Chapter 14 “Riches End”

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Located in a prestigious area of the capital city, the villa bought by Song was called Mountain Hill Unit 1. According to the blueprints, there should only be one basement, but apparently that’s untrue with this new discovery. It’s just that no one knows how the guy did it. It’s too mysterious and baffling.

Moreover, as they went deeper and deeper into this , the shock in everyone’s hearts became more and more intense to the point Detective Fang Guofeng was pumping cold air through his mouth due to his wildly beating heart.

“My god, why isn’t the tunnel coming to an end yet? How deep is this passage?!”

“What a move! This is a big discovery!”

“According to the speed in which they’re walking, the group should’ve gone down by another twenty meters by now. How deep is this place going to be?”

“I’m not even concerned about how deep it goes. I’m more curious about how no one ever noticed the construction noise when they dug this tunnel. The project should’ve alarmed someone by how big it is.”

“Song should’ve noticed it since she lives with Chu Yun, how did she miss it?”

“Chu Daddy’s method of making people shiver in surprise is too incredible. He’s the king of hype!”


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In the National Security Bureau’s office, Li Tianlong’s expression had gotten extremely tense due to what he was reading from the pile of documents placed in front of himself.

“Director, according to the construction blueprints and notes about Mountain Hill Unit 1, the groundwork shouldn’t have been able to support such an excavation. The villa would’ve collapsed under its own weight during the construction work.”

“Director, there is no sign of excessive modification after the villa’s original completion, nor do the neighbors know about any construction project nearby.”

“Director, there’s another crucial point I need to bring up.” The short-haired and capable female assistant showed a shocked face of incredulity after noticing a detail that everyone omitted.

“Go, say it.” Li Tianlong prepares himself and grips his fist.

“Time!” The assistant says, her voice clearly shaky due to her own assessment, “Chu Yun and Song only got married for a year and three months, and it’s a flash marriage at that! That’s to say, the secret tunnel must’ve been created during this period because no one was occupying the residence prior to this timing!”


As soon as this explanation came out, the rest of the agents in the room gasped in amazement. They are smart people and instantly got what their colleague was implying.

“It’s impossible!” Someone immediately exclaimed in disbelief.

“We have already seen what this Chu Yun is capable of so I’m not going to start doubting what he can’t and can do anymore. All of you sit down for now and watch the broadcast. We need more information.” Li Tianlong regained his composure and solemnly said,

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Finally, at the thirtieth-meter mark, a metal gate appears at the end of the tunnel. It’s a very simple door, just a layer of tin, plus a door handle. However, something inscribed onto the surface quickly drew everyone’s attention.

Fang Guofeng didn’t get a good look so he pointed the flashlight to illuminate the content. It’s then his pupils shrank.

“Rich’s end, is nothing but a pile of garbage.” Spirit involuntarily gasped after reading it aloud.

Analysis department member that’s present: “According to the depth and pressure of this handwriting, I deduce its two different sentences that have been written during different times. See? The former segment is deeper than the latter half.”

“Why is that?” Music couldn’t understand and asked the person.

“My guess is the person had a change of mind later on. Perhaps an experience or event did it. I can only speculate this much.”

The assumption of the investigator was spot on in fact.

Chu Yun has gone through countless tests in the reincarnation worlds, and his greatest hobby was collecting all the precious things in the various realms.

Initially, his goal naturally aligned with the regular folks of obtaining wealth, which was why he made such a bold statement at the start of the sentence.

Like the paintings and wines, it’s why he had such a big collection in storage.

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However, when he finally obtained enough wealth to overturn an entire nation, his vision had already expanded beyond that small piece of land that covered his past worldview. This wealth, it’s become nothing but a pile of garbage, hence the latter part of the sentence.

“Rich’s end? Isn’t his attitude a bit big for that?”

“I feel that Chu Daddy is a little arrogant about himself and doesn’t know where he stands in life.”

“That’s not the main issue, it’s Chu Daddy’s attitude about wealth being a pile of garbage. Isn’t that too insulting?”

“How much alcohol did he drink to write that? At the very least, I do not believe it.”


Outside the villa door.

Old Wang shook his head in disappointment, “I admit that Chu Yun is very mysterious, but there’s no way he could obtain all the riches in this world.”

“Is there an end to one’s wealth to begin with?!” Old Horse also shook his head, “Even if there really is a family behind Chu Yun that runs all the way back to ancient times, that doesn’t mean they could control the finances of this world.”

“Young people are crazy and don’t know how deep the water is.” Another chime in with a sigh.

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They are all financial tycoons, the wealthiest people in the country with assets worth hundreds of millions, but… in the face of true capitalists, they wouldn’t even dare to breathe in the same room.

“Yes, like the Wittstein House that once supported the war of a nation singlehandedly. Over the centuries, they also cultivated many writers, artists, and philosophers. Compared to their collection, Chu Yun’s stuff here is hardly worthy of note! If a family of that caliber knows how to keep a low profile, what right does Chu Yun have in flaunting his wealth?” Old Wang smiles bitterly and casually gives an example.

“In addition, there is the Rochede family, the Putzik family, etc. All of which can influence the world finances with a single command.” Old Horse did not want to sound weak and threw in what he knew about the hidden kingmakers of this world.

Although Chu Yun’s possession amazed them, but that’s nowhere close to being the final step of the world rich’s.

“Indeed, calling rich’s end as a pile of garbage is truly ignorant. He doesn’t know how deep this world is.”


It’s at this time that the number of IDs made another explosion within the broadcast room of Music’s stream.

“Hahaha, rich’s end? I’m dying from laughter, only you fools from Dahan would say something so silly!”

“Song would actually say something so silly on a live broadcast, talk about an eyeopener. You people from Dahan really know how to joke!”

“Do you know the Puzik House? The richest people in your country can’t even clean their shoes so how dare you say rich’s end? Do you even know what that stands for?!”

“This stream is full of garbage, I’m getting mad just watching the nonsense. Who even believes this crap anyway?”

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