Chapter 21 “A Thank You Notice That’s Two Year’s Late”

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“Sister Song, no matter what it is, I believe that my brother-in-law will be able to solve it!”

“Yes, my brother-in-law is so powerful, it’s not possible for something to overwhelm him.”

“When the brother-in-law returns, we will interrogate him together about why he hid such a big thing from you!”

The three friends comforted the lady from the side after seeing how sad the singer was. However, instead of feeling pity for the lady, they were astonished by the handsome features of their brother-in-law after seeing him for the first time.

Brother-in-law is really so attractive.

That look, that temperament is simply fascinating.

However, their excitement quickly got quelled after thinking it through about Chu Yun and what he had accomplished. It’s normal for someone capable of creating a house of gold, the first in this world!

It is no wonder that Sister Song has been hiding her husband away from us. If she had brought him out, who knows what might’ve happened.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened.

National Museum.

Guo Mingda, Wang Teng and others naturally couldn’t stay at Chu Yun’s house so they could only reluctantly leave the artworks behind. Right now they’re staying at the museum overnight in preparation for tomorrow morning.

Surprisingly though, these experts were playing on the phones instead of resting for the night. A weird and odd sight for people obsessed with history and art. So what exactly was pulling their attention so hard? Naturally it’s Chu Yun, who else?

“The guy’s appearance is extraordinary at first glance. It is no wonder he could achieve those extraordinary things.”

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“This time we old fellas all owe him a big debt. Even if I die, I can die happy to witness this grand scene in person!”

“Yes, being able to examine the original manuscript of Wang Xizhi’s “Orchid Pavilion Collection”, what more can one ask for?”

“Now my only wish is to see those treasures enter the museums with my own eyes.”


Just as they were discussing their own thoughts, Guo Mingda who was the acting director of the National Museum suddenly froze after taking a glance at Chu Yun’s photo. He was panting hard as the surge of heat rushed into his brain.

“He, he is…”

“So it was him, no wonder, no wonder! I always thought his identity couldn’t be normal, so my instincts were correct!”

Guo Mingda’s murmuring immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Wang Teng’s brow cocked upward at his peer’s expression. Sounding curious, “Director Guo, do you know something about the guy that we don’t?”

“How can I not know? He is an honored benefactor of the National Museum!”

Guo Mingda’s words made everyone’s hearts beat wildly, urging him to continue.

Showing absolute respect in his face, “The reason why our museum was able to retrieve one of the lost statues of the twelve Zodiac two years ago is because of him!”


“It was him?!”

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Everyone exclaimed.

The silver statue of the zodiac was undoubtedly a national treasure. Unfortunately, those relics were lost during the last great war in this country and scattered worldwide.

After hundreds of years of hard work, eight were eventually retrieved while four remained missing.

Regrettably, many people speculated they were lost in a storm and sunk to the bottom of the sea. However, two years ago a mysterious figure actively contacted the National Museum and donated the remaining four statues, thus completing the set of twelve. This made headlines for months on end that year.

As to how and where the authorities managed such a feat, not many knew, especially not the public. Nevertheless, those at the top did and as it so happens, Director Guo Mingda here knew and was the very same person who received Chu Yun that day to accept the donation.

After listening to the whole story, everyone’s heart rose to a soaring level of respect.

“Although this man is young, but I have to admit… I am inferior to his generosity!”

“A lad worthy of respect!”

“A new generation of heroes, he deserves to be one!”


Guo Mingda’s phone suddenly rang then. It’s his subordinate and curator of the museum.

“Mingda, did you see his photo? That man is Chu Yun, the one who donated those statues to us back then!”

Because of the excitement, the curator’s voice was sharp and screechy through the other end.

“Yes, I just saw it. So his name is Chu Yun, what a twist of fate.”

“Yes Mingda, it really is a twist of fate. I know we promised him to keep his contribution to society a secret back then, but now that he’s become public knowledge, why don’t we release the details of the past? It won’t hurt him or anyone.”

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“Curator, I was thinking exactly that. We can’t let him be a silent hero for all he’s done for society!”

“Hahaha, good!”

Immediately afterward, the National Museum made an announcement through official channels that exploded across the media.

[This is a thank you that is two years late! Thank you Chu Yun for your contribution to society, and thank you for unconditionally donating the four Zodiac statues to the National Museum!]

“MY GOD! Jeezes! Holy! My Chu Daddy is awesome!”

“So the one behind that was Chu Daddy, hahaha! To think he was already doing great things behind everyone’s back so early on, what an incredible man!”

“Chu Daddy is too mysterious, I love my idol god!”

“I’m goosebumps right down to my balls, how is that even possible?! ”

But then a barrage of comments resonated with the public——

“Aiya, and here I was having my heart shattered when Song announced her marriage to him. I even scolded Chu Yun for being unworthy. I’m sorry, your son here is unfilial!”

“Chu Daddy is so charismatic~ He’s rich, handsome, and has a heart big enough to hold the world!”

“Father Chu, please come back and scold us, or I won’t feel at ease!”

“All of us owe Chu Daddy an apology!”


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National Security Bureau.

“Chu Yun is a model citizen!” Li Tianlong sighed heavily, his face was full of respect.

The short-haired and capable female agent also sighs from the side: “If it was any other person, they would’ve long stirred up a storm with that much resources on hand.”

Another agent chimes in, “I only admire one type of people in my life and that is the selfless type. Chu Yun has done what most can never dream of doing. I declare him to be my life’s goal, my idol!”

“Hahaha, then you need to learn from your idol some more. I look forward to the day you contribute to society!”

“Chu Daddy, be an idol for all of us!”


At the same time.

Chu Yun’s photograph had spread to the other dynasties across the globe.

“Oh my God, this Dahan guy is my ideal type. Look at that manly chest, that seductive gaze, oh I’m melting!”

“Aaaah, that gold house is enough to make me sleep with him for life. He can take my virginity if I can take a single spoon from there!”

“I admit I have fallen in love with him at first sight.”

Dakore Dynasty, Six Star Technology.

In the president’s office, a tall and fine-shaped sister was currently gazing emotionally at the photo in her hand: “So you were from the Dahan Dynasty, you’ve made me search far and wide for you!”

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