Chapter 37 “Five Year’s too Long, One Year it is!”

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On a special island owned by the infamous Wittstein House, a special meeting was currently taking place inside the luxurious castle built atop of the highest point.

“How is the matter progressing with the Dahan Dynasty?” Asking this was Fusky’s father, Buju Wittstein, the current leader of the family clan. He’s currently sitting atop a throne chair cushioned with some finely cared-for tiger skin.

Bowing his head from the side, Fusky answers without restraint, “Dad, it’s only been a week and the peasants from the Dahan Dynasty are already starting to sway in our direction. I’ve also invited many of our contacts to instigate a riot wherever possible. It won’t be long until their government reaches out to us and submit.”

Buju nodded satisfactorily, “HAHA, continue to exert pressure on that country until they agree to our conditions. They will soon learn why our three great houses can control the direction of this world for centuries! We will not permit any unstable factor to exist!”

Fusky suddenly interjects, “Dad, regarding the original demands, I have consulted with the younger generation of the other two major houses, and together we’ve made a little adjustment.”

“Huh?” Buju’s brow furrowed violently.

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He was displeased by Fusky’s unauthorized action, but he was also curious about why his son and the other kids would divert from the original plan.

Unlike other families, these three clans are under strict rules to always follow the older generation’s authority. If in the case of refusal, the consequences would be dire.

“I hope the reason you have is satisfactory; otherwise, you know the family rules…” Buju’s eyes gradually narrowed, and his tone harsh.

“Take a look at these pictures.” Fusky immediately pulled the materials he had prepared ahead of time and placed them in front of his father.

On it, there some specific information regarding the things found in Song’s villa.

Buju’s eyes were dismissive at first, but once he got a closer look at the details about the gold house and pearls, his expression instantly froze before turning heavy.

“Can you be sure that the information about this wood is true?!”

“I specially asked some professionals to consult their expertise about the authenticity. I can be sure its real!” Fusky grinned and nodded, “This kind of wood can be called Mountain God Wood as well, which can repel insects and revitalize anything within its premise. This includes animals and plants growing next to it like the flowers in that underground cave. It’s a miracle medicine that the ancient kings sought to prolong one’s life!”

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“Good, this is indeed a good thing. I forgive you for derailing from the original plan. This rare treasure is indeed worth it. I don’t care how you do it, but I want to see this wood placed before myself by the end of this month!”

Buju stared at the Millennium Sandalwood with heat in those eyes, the greed ever so apparent

For so many years, the only thing that could make him greedy was none other than his own life. They are already at the peak of this world in material wealth, the only thing they lack was time. To gain a extra year, a month, or even a day, these rich snobs would pay any price!

Buju’s eyes flickered with thought, “Is this wood useful for your grandfather?”

Fusky’s expression couldn’t help but pause at this reminder.

His grandfather was the previous generation’s clan chief, but the old man had no choice but to be bedridden due to cancer. Right now the only thing keeping that old skeleton alive was nothing but excessive burning of money and insane medication.

Fusky shook his head, “I’m afraid that won’t work. This wood can only keep one healthy, it does not have any healing properties.”

“I see… Such a pity then.” Buju made a regretful face at the missed opportunity, “Go then. I give you full authority to do as you please regarding this project. Oh right, what kind of demand did you send them?”

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“My condition is that as long as they are willing to hand over all those treasures, we will give them another five years.”

“This condition won’t work! Fusky, you are still too green and too weak in your methods!” Buju immediately rejected Fusky’s proposal and snapped: “Five years is too long, shorten it to one year! The fact that we are giving that backwater of a country a chance is already merciful enough. It’s a gift on our end. There shall be no compromise!”

Fusky immediately felt a chill run through his veins, “I see.”

“In addition, you are to inform the other two clans that we are willing to forgo the gold and pearls, but half the sandalwood must be ours!” Buju was already starting his long-term vision of a ruler to divide up the Dahan Dynasty.

Exactly then, when the mood was at its best in the throne room, a supermodel that came with Fusky here charged in and ran over with an iPad in hand.

“Young Master Fusky, things are not good, there is an oil field discovery inside the Dahan Dynasty!”

“What?!” Fusky’s face promptly darkened as he snatched the iPad over. When he saw the images on the screen, his heart instantly hit rock bottom due to disbelief.

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“It’s impossible. How can it be?!”

His whole being seemed to be lost because this spelled the end of his plan to enslave that country. On top of that, it would also mean his threat would become a joke, and he becoming a laughing stock!

“Calm down Fusky!” Buju roared, causing the lad to come back to his senses.

“Your temperament is too unstable!” Buju’s voice was full of disappointment, “Look at the problem comprehensively instead of losing control! They only discovered some oil field, it won’t change the projected trend we set!”

“They buy seventy-two percent of their black oil from our companies every year. Do you know what that means? 450 million tons, they would need 450 million tons to balance the scale!”

“How much can a single oil field fill? Can they produce 450 million tons of black oil in a year using that one location? Even the largest site known to us can only output 300 million tons. Not to mention the oil fields in that region is known to be small. It’s useless for them and won’t change anything. In the end, they must still come to us!”

Leaning his back against the tiger-skinned throne chair, Buju puts on the air of a ruler that has everything within his grasp.

“As expected of you Dad, I’ve learned something new again.” Fusky sincerely accepts the lesson and happily admits his fault.

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