Chapter 15 “Stunned”

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For a time, countless slanderous barrages appeared and occupied the stream chat.

Originally, the people of this country also didn’t believe it’s possible to reach the end of the world’s riches. But not believing was one thing, getting blasted and mocked online by foreigners were another.

“Attention, a group of mad dogs have crossed the ocean to our network!”

“You poor saps that never seen the outside world, we will show you what it means to be a citizen of Dahan. You will learn today what true wealth is!”

“Yes, open your dog eyes and pay close attention!”

“That’s right, don’t get blinded by my Chu Daddy’s glory!’

“Ha, these people only know how to spout crap online. Just because they can’t do it, other aren’t allowed too?”

“Dahan Dynasty is the best!”


Music angrily banned as many foreign IDs too after getting frustrated. “Brother-in-law, why do you have to make such a big bluff? I hope you do have what it takes to back it up, otherwise we are screwed!”

Coco and Spirit were also getting worried inside over the situation spiraling out of control. However, Song who’s the main heroin of the show was very calm on the surface. She believes her husband so it didn’t matter what others were saying. Moreover, the singer only wants to find her husband, what does it matter if others like to talk crap? That’s not her main concern.

Under everyone’s gaze, Song slowly reached out with her hand and twisted the doorknob.

“Be careful.” Detective Fang Guofeng and his assistants froze at the same time, their bodies slightly bending forward in anticipation for the dangers that might be lurking from within.

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“It’s coming, it’s coming!”

On this moment, the quarrels and bullshitting had come to a full stop regardless of their opinion.


Song slowly pushed open the door.

In that instant, a piercing gold light shone through and reflected what’s inside. It’s gold, a magnificent and glorious golden construct!

“This, this is…”

When Fang Guofeng saw the scene inside, he only had one thing running through his veins and that was a boiling sensation.

The others weren’t faring so well either. They’re petrified and unable to process the image.

Spirit gulped and eventually managed to blurt out her thoughts: “Go-Gold House?!”

Many people have seen mountains of banknotes through the movies, but how many have seen a room built entirely out of pure gold? And not just the room either, but all the decorations and furnishings as well!

It took a while for the viewers to come back to their senses, but they did eventually.

“Aaaah, eyes, my eyes are blind!”

“HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! What kind of magical place is this?!”

“I am in class right now and I just threw my textbook at my teacher. They always say a gold house only fiction, but I say it’s real and I’m watching it right now!”

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“My Chu Daddy’s is the biggest boss! Only a true genius would be able to do something like this!”

“I never expected that I would see a real gold house in my lifetime!”

“Where are those yapping dogs? Keep barking!”

“Don’t shout, they’re all too stun to reply.”


Outside the villa’s door.

The mouths of those financial tycoons, including Old Wang and Old Horse, were all gawked open in maximum shock. They could not close them for the longest time due to this trauma.

Unlike ordinary citizens who never seen an ounce of wealth, they are more sensitive to the meaning of a house made of gold and what it represents.

A bald businessman was trembling profusely when he shouted: “Outrageous, simply outrageous! There is really a gold house, what is wrong with the world?!”

He’s a gold merchant specializing in retailing trinkets and gold bars, nicknamed Gold Mine Zhou. Originally the guy came to try his luck at purchasing one of those wine bottles for himself, but after being attracted by the content of the livestream, he couldn’t leave anymore.

“Old Zhou, how much gold do one need to build an entire room like that?” Old Horse’s expression was extremely tight and stiff after asking the gold merchant. He’s a well-known philanthropist on those charity shows himself, but even he did not dare to estimate the cost of building something this grand.

The same was true of Old Wang and the other tycoons present outside.

Although their asset valuation was roughly estimated to be somewhere around 200 million, but this valuation included stocks and real estate that could not be easily turned into useable cash. On top of that, they also carried a sizable chunk of debt in their accounts. In comparison, gold was universally recognized as cold hard cash, taken in by anywhere and anytime.

“I can’t give an estimate, the number is too big!” Old Zhou the gold merchant shakes his head in frustration at the astronomical number in his head. “All I can say is the price will be big enough to topple a country!”

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“How in the world can there be a house made of pure gold? I bet it’s mixed in with other metal and only the surface layer is real!” A financial expert suddenly opened his mouth and immediately brought everyone to their senses.

Old Wang jumps at this idea, “If it’s just gold plating on the surface then I can accept that more.”

Old Horse also comforts himself by following up, “It should be gold plated, otherwise where else would Chu Yun get this much gold?”


National Security Bureau.

Li Tianlong and the others stared blankly at the golden screen shining against their eyes like it’s being stabbed repeatedly by the bling bling.

“Ho… HOLY SHIT?!” Some of them even involuntarily issued a curse word despite being on the job.

“Di… Did he need to be this insane?” The short-haired and capable female assistant screeches at the opera level.

Li Tianlong’s face twitched a few times before asking, “Can you figure out how much gold there is?”

The people present in the conference room stared back and forth before shaking their heads in unison.

“Director, it can’t be all pure gold, right?” Someone questions the authenticity of the alloy.

“I have already contacted Chief Fang Guofeng to have him communicate with Mrs. Song on testing the items with the experts present.”

Li Tianlong forcibly calms himself down knowing a hot head won’t do them any good. Then once he did, the security director promptly pulled out his phone and texted a message to a special number he reserved for major security concerns.


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Damei Dynasty’s international information collection office.

A group of uniformed citizens stared with laser beams shooting at the live broadcast, their hairs pumping up due to the shock.

“OH MY GOD! Is there really a house made of gold in the world?!”

“The Dahan people are crazy, how can they be so rich?”

“Our Damei Dynasty has the largest gold reserve in the world, but even we wouldn’t think about creating a house made of gold!”


“Quiet, everyone calm down.” The muscular and bearded leader loudly yells to suppress the stirring officials, “Fake, that must be fake! Such a despicable way of hyping up an event, how dare they take the world for fools with this show!”

“Director Jill, did you notice anything?”

Jill faintly chuckles before taking a sip from his coffee, “You’re all getting mislead due to the heat of the moment. Take a closer look everyone. I assure you, that house or room, it’s only gold plated and not pure gold like you all think!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was immediately stunned.

“So that’s it, as expected of you Director!”

“I almost forgot Dahan loves to make hype shows out of their events. I bet this singer is doing it for her upcoming movie or TV show.”

“Hoho, a gold-plated room, what an expensive promotion!”

“Director is the best!”

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