Chapter 20 “Chun Yun’s Picture”

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Just when there was a lot of joy in the chatroom, Fang Guofeng suddenly turned to the camera screen and spoke in a stern voice: “Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make!”

This stunned the viewers who waited quietly behind the keyboard due to the seriousness of that face.

“After consultation with those involved, it is decided that we will be recruiting those who are good at solving the Rubik’s Cube. Anyone and everyone confident in their ability should get in contact with your local government office right away! For those too far away to come right away, you can contribute by giving suggestions through the chatroom. We need as much help as possible for this problem!”

So what exactly was behind the strange black door? No one knows, not the viewers and most certainly not the agents at the government buildings. Nevertheless, not a single person questioned the situation’s gravity and what lay behind that door. In fact, the incident had unknowingly become a national concern!

“My goodness, my heart is burning with fire!”

“Attention fellow citizens! All those who are good at Rubik’s Cube unite and crack Chu Yun’s puzzle!”

“Brethren, the time has come to earn glory for our country, CHARGE!”

“Mom, I suddenly want to cry. I never thought the day would come my skill on the Rubik’s Cube could be so important!”

“Hahaha, I have been a Rubik’s Cube lover since childhood. I may not be number one, but I am most certainly number two! Here I come city, no land or sea will get in my way!”

“The Rubik’s Cube left by Chu Daddy? Interesting, my desire for a challenge is on!”

“Although it’s a bit impudent of me saying this, but… count me in!”


At the same time, inside an ordinary residential building.

A teenage otaku suddenly swapped out the coke-stained shirt that he’s been wearing since last night and jogged out of the room.

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When his parents saw this scene, they were immediately stunned by their son’s behavior, “Where are you going?”

The teenager’s face was boiling with blood, “Mom, Dad, our country is summoning me!”


What is the country summoning you for?

The husband and wife stared at each other and thought their son had gone crazy.

Mom furrowed her brows and said, “Quit farting nonsense. It’s already a blessing if you don’t add fuel to the fire.”

The corner of the teen’s mouth smirked because he knew his mom would say that, “My calling is finally here Mom. You know how I have liked playing the Rubik’s Cube since I was a kid, and now my time to shine is here. You should be proud of your son!”

It’s over…. My son has finally lost it from being cooked up in his room for so long. The pressure of school must’ve driven him crazy!

The husband and wife were frightened silly then and immediately said, “Son, don’t say anything more, your parents will take you to see a brain doctor now.”

“Mom, Dad, I’m not making this up. Here, look at this, it’s the summoning notice from the government office!”

The otaku helplessly pulled out his smartphone and shoved the screen before his parent’s face.

The husband and wife read the letter suspiciously, and then made a wowed face after realizing their boy wasn’t lying. Afterward, it all high and joy because they knew how good their son was at the game.

“Mom, Dad, the country needs me!”

“Go, mom and dad will drive you over!”

Likewise, similar scenes were played everywhere, including in the live broadcast chatroom. Surprisingly, the popularity didn’t diminish in the slightest and continued to grow exponentially.

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At this time, outside Chu Yun’s villa.

The group of big bosses did not leave with the cessation of the live stream; instead, they stood where they were and refused to go.

Old Wang smiled, “Old Horse, why aren’t you leaving yet? Isn’t it better to get a good rest tonight and come back later? Can your old body handle the cold?”

“Hahaha, it’s you who should go, my house is right here.” Old Horse smiled triumphantly and raised his hand to point at another villa not far away.

“I didn’t expect you to be so sneaky Old Horse. Guess we will be neighbors from now on.” Another boss chimes in and pushes his glasses up intelligently.

“Originally I wanted to one-up you guys but it turns out you all had the same idea as me.” Old Wang smiled bitterly and shook his head over their behavior, “I also bought a villa nearby. In fact, it’s the one right next to yours Old Horse.”

Some of them began staring back and forth because they all felt the same way. It’s hilarious but also depressing how far they’ve fallen.

“It seems we can all watch the follow-up broadcast together.”

Outsiders may not realize this, but these bosses didn’t just stand idly around all day. They’ve been making moves here and there the entire time. Like buying up the property nearby, or having their employees investigate Chu Yun, or getting into contact with the government on what they plan to do.

Bosses are going to be bosses, they’re not going to be outdone by the competition.


By nighttime, the discussion about Chu Yun had swept the entire Internet by storm!

Before everyone was busy watching the live broadcast so their curiosity could only be suppressed, but now that they’ve got a moment to breathe, it’s natural to discuss the hot topic. As such, some of the mysteries were gradually revealed through the few photos floating around.

[Two years ago in the Five Mountains Scenic Area, I saw a super good-looking little brother. I didn’t go talk to him, but I did secretly take a picture that I still can’t delete to this day. To think he is actually Chu Daddy! Now I regret not going up to him and starting a conversation, ahhhh~]

Pictures attached!

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“My god, he’s so handsome!!!”

“Why is there such a handsome man in the world?”

“Although that face is not enough to drive people crazy at first sight, but why do I like it more the more I look at it? What’s going on?!”

“I admit I am jealous. My face is actually not as good as Chu Daddy’s!”

“Chu Daddy’s temperament is too fairy-like, anyone else notice this?”

“Absolutely face slapping all the sugar boys out there. I can watch an entire TV episode if Chu Daddy just stand there!”

[Three years ago, me and my good sisters in a café also took a photo. I didn’t think he was paying attention, but he smiled and waved when he turned to face us! My heart was pounding so hard back then, I still have wet dreams here and there because of him! I love you Chu Daddy!]

Then she attached a photo to the post.

In the photo were her sister and the man sitting in the background who just turned around to face the camera. That smile was downright lethal.

“Some people are just born to be the protagonist!”

“I’m the same, Chu Daddy is too camera-grabbing!”

“Hahaha, it seems that Chu Daddy’s mood is very good. He will actually grab attention.”

“It’s obvious Chu Daddy is an extremely low-key person. With his appearance and wealth, he should’ve been the king long ago!”

Indeed, the taking of the second photo happened during one of Chu Yun’s happy moments.

Back then he had just conquered a reincarnation world and was leisurely enjoying life when the girls brought the phone camera out. To have a little fun, he even smiled and posed for them.

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[I also have a picture of Chu Daddy from a few months ago, but his mood doesn’t seem to be very good.]

Since the photo was the most recent, it naturally drew widespread attention.

The photo takes place in the city’s highest and most luxurious revolving restaurant.

Sitting alone at a dining table, Chu Yun only had a cup of hot water while staring off into the distance through the glass window. Despite the picture showing nothing but the side of the man’s face, everyone could still see the brow slightly wrinkled up. It’s obvious he’s troubled by something in mind.

“I am learning micro-expressions at school, and right now Chu Daddy has obviously encountered a problem he deemed difficult to resolve!”

“Aaaah, it hurts so much, I can feel Chu Daddy is very pained inside!”

“With Chu Daddy’s awesomeness, the problem must be huge to make him show that look!”

“Chu Daddy is obviously already standing at the peak, what could it be?”

“Can Chu Daddy’s disappearance be related to this matter?”

“Aaaah, what the hell is it?”


In fact, Chu Yun’s trouble was exactly that. He’s trying to figure out whether or not he should save the world, or to take Song and leave this world for another.

Although he couldn’t deal with Space God Nightmare at the time, but departing for another dimension or world was no problem at all. But wandering through the various reincarnation worlds was still wandering. Only the blue planet could be called home. Did he really have to watch it perish after being raised on this blue world?

Meanwhile in Chu Yun’s home, Song’s tears had already started rolling after seeing this newfound picture on her phone.

“Husband, what happened to you, why didn’t you tell me? We are husband and wife, we should be carrying these burdens together!”


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