Chapter 36 “Everyone’s Watching, Start Digging”

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The boring car ride lasted for about one and a half hour. In light of this, the number of viewers arriving on the broadcast not only didn’t decrease, but increased by several folds instead.

In the people’s mind, this sort of a big event deserves their attention. Forget a few hours, even if it meant waiting a whole night and day, it’s still worth the wait!


Inside Old Wang’s villa, Old Horse and Old Pony were as usual sipping their tea with the homeowner right now while watching the broadcast. They’ve already taken root in this gated community and don’t intend to leave anymore. And could they be blamed? There’s a actual golden house underground, along with a thousand-year-old tree that could reinvigorate an old wasted body’s youth! Only a fool would want to leave!

In fact, everyone was in the same thought pattern as these three silly older men. After news of the Song’s home being a treasure trove, the market price for any of the villas here skyrocketed overnight. Even if one had money, it would be tough to find a seller.

“What do you two think of this broadcast to warrant such big commotions?” Old Wang asks his two friends after taking a sip from his cup.

Old Horse puts on an eagle face as he deduced the possibilities: “That’s not easy to say. My guess is the event involves the rise and fall of our country!”

He’s making this theory due to past events. The five elders never came in person when Song’s home got exposed for being a treasure trove. So if they are willing to go in person now, it must be related to the country’s national security. There’s no other reason to explain this arrangement.

Old Pony also goes full detective mode: “Ms. Music mentioned the stream today is related to the crisis faced by our country so I’m in agreement with Old Horse. The only thing missing is what are they planning to do.”

Seeing the discussion was getting nowhere, Old Wang decided to steer it back to the source: “Regardless of what it is, one thing’s certain. This event must be related to Chu Yun. There’s no other way so let’s be patient and wait for the reveal.”

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Finally, under the anticipation of all the viewers and nosy bodies, the speed of the driving car gradually came to a halt.

“It’s here, it’s finally here!”

“This is Chongming Island. Why are we here? It’s so desolate. What’s the point of coming all this way?”

“OH FUCK! How come there are so many soldiers around?!”

“Crazy, things are really going crazy. That car in front belongs to the acting prime minister!”

“Grand Elder, Second Elder….. this is the first time I’ve ever seen all five standing together. Oh my skin is getting goosebumps!”

“Shit, do they have to bring out the big guns this early? I’m about to piss myself!”


Yet, no matter how noisy the chatroom was, none gave them the answer they wanted.

Not because Music wanted to ignore her fans of course; rather the focus had shifted to the open plot of land in front of them.

As the old saying goes for the treasure hunters: here lies the mark, and the X leads to the treasure!

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“Brother-in-law, you must lend us strength and not disappoint us!”

In the end, the ladies were the first to lose confidence. Then again, why wouldn’t they? This had drawn all the big guys out into the field. If it turns out to be a joke, the consequences would be severe to say the least….

“DIG!” Grand Elder calmly orders with a wave of his hand. However, the deep concern and unease could be deeply felt in how he expressed himself with those eyes.

This excavation didn’t just mean some oil, nay, instead it’s the judge for the Dahan Dynasty’s future. Prosperity if they succeed, and death if they fail.

Shovel by shovel, tractor by tractor, the five elders watched it all unfold without blinking an eye.

“Please god, let there be oil! Chu Yun, the whole world is watching right now. If this is some silly joke, then the security bureau will never spare you!”

“If there is, then you are the GREATEST HERO!”

“Chu Yun, you won’t let us down, will you?”

Everyone at the scene knew some insider information so they were holding their breath for the final reveal. There’s only the sound of shovels digging for the final stretch, which eventually affected the atmosphere inside the chatroom as well for the livestream.

“No matter what you’re digging, please find it! God bless the Dahan Dynasty!”

“Look at the faces of the five elders, it’s so serious so it must be important. Oh I’m getting the willies just thinking about this.”

“Aaaah, even Music is ignoring us, I can’t take this suspense!”

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Suddenly, with a fountain-like sound, a black liquid shot out from the earth in the most specular fashion of hitting the short-haired capable woman from the security bureau.

Stunned at first since she got splattered, the female agent stared and gawked her mouth for a good second before drawing a huge grin.

It’s not the crazy kind of laugh, but the genuine happiness of finding her favorite sex toy.


There’s really oil here!

In the same fashion as a ray of hope, this fountain of black oily substance instantly removed the gloom hovering over everyone’s head. They’re ecstatic from top to bottom.

“Report, I’ve got oil on my side!”

“Report, I also have oil on my side!”

“Report, it’s here too!”

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Voices of excitement echoed all over the field, sending cheers of joy in all directions.

“Good, good, good!” The Grand Elder could hardly control his emotions and had to pinch his eyes to hide the swelling tears.

“Survey, quickly examine the surveying data of this oil field!” Li Tianlong’s whole body trembled with excitement and yelled this out.

Inside the live broadcast room, silence reigned supreme at this point. There’s nothing on the chat. Instead, they’re all weeping right down to the kids and then up to the aging grandparents.

“Th-That is….”

“Am I hallucinating? That’s black oil!!!”

“Yes, it’s the black gold that we all know! We have our own oil field!”

“Hahaha, hahaha, we’re set now, we’re set now! Do you see this you three scum houses? Eat shit!”

“Cut off our black oil eh? Fine, we can pump our own, this will teach you that the Dahan Dynasty is not to be trifled with!”

“I never would’ve thought black oil would be this beautiful. I wouldn’t mind bathing in that stuff I could!”


In various locations of the country, whether it be the offices, schools, conference rooms or subway stations, everyone was cheering in some form or way regardless of how much they knew. It’s a carnival for them all after the nightmarish period of the last five days.

But today, the despairing haze has lifted, and hope once again shines on this land.

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