Chapter 33 “The forgotten Note App”

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In the blink of an eye, five days had quietly transpired.

The drawbacks of the oil sanctions were like a fissure on the ground. At first its only a small crack on the surface, but as time grew so did the small line, and now it’s a giant chasm that couldn’t be mended unless drastic measures were taken.

Take traffic for example. Due to congestion, business processing had slowed to a crawl, and planes, trains, and ferries are at a near standstill. Pretty much everything had become stagnant, effecting all parts of life right down to the supply chain of everyday goods.

In summary, the cost of living for the average citizen has skyrocketed. From increase in transportation cost, to the daily necessities, everything has doubled in price in the last five days! But that’s not the worst of it though. For the city folks, they could still procure goods if costly, but for the more rural areas in the mountains and such, they might go hungry if the next train doesn’t make it on time!

In the end, some of the netizens had begun to waver at this point and soon broke out in discussion.

“Brethren, I know it’s not right to say this, but… If we can trade those things for the lifting of the sanctions then perhaps we should do it. Atleast it will give us some buffer time to adapt.”

“Upstairs, you traitor, where is your backbone?”

“How about you open your eyes and look outside? What good is a backbone if you can’t rely on it to live? We have to think about the overall situation. Let’s sit down and negotiate with the three houses first before dragging this further.”

“I agree, the effects aren’t as heavily felt in the more developed areas like the cities, but I live in a village up in the mountains. I barely had enough to eat for the last three days!”

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“Hoho, you lot think this will end because we submit and hand those things over? If there’s a first then there’s going to be a second. Pirates do not know when to stop!”

“These treasures belong to Chu Daddy, if you want to touch them then you better ask Chu Daddy first!”

“We can compensate Chu Daddy. We can also thank him for the contribution to society. Now is not the time to argue but to act!”

“I refuse! All of you get up now and hold that back straight! Even if we starve, we cannot submit like slaves. I rather die than be humiliated!”

“You’re amazing so go ahead and die. I am but a small mother with a two-year-old, I need to feed and raise my kid still!”


In Song’s villa.

Spirit had smacked her phone down against the sofa cushion after reading the comments online, “Damn it. The oil sanction only happened five days ago and people are already clamoring to hand over Brother-in-law’s stuff!”

“Sister Spirit, I understand your feelings, but I also understand their side too. I just scrolled through some of the pictures they posted. There’s a lot of nonsense floating on the net, but there are also some suffering right now like not being able to feed themselves properly. It’s really chaotic out there.” Coco sympathetically explains some of the stories she came across.

“Even so, we can’t just give Brother-in-law’s stuff away?! They’re all priceless treasures representing our country’s history.” Music weakly opened her mouth as she laid on the sofa with a hand over that forehead due to the headache.

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The streamer did not dare open her broadcast lately due everything happening outside. Not because she’s afraid of the badmouthing that might come, but she doesn’t want to deal with the selfish ones who would argue with her about this and that.

At this time, it was Song’s turn to console her friends: “Actually, if my husband were here, he wouldn’t care about giving away these things.”

That instantly raised some eyebrows in the room.

Frowning in the face, Spirit chases the question, “What do you mean Sister Song? You wouldn’t be planning to give away Brother-in-law’s things, are you?”

“What do you mean?” Song made a blank face like she didn’t get it, “My husband said it clearly did he not? These are nothing but a pile of garbage to him, why would he care if we toss out the trash? But trash is trash, it doesn’t mean I will let others connive after our stuff!”

“Bu-But… do you really believe they’re nothing in his eye? I’m having difficulty accepting this fact.” Coco appears dumbfounded at how easily her older sister accepts the fact.

It’s not like the school idol was being overly materialistic. In fact, if you ask anyone else, they would surely take that saying as a form of bragging and nothing more. Who wouldn’t treasure gold, and whole house of it at that?

The corners of Song’s mouth sharply curved into an upward arc, “I believe everything my husband says, he never brags!”

The three friends wordlessly covered their face, “You really can’t be saved.”

Song did not care about them for thinking she’s hopeless. It takes a lover to know what love was, and as far as she’s concerned, she’s in love with the best man on the planet!

Taking out the love letter again to reinforce her own opinion, Song was reading over the sentences when she noticed a part that she disregarded at the end.

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“…… Your husband is a man standing at the pinnacle of this world. If you wish it then I shall grant it. If you don’t believe me then take a look at your phone’s note….”

Because the words were written in a rush, plus most attention were on the first parts during the stream, everyone had subconsciously dismissed the last sentence.

Phone note?!

Did my husband leave something in my phone’s note app?

But what does some note have to do with fulfilling my wish?

Without thinking it through, Song promptly pulled out her own phone and opened the note app.

Unlike other programs on her phone, the singer rarely made any notes so it was immediately apparent there’s a file saved inside, titled – “You husband is granting your wish so don’t get too surprised.”

Song flew into joy and covered her mouth out of reflex. However, the second she finished reading the content, her internal scream had manifested into a literal scream of glee!

This cry scared the daylights out of the three friends who jumped out from their groaning mood.

Music quickly pats her chest to calm that panic, “What’s going on? You nearly scared me to death with that cry!”

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“Sister Song, what is wrong with you? Why did you scare us out of the blue?” Coco and Spirit also shot a blaming look at the older sister for bursting out.

“I, I, I….” Song could barely get her sentence right and kept squirming around like a jellyfish, “I’m sorry, I was too excited after reading the love letter my husband left for me. I found a hidden message because of it!”

Brother-in-law left a secret message?!

The three girls all lit up in high spirit at the grand news. They know, if it could make Song jump with glee then it must be something good. There’s nothing to worry!

The girls hooked their arms around the singer’s to make sure she spill the beans, “What is it, what is it?!”

Laying out the love letter flatly on the table so they could all see, “Look here, my husband told me to check my phone’s note app. I just looked….”

“Look what? Quit stalling and say it!” Coco couldn’t handle the suspense and urged the older sister to say.

Handing the phone over, “I can’t say it, you better read it for yourself.”

The girls hungrily goggled the screen in triangle formation, and then the next moment they screamed out the exact same curse word.


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