Chapter 35 “Humankind’s Greatest Broadcast”

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Oil field?!

Is it the oil field that we think it is?!

How is this possible?

Did the Second Elder lose his mind and start blabbing nonsense due to the pressure?

In this extraordinary and turbulent period, the five elders are naturally susceptible to these two words.

“She… She’s giving us an oil field? How is she going to do that? Delivery?” Third Elder made a dumbfounded face because his brain had clearly been fried by the good fortune.

Second Elder shakes his head to dismiss the wild ideas running through his peer’s head: “I don’t know the exact detail yet, but Mrs. Song’s already confirmed the donation. Think about it, which item left behind by Chu Yun is normal? I’m not going to start doubting now.”

The Grand Elder stared imposingly at the second as he spoke, “Are you sure there is an oil field?”

Second Elder nods, “According to what Chu Yun left behind… Uhhh, from the perspective of his private savings, the credibility of this is around eighty percent.”

Eighty percent!

This is an oddly high probability.

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Even the mood of the Grand Elder suddenly shot up to worshipping level.

“Go, let’s go to Chongming Island right now!” He immediately made a decision and went straight outside.

This took the Second Elder by surprise, “Grand Elder, you don’t need to go in person, why are you rushing out?”

“No, I have to go in person. Unless I verify this miracle myself, I can never rest!”

Moments later, a heavily armed plane secretly flew out of the airport.

In the afternoon of the same day, Song received a notice from Li Tianlong that the five elders of the council would personally visit Chongming Island tomorrow.

This news surprised Song and her friends to the point of getting insomnia that night. To these ladies and many citizens of this country, those five seniors are the guardian deities of the Dahan Dynasty. As long as they live then nothing could happen to the nation. That’s how powerful their presence was in the hearts of the people.

In the end, it was Spirit who first stabilized her mentality to speak: “We don’t need to be so nervous, it’s only the five elders of the national council. Look at Brother-in-law, it’s they who should be nervous meeting us, am I right? HAHAHA….!”

As soon as this remark came out, the mentality of the other three ladies instantly perked up.

“That’s right, I have my husband behind me. What is there to be nervous about? I won’t embarrass my husband by being so timid!” Song also woke up from the momentary shock.


Next day.

Song and her three friends arrived outside the National Security Bureau as instructed. When they saw the five old figures standing at the doorway awaiting their presence, the ladies naturally fell into shock at first. Thankfully they came prepared and quickly gathered their wits to greet the five seniors.

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Grand Elder, “Miss Song, I would like to solemnly thank your husband for his contribution to our great nation. He is a great hero. Although there is no news of him yet, but I guarantee that we will spare no resources to find him. As for the difficulties he encountered, we will also expend everything within our means to resolve it with him!”

Chu Yun donated four silver statues of the zodiac to the national museum, and created so many miracles with those treasures, all of which deserve the world’s attention. If not for the pride provided by the discoveries, they should do it for the oil field.

Song generously replied, “Thank you Grand Elder.”

The Grand Elder then happily turned to face Music, “Hold for a second. Mrs. Music, can you open your live broadcast? I want the whole country to witness our meeting.”

“Huh? I…… live stream now?!” Music did not expect to be requested to do her job right now so she’s a panicking for a response.

However, that initial fluster soon died down after a quick thought. Music understood, her fame would never allow herself to broadcast this event in place of the government’s own people. So why did the Grand Elder ask her of this? Simple, it’s because of Chu Yun. The government was giving back a little favor for big gift from Song and her husband!

“Music, quit dazing around and go grab your camera from the car. We need to stream this live!” Coco pushed Music back to the car since she also got it.

“Mmm, I’ll get things ready right away!” Music’s heart pumped with adrenaline so her speed was profusely fast in how she moved.

Today I am going to create the most amazing live broadcast in the history of humankind!

Thinking like this, Music wasted no time flicking the ‘on’ switch for her equipment, signaling the first wave of viewers to crash her channel.

“Finally, it’s finally starting! I’m dying waiting for this!”

“Hahaha, the streamer is obviously scared because of the black oil incident. She’s probably going to shut it down as soon as the insults start coming down.”

“Now that the topic is brought up, what is Song going to do? Are they really going to give away the treasures from the villa?

“Anchor, help me tell Song never to give away her things. Those treasures are not worth the black oil, it’s not a fair deal!”

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If it was before, Music would never dare respond to these sorts of comments in her chat room. However, the streamer had all the confidence in the world to fire back!

“The purpose of today’s live broadcast is to tell you we already have a way to resolve the oil crisis! But allow me to dangle a bait for now. Wait and see everyone, I promise today’s show will be full of surprises that is sure to satisfy all viewers!”

This sentence immediately aroused everyone’s curiosity, but no matter what the fans asked, Music wouldn’t say and kept mute.

“Everyone, I’ll show you the environment around me first.” Music slowly swept the camera lens around.

“Song, Spirit and Coco is also there! Beautiful, my dream combo! Wait, are the four goddesses going to take a trip together?”

“Oh fuck, did I see this right? Why is there so many armored vehicles around you?!”

“What’s the situation? What’s with the weapons and soldiers? Are you in trouble?”

“Upstairs, please think beforehand. If they committed a crime then you think this stream would be possible? In my opinion, it’s more likely for protection!”

“By the way, I read a news article about the road leading into the Chongming Island. It’s currently being blocked by the military and seems quite huge. Based on the background, I speculate Song and her friends are over there right now.”

“Yikes, my skin is getting goosebumps just watching this shot. What’s the deal?”


Music grinned cheekily at the reaction and then pointed the camera at a particular vehicle parked around the corner. “Guess who is sitting in that car.”

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“It’s outfitted with so much armor, the person must be huge to warrant such protection.”

“It can’t be the Grand Elder would it?”

“Could it be that Chu Yun has returned?”


Music nonchalantly explains, “Inside sits the five elders of the Dahan Dynasty!”

A simple sentence that should be nothing at all instantly exploded in a nuclear fashion.

“Fuu-FUCK!!!!! This is fake, definitely fake!”

“Anchor, are you pulling our tails? You can’t go making up stuff just for viewership!”

“The five elders riding in the same car? You think we’re some small kid that doesn’t know better? The security agents would never allow that to happen!”

“I’m going crazy! Why did Music make up this story? What is she planning? TELL US!!!”


At the same time, countless news outlets had caught on to the live stream and promptly rebroadcasted it on their own channels and services. They would love to get their own reporters on sight, but they are not dumb, they could tell their people had no qualifications to join.


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