Chapter 99 “Brewing Storm” (Part 1)

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The force causes reality to ripple under Chu Yun’s will. As the lord and master of so many reincarnation worlds, he has the ability to enter and go as he wills. But since he’s injured still, summoning a door would suffice for what he intends. Take for example, getting some milk for Duo Duo and Dairen to help get their bodies ready for cultivation.

Milk powder….

Milk powder….

Chu Yun flipped through the reincarnation worlds in his roster and finally fixed his sight upon a magical cow.

This mooing animal was called the Rainbow Cow, a divine grade beast that’s well known to produce milk capable of strengthening a person’s physical body by leaps and bounds. Best part of all, there are no side effects if consumed in bulk!

It’s you!

Chu Yun promptly reached out with his consciousness.

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“As Lord of reincarnation world, I command you to produce milk at once!”


The Rainbow Cow mooed once before milk started gushing out of her utters, creating a rainbow in the air due to the sparkling white liquid.

Chu Yun soon hoarded a supply of over a hundred barrels there. If it wasn’t for the fact that the cow has gone dry with only water leaking out, he would’ve continued for another round.

With the supply secured, Chu Yun then found a high-tech reincarnation world to turn a barrel of milk into powder form. As for the rest, he’s keeping it in storage for Dairen and anyone else that might need it later.

Later that night.

“Papa, Papa~” Duo Duo’s beckoning voice could be heard from the bedroom.

“Get dressed first or you’ll catch a cold,” Dairen tells her daughter.

“I’m going to find Papa.”

“Get dressed first!”

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“No, I want Papa to dress me!”

“You little heartless thing, you are not allowed to go anywhere without getting dressed.” Dairen was getting a little annoyed at the girl and pretended to be angry.

As it so happens, it’s exactly at this moment where Chu Yun pushed open the door and walked in.

Seeing her father’s arrival, Duo Duo suddenly got all sad and started tearing up with a grievance voice: “Papa, Mama is being mean~”

That brought a wave of hilarious humor to the parents as they exchanged a look with each other. They know full well it’s Duo Duo being a child and wanted sympathy from her father. A good sign that indicates how clever the rascal was.

Sounding sour in her voice, Dairen shoots a blame over to the man: “I really don’t know which point about you is so good. Duo Duo only likes you.”

Chu Yun chuckled triumphantly. Without disappointing the girl, he went up and gently lifted Duo Duo up to show the box of milk powder he brought as a gift. “See this Duo Duo? This is your new milk powder prepared specifically by your own papa. Do you like it?”

“Love it! Love it!” Clapping her hands in glee, the child was all joy and smiles, “Duo Duo loves Papa the most! I want to drink the new milk!”

Chu Yun smiled and said, “Okay, papa will go make it now for Duo Duo. But before then, you must listen to your mother’s words and get dressed like a good girl.”

After contemplating the deal with her little head, Duo Duo nods and says with her milky voice: “Okay Papa.”

“EH? Why is this milk formula so fragrant? There’s no brand name on the box.” Dairen asks after checking the box in Chu Yun’s hand and becomes surprised at how nice it smells. If it weren’t for her daughter, she would’ve also liked to have a taste.

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Chu Yun: “This is a special milk powder I specifically had made for Duo Duo. I still have more if you want to have a taste.”

“Papa, milk, milk.” Duo Duo didn’t want to wait and began reaching out with those hands, her mouth salivating with drool.

Unable to resist that adorable face, Chu Yun quickly got the bottle ready and handed it over where an audible suckling sound ensued.

“Papa, this tastes so good, I want more.” Despite not finishing her portion, Duo Duo was already asking for more.

Half an hour later, Ye Lan was ready to take the mother and daughter away for the Snow Pavilion Sect, which got the baby all tearful again and refused to let go.

“Duo Duo, papa has something to do first. Once I’m done, papa will definitely return to Duo Duo’s side. Go with your mother first, okay?”

“You promise? Pinky swear….”

“Mhmm, pinky swear.” The two pinkies hooked, one big and one small, to seal the promise.

Seeing this scene, Dairen’s eyes grew moist as she wanted to try persuading Chu Yun one last time. However, she sucked it back in at the last second and stood motionlessly there as she watched that back leaving her view.

Night time.

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Blood Sect’s main hall.

Zhao Yunkong had just left his personal abode and summoned all the high-level personnel to convene an emergency meeting.

Three chiefs and ten deputy chiefs were with him, all of whom were no weaker than the one confronted by Chu Yun at the castle. Of course, the housemasters of the three scum houses were also presented since they’re the ones who sold the information to the Blood Sect.

“The reason why I summoned you all here needs no further explanation. Chu Yun has broken into the dungeon and stole the blood slave from our hands. He’s also imprisoned my son. I want his entire lineage buried for this transgression!” Zhao Yunkong’s voice was cold with no question about his anger.

“I didn’t expect the Blue Star to give birth to such a figure as Chu Yun. It’s really strange. According to the words of that disciple who returned, Chu Yun has the combat strength of a Celestial Ranked cultivator.” A deputy chief says with amazement. He never thought the insects that lived on the Blue Star could give birth to such talent; after all, the environment was the biggest limiting factor to ones growth.

Another deputy chief also chimes in, “It’s merely the wrath of a brave fool. His daughter is perfect for being a blood slave due to her constitution so we can’t let this go. I support the idea of going to war!”

Finally, when the heads of the three scum houses heard the intent for war, their faces all got red from excitement. They’ve been worried sick after getting news of Chu Yun’s return, and now they’ve got nothing to fear anymore if the Blood Sect condemns the man to death!

Zhao Yunkong narrowed his eyes at the suggestion, revealing a cold dark gleam that oozed venom. After a moment, he began laying out his plan on what to do.

“Yun He, immediately issue a summoning order to all of our disciples in the region. Have them all gather back at the sect’s main grounds by tonight!”

That said, the Blood Lord shifts his sight to another chief.

“Chief Chen Tang, your task is particularly important: I want you to go to the Langchao Gate, the Yunhua Sect, and the Qingfeng Valley to warn them not to interfere with our affairs! If anyone dares to refuse, tell them our target will be them next!”

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