Chapter 100 “Brewing Storm” (Part 2)

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Chief Chen Tang was slightly stunned and confused, “Blood Lord, do we really have to go through this fuss?”

How can a single insect be worth pouring that much resource?

A deputy chief thoughtfully said, “Chu Yun’s woman has become a disciple of the Snow Pavilion Sect. Blood Lord, do you believe they will get involved?”

Zhao Yunkong snickered cruelly, “You are correct. I not only intend to kill Chu Yun, I also intend to destroy the Snow Pavilion!”

“Blood Lord, I do not believe that’s a wise decision. The Snow Lord has the legendary Melting Sword in their possession. No ordinary Celestial Ranked cultivator can match its power. If we include Chu Yun, who can defeat one of us here, the fight won’t be so easy. We shouldn’t underestimate the enemy.” A trace of fear flicked in this chief’s eye after recalling that legendary sword.

The two sects have always been at odds and have more than once fought on the battlefield. For this particular chief, he nearly died during a scuffle several years back due to the Snow Lord’s attack, hence his hesitation.

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“Celestial Ranked?” Zhao Yunkong smirked derisively like he’s heard a joke. Then releasing his power, a mountainous weight came down upon these higher-ups, leaving them shivering from fright.

“Celestial King?!” They became shocked and dropped their jaw in delight.

The chief, still afraid seconds ago, got excited: “Congratulations to the Blood Lord for breaking through the bottleneck and reaching new heights!”

“Haha! I know what you’re all thinking. Yes, this is thanks to Chu Yun’s daughter. Although I couldn’t eat one of her fingers, her blood alone is still plenty! Now do you understand why I intend to extinguish the Snow Pavilion?” The Blood Lord proudly explains his reasoning to the surprise of his followers.

A deputy chief smiled and said, “For so many years, that deplorable sect of wenches has been going against us, it’s high time we made the world understand our Blood Sect is not to be trifled with. Blood Lord, with your new power as a Celestial King, we can surely take this opportunity to eradicate this obstacle. We could perhaps use this opportunity to rise even further in our status!”

Lord Chen Tang’s eyes showed greed and longing, “Chu Yun’s daughter’s blood so effective, I can’t even imagine what her flesh will have on our cultivation! We must catch that runt and bring her back, she’s too valuable to ignore!”

Zhao Yunkong nods and signals them to listen by raising a fist: “As the Blood Lord, I hereby declare war against the Snow Pavilion! The time to rise and stand at a new height is upon us!”

One of the chiefs roared in support, “Of course Blood Lord, we will follow you all the way!”

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At the same time, over at the Snow Pavilion Sect’s main ground.

After settling down Dairen and Duo Duo, Ye Lan, the female elder, quickly sought an audience with the Prime Mistress.

Shen Qingxia, also known as the Prime Mistress and Snow Lord to some, wore a long slender dress of blue that perfectly outlined her fantastic body. Matching that figure with the natural blonde hair, she’s the embodiment of what a western woman nobility should look like.

Listening to Ye Lan’s story, Shen Qingxia’s face couldn’t help but show a displeased frown. Make no mistake, she’s not a coward by any means. On the contrary, no one capable of forming a sect with her own ability would be. However, this arrangement wasn’t one of her own volition, meaning it was a situation out of her control. This was a big taboo for any leader.

Ye Lan saw through the Prime Mistress’s woes and immediately grew anxious. Getting on her knee, the female elder tries to make her case again: “Prime Mistress, we have been feuding with the Blood Sect for a very long time. Even if we don’t intervene, those scums will only get worse in the future. Not to mention Dairen is my disciple already. We can’t stand by and watch her be killed.”

“What?! You also accepted the other party as your disciple?” Shen Qingxia appeared shocked because she didn’t expect Ye Lan to be so rash. Pacing back and forth the room, the Prime Mistress realizes it’s too late to pull out of this mess.

But the next statement from Ye Lan completely drove the Prime Mistress up the wall.

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“Prime Mistress, Dairen is born with a hundred spirit veins, and Duo Duo is naturally attuned to the elements. If the Blood Sect gets their hands on them both, the strength of those people will soar beyond our own. At that point, our sect will be in grave danger.”

“What? Hundred spirit veins? Naturally attuned to the elements?”

Shen Qingxia’s shocked face faded and took on a grim air.

The qualifications of a person’s ability to become a cultivator could be divided into four types: inferior, intermediate, superior, and ultimate. Then above these typical gradings are what they call unique special talents. It doesn’t matter which, but if a prospect possessed something special, they would immediately be welcomed into the sect since it’s almost certain the student would grow to become monsters in their own right.

And among them, a well-known special talent was the hundred spirit vein constitution that allows the owner to train in any field known to humankind.

A short moments later, Shen Qingxia has come to a decision.

These two special constitutions are too important to leave to the Blood Sect!

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She’s nervous about starting a war, sure, but having two mega behemoths loyal to the sect was far more enticing.


Ye Lan continues, “Prime Mistress, I’m sorry I took the disciple without informing you first and pulling the entire sect into the fight. But I can’t allow the Blood Sect to persecute the poor and daughter. I hope our sect can stand up for justice!”

“No, you made the right choice in taking the mother as your disciple. Well done!” The Prime Mistress’s face showed a smile, but there was a sharp light flickering in her eyes that emitted strength.

“The Blood Sect is unscrupulous and does whatever it wants. Others are afraid of them, but my Snow Pavilion isn’t! You gather the disciples to the main training ground and call the three head elders to me. I want to see how the Blood Sect reacts to our mobilization!”

Ye Lan’s eyes couldn’t help but brighten up. With blood rushing up to her head, the female elder felt relieved for her student and that baby.

“Thank you Prime Mistress, I will go and inform the people of the sect…”

This night would be a turbulent one as the rain poured to match the heavy mood. But the dice has been cast, and the brewing storm soon to hit its apex.

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