistress. They’re not individuals to be trifled with, which showed in the momentum that got released from their bodies that blew a hole inside the reddish Qi of the Blood Sect’s.

Zhao Yunkong laughed arrogantly at this display, “Hahaha, just with you lot? Don’t make me laugh!”

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