Chapter 22 “Dahan Dynasty’s Trouble”

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Six Star Technology, a company with the well-deserved title of being the overlord of the Dakore Dynasty. Originally a small research institute during its inception, it has grown into a giant behemoth that monopolized the entire technology industry and made up 70% of the country’s annual GDP.

Yet, despite its unshakable influence and power, the company’s founder was nothing more than a beautiful young woman in her mid-30’s – nicknamed Miracle Woman!

And as it so happens, she’s currently watching Chu Yun’s photo on the phone and tearing up. If anyone were to witness this, they would surely be shocked to the ground.

No one knows how difficult it was when she first founded this company. It could be said she didn’t have a leg to stand on in the field. Then right as she’s at her darkest moment in life, a hand suddenly reached out and brought light back into her world. Naturally, this would be Chu Yun who was visiting the country after completing a reincarnation world.

At the beginning they were only acquaintances, discussing various topics between themselves. Of course, the benefactor of the chat was always the woman who learned many new things from the guy. Then through the knowledge and technology Chu Yun left on a whim, the lady known as Miracle Lady embarked on her journey of climbing up the technology ladder.

But the success in life didn’t make her happy at all – it’s hollow. The Miracle Lady realized what she truly wanted wasn’t this life of solitude, but the light that reached out to save her in the darkest point of her life. She wanted Chu Yun!

Countless hours were spent in the following year as she frantically searched for that man, but the search was in vain. Then came this sudden windfall of the man’s whereabouts.

“No matter who you are, Six Star Technology belongs to you! As long as you give me the nod, I will give everything to you, including me….”


At the same time, inside a secret conference room hidden deep underground of the Dahan Dynasty.

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Five different elder class individuals were currently sitting before a round table with grim looks.

“Outrageous, these oil vampires!”

“Do they think our country is dirt or something? They think we will yield?!”

“A bunch of vampires that only knows how to cling to their oil fields, how dare they try to taint our country!”

The Grand Elder glared at the secret letter in his hand, his face ugly and furious due to the content.

Likewise, the other four elders also had gloomy faces and were equally outraged. Nevertheless, the helpless light in their eyes said it all about how troubling the problem was.

They’ve been racking their brains out and couldn’t figure out a solution.

There are over a hundred dynasties on this blue planet – both large and small – but compared to the true powers in the shadows, they all paled in front of the Three Great Houses.

These three major families have existed far longer than any known country in this modern time. In fact, if one looked close enough, they could vaguely notice their hands working behind the back of every major event.

Like revolutions….


Mass migrations….

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The demise of kingdoms….

Or in more modern times, financial crisis’s….

It’s no exaggeration to say, as long as these three houses were willing, the world was at their beck and call.

So what exactly was their main trump card to make the world beg on their knees? Simple, it’s black oil!

As we all know, black oil was the lifeblood of modern society. Without black oil, the cars would not move, ships could not sail, and planes would not fly. In essence, without the lifeblood of technology, nothing in modern society would work, including the military equipment of the strongest countries out there.

So what exactly was happening to make these five elders look so grim when they should be relishing in their success? The economy was booming after all with technology rapidly developing. Life was good for the average citizen.

But then who could’ve expected this letter… a message directly from the Three Great Houses – they threatened to cut off the oil supplies to the Dahan Dynasty!

Once the lifeline gets cut off, what would happen to this country? The answer was simple – they would go back to the stone ages and become the target of harassment from the neighboring countries.

“What is everyone’s opinion? What should we do?” The Grand Elder stared at the other four and asked hoarsely.

The four wanted to say something, but in the end, they fell silent.

What could they say?

They are not gods. They couldn’t conjure up oil from thin air.

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“…. Alright, I understand. Leave me alone for now.” The Grand Elder waved his hands weakly to dismiss the rest. He’s got a grave air around his head that couldn’t be dispersed at all.

The demands written by the Three Great Houses are too unreasonable, there’s no way they could accept them. But if they don’t, it would mean the end of their country as they know it because it would effectively turn their citizens into serfs.

“Do we really have to agree to the demands of those vampires? Black Oil, black oil….”

Despite the dismissal, the other four didn’t leave, only standing at the doorway and staring back at their fellow leader with a look of sorrow found only in those who care.

“The Three Great Houses are too calculative!” The one known as the Third Elder clenched his fist and spoke with gritted teeth, “They deliberately waited until our most vulnerable moment to strike. Our country is in the middle of development. Without oil, we will be beaten back to the days of horses and mules.”

“I understand your anger Third, but we will make it through this hurdle. We’ve come this far with nothing already. We are going to do it again. Our people have suffered too much from the last civil war.” The Fourth Elder spoke in a firm voice, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Smashing his fist against a pillar, this time it was Fifth Elder who spoke, “Those fuckers, I wish I can annihilate the Three Great Houses in one fell swoop!”

The Second Elder didn’t speak like his brothers and instead showed a look of exhaustion in those eyes. Aside from the Great Elder who led their council, he’s the one who worked for the Dahan Dynasty the longest so he knows how to keep a calm disposition. Even so, against this immense trial, even he was starting to grow anxious inside.

Thankfully life never ceases to amaze. As the air around the hall turned stale and damp due to the oppressive mood, a text from Second Elder’s phone rang and brought everyone to attention.

Quickly picking it up to check, the senior saw it was from his trusted subordinate Li Tianlong of the security department.


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Next day.

National Security Bureau.

More than two dozen people were gathered in an office and working around a strange-looking Rubik’s Cube. They were incredibly skilled at the ordinary thing, capable of solving the puzzle within ten seconds with their hands, but even they were troubled by Chu Yun’s gift.

But then it happened.


With the last spin, the colors of the Strange Cube are unified, and their mission… COMPLETE!

Before the live broadcast, countless people finally got their first glance at what this strange Rubik’s Cube was supposed to look like. As a result, some eyes had involuntarily started to moisten while some screamed in excitement and slammed the table, causing their parents to freak out and scold the kid with a slap.

“It’s finally done. All hail the Rubik masters!”

“Hahaha, I didn’t sleep all night just for this moment. I finally got to see the finale!”

“This is such an honor.”

“Do you all see? That’s my son there, my son! Mama is so proud of you Son!”

“How did they even manage to solve that thing? I could barely make heads or tails of the whole thing, and I was watching it from the beginning!!!”

“Brothers have worked hard, they deserve a rest for this feat!”

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