Chapter 16 “Real Gold Fears Nothing”

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Daben Dynasty International Information Collection Office.

A short man with a Dr. Robotnik mustache watched the live broadcast with a gloomy face.

“Damn it, why did the Dahan Dynasty suddenly come across this windfall? This miracle gold house should be appearing within our Daben Dynasty instead!”

One of his subordinates immediately said, “Let’s not jump to conclusions Director Taiji, these things still need authentication from gold experts. Who knows, it might be fakes!”

The Robotnik mustached man coldly scoffed: “Then is there any results yet? I recall putting you in charge of investigating this matter.”

“We’ve managed to get some information. The lady’s husband is called Chu Yun, and if we can locate that man and bring him back to her, our country will be entitled to a net worth of five billion dollars!” The subordinate paused to clear his throat, “Also, these assets are all historically traceable in the Dahan Dynasty. It’s possible to use this as leverage to inflict a severe blow to that country’s reputation!”

“So Song’s husband is the key! Give my order, send every agent we have in search of this Chu Yun. I don’t care where he’s hiding or held. Our country will be the first to find him!” The determination burned in this director’s eyes like he wanted to bite off someone’s head.

“YES SIR!” The subordinate immediately took the order and ran off.

After he left, another of his subordinate took the stand and reported, “Director Taiji, I suggest we disregard the authenticity of the gold house for now and move on. This is a great opportunity to pour dirty water on that country and boaster our own reputation.”

“Oh? Keep talking!” An approving grin forms on the mustached director’s face.

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“The Dahan Dynasty plundered their citizen’s wealth to build an extravagant gold house underground. It’s an act deserving of condemnation!”

“Hahaha, well said. Let’s first disgust the Dahan Dynasty and let them know how powerful our Daban Dynasty is!”


Site of the gold house.

All the people present kept rubbing their eyes in unison, finding the bling bling hurting their eyes if they didn’t do so.

“Sister Song, let’s go in?” Spirit licked her lips due to how dry they were. She’s ashamed to admit it, but the film queen suddenly got an inferiority complex growing inside.

This is a room made of gold, am I even qualified to step into it? I’m so nervous!

Song’s eyes were equally confused and fell into a trance.

My husband… he’s too insane!

Without thinking, the singer nodded and stepped through first.

The others saw and followed, tiptoeing like they were afraid those shoes tarnished the shiny bling bling making up the floor.

“This is definitely the peak moment of my life. I actually walked into a real gold house!!!” Right now everyone was crying the same thoughts inside.

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If it weren’t for the fact that it was live broadcasted, these people would surely dance around like a frolicking child in a playground.

They are no longer celebrities, no longer successful people, but country bumpkins that have just entered the city.

“Holy! Sofas made of gold, TVs made of gold, cabinets made of gold… Do you have to be so cruel?!”

“There is nothing other than gold in this house. It is too spectacular! If this gets turned into a tourist attraction, I wonder how much money people will pay to come visit everyday?!”

“I’m not afraid of everyone making fun of me, but I wouldn’t even dare to daydream this big.”

“If this is what the end of rich’s means then that’s not wrong. Chu Daddy really didn’t disappoint us!”

“HAHA, talk crap more! These are definitely fakes, likely only gold plated on the surface. I bet it’s all cement underneath!”

“Maybe it’s not even as good as gold plating, just a layer of gold paper stuck on!”

“Yo, barking dogs need to wake up and smell the coffee! When did you rats crawl out of your holes?”


Coco walked around the room in a daze, her pretty face stoned for the longest time before turning to the singer: “Sister Song, my brother-in-law’s hand is too big. He modeled this place exactly like the first floor of your home!”

A hall, a kitchen, two bedrooms plus two washrooms.

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From pots, pans, beds, tables and chairs, all were made of pure gold… Solid gold!

Toilets, and even toilet papers were minted with gold!

I actually have such a powerful brother-in-law, just thinking about it is making me excited!

Song nods in agreement because she had long noticed this fact before anyone.

Evoking a sweet smile, “It shows that my husband always had me in his heart…”

Caught off guard, Coco nearly choked from the sudden blast of lovers’ dog food.

At this time, Detective Fang Guofeng had walked over to speak after getting orders from his superiors: “Miss Song, we want to ask a gold professional to come examine these gold, will you permit me to do so?”

“Yes.” Song didn’t think about it and nodded.

In her mind, she thinks this might lead to a clue about her husband’s whereabouts.

The security bureau quickly organized the matter and sent equipment’s down here as well.

Of the gold experts arriving, Gold Mine Zhou was among them since he’s been outside the entire time. The guy only needed to step through when his breathing became urgent. Why? Because he only needs a glance to begin a rough estimation in his mind.

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As a veteran of the gold industry, his experience and touch alone were enough to tell.

Everything here… It’s all pure gold, and it’s the finest gold!

“This is truly deserving to be called a gold house! A miracle, a true miracle!” Unable to control himself, Old Zhou started to tremble and shook his fat body due to being overly excited.

He loved gold as much as his life, and at this time, he wanted to hug this room and cry tears of joy.

Unlike the emotional gold merchant, everyone watching this behind a screen were stopping their breath and staring at the blinking machinery brought underground.

“I bet it must be fake. How did they even transport this much gold in the first place? And who built it? Maybe the entire thing is fake and a prop!”

“I’m putting my foot down now. If it’s real, I’ll handstand and eat my wall!

“The two upstairs, just wait, my chu papa will teach you how to be a proper human being right now!”

“Screenshots taken, I hope you barking dogs can do what you say after getting face slapped!”


Different from the bustle of the live broadcast, the big bosses who got locked out of the villa were deadly quiet while waiting for the final results.

And in the midst of everyone’s waiting, the first result finally got released!

The pots, pans and chopsticks in the kitchen are the smallest, so the results for these items are also the fastest.

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