Chapter 34 “Dahan Dynasty is Saved”

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“Sister Song, is the message here for real?” Spirit held her chest with a hand and found the air difficult to breath.

Music’s head buzzed with a ring that made her unable to think right, “Brother-in-law is too much, is he even human anymore?”

“Sister Song, did you really make this wish?” Coco also found this incredibly hard to believe.

Mainly, the content of the note here was too appalling!

There’s not much written in the document, merely names of two places called Yushan and Chongming Island.

Yushan was a mountain range near the capital with a relatively low population, often jokingly called a superfluous mountain

As for Chongming Island, it’s a chunk of land smacked dabbed in the middle of the Mayor’s River that interfaced with the capital and the neighboring city. Likewise, it’s also relatively desolate and without human presence.


According to the words left by Chu Yun.

This whole mountain has been swapped into gold by him!

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That’s right, it’s the kind of gold mountain that everyone understands!

Pure gold!

The entire mountain was made of solid gold!

And that’s not all.

The big surprise remains with that island!

According to Chu Yun, there was a 10,000 square kilometer oil field on it!

“Oh momma!”

The four girls didn’t know what to do and fell into a stupor.

A mountain of gold had already poked through into the heavens for these muggles.

Daydream the gold mountain? Who would dare? And even if they did dare, how are they supposed to grasp the concept? They couldn’t, not that they won’t!

As for the oil field…

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The effects are even crazier on the girls. They wanted to scream and curse and yell into the sky right now. Why? Simple, the oil instantly solved the crisis facing the Dahan Dynasty!

Coco bit her lips into a thin line before asking: “Sister Song, did you really tell him you wanted this? That your wish is to have these two things?”

Song nodded, her cheeks flushing red from embarrassment.

“I had just finished my world tour back then and was so tired that I complained to him. That’s when he told me if I didn’t want to work anymore then I could retire, but I retorted without thinking and said I will if he drops a gold mountain or oil mine on me.”

“I only mentioned those two things without meaning it. You three know it too. I’ve always been envious of those rich tycoons that owned a mine and could pump cash from the ground….”

“Truly, I never imagined my husband to actually remember my casual remark and give me both at once!”

All three friends were borderline numb at this point. They’re still stunned to the core at how irresponsible Song was with her words, but what could they say? Not like anyone expected those wishes to come true, right?!

What kind of fairy husband is this? Woowoo, wooowooo, what is the world coming to?

Spirit couldn’t resist adding, “Sister Song, you really know how to make a wish you know that?”

Music gulped uneasily and also joined in: “What kind of family does Brother-in-law have behind his back? This level of power is beyond normal. I thought the three great houses were scary enough, but this arrangement….”

Coco shakes her head, “This is no longer something that a family clan can do on a whim; it’s the work of the supernatural. This feat is on the level of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea….”

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Song raised an uncertain look at the phone while speaking, “I wonder if this oil field my husband found is big enough to resolve the crisis on the country.”

“Are you going to give this oil field to the government?” Spirit instantly turns to face the singer, her eyes shocked by the thought.

“You read it as well from the phone notes.” Song nods as confirmation, “He said these two things are only meant to fulfill my wish, it’s of no use to us. If donating it to the government can solve everything for now then why not?”

“Brother-in-law’s arrangement is out of this world.” Spirit’s eyes twinkled with stars while her mouth turned into a big donut shape.

Music and Coco’s expressions were equally as exaggerated, but they were more excited than ever.

Before, when they were inside the underground sky cave, everyone thought Chu Yun’s statements were exaggerations. However, the girls now finally got the ammunition to start bragging and won’t feel awkward before the camera!

Without delaying it, Song directly dialed Li Tianlong’s phone from the security agency and told him about the oil field on the island. This promptly got reported to the higher up who had been convening a meeting.

“My god??!!” The cry from the Second Elder immediately alarmed the other four sitting across the round table.

While three of the seniors shot over a strange look due to the outburst, the Grand Elder only made a wary face because he knew the Second Elder wouldn’t normally behave this way.

Coughing to clear his throat, the faintly embarrassed old man explains, “Just now I’ve been contacted by my subordinate. According to his words, Mrs. Song is willing to provide us with a solution.”

“Second Elder, I know what you want to say, but… even if she agrees, we can never do that! This is about the dignity of our country, our people! Those below may not understand what it means in the future, but you should know the consequences of bending our knees now!” Grand Elder sternly warns his number two not to continue.

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“Grand Elder, I am not….” But before the Second Elder could explain, he was again cut off by the third.

“Second Elder, you don’t need to say more, we know what method you want to use. I’m vetoing it right now!”

Fourth Elder also supports the veto: “Second Elder, this method is unlike you, is there a reason you’re willing to compromise?”

“WHAT? Can you all listen to me first before berating me?!” Second Elder erupts after not getting a word in, “What did I compromise on? I didn’t even explain yet so what are you all vetoing for? Vetoing what?!” The old man then points to the third and fourth and tore them a new one with his military curse words.

Third Elder: “Aren’t you planning to give away those treasures found in Mrs. Song’s home?”

“Of course not, I’m talking about a solution that can make your jaws drop!” Smirking to gloat that he’s found the answer, the Second Elder played the teasing game by going silent to make them wait.

That soon brought on some teeth grating sounds from the other four.

Third Elder, “Second Elder, I am still waiting for you to make my jaws drop!”

Fourth Elder also urged: “Okay, let’s put aside the misunderstanding. Come on, what is the way you are talking about?”

The Grand Elder also made a hopeful face as he waited.

Inhaling deeply, “Chu Yun gave Song an oil field!”

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