Chapter 38 “Chu Yun’s Name”

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Chongming Island.

Time passed minute by minute until the sun began to set beyond the horizon. In light of this weather, no one appears to be tired at all.

Li Tianlong walked over to the side of the Grand Elder and earnestly advised: “Grand Elder, please rest in the car for now. You shouldn’t tire yourself on this matter.”

None of the five elders had eaten yet so it’s worrying for those below.

“No, I will stay here and watch the black oil with my own eyes!” The Grand Elder stared ahead, his eyes seemingly shimmering with a mysterious gleam.

He’s too excited for this blessing!

Who could have imagined that one moment he was still racking his brains to find a way, and the next moment he would receive this huge surprise? The joy was indescribable.

“The results are out! The results are out!” Suddenly, a voice of surprise came from afar, exuding excitement, disbelief, shock and sharpness.

Just listening to the tone was enough to judge the results are positive, perhaps beyond imagination even.

The elderly bodies of the five seniors seemed to contain infinite strength at this moment as they stepped forward. They did not care if the mud was grimy from the oil, they only wanted to know the conclusion to the country’s fate!

Although they had already learned from Song’s mouth that this oil field had about 10,000 square kilometers of reserve underground, but having concrete data was still better.

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“How much is there, how much oil is in this field!”

“Aaaah, so exciting. I’m ten thousand times more excited than my college entrance examination score!”

“God bless, god bless us! I am willing to sacrifice all the scores of my exams and add them to this oil field!”

“There must be more, there must be more, please!”


Countless people had begun to clench their fists as they watched the live broadcast. The only thing missing were people kneeling there and praying.

The surveyor coming to report was trembling with excitement as he reported: “Elders, the oil field has a depth of 2800 meters and 10,000 square kilometers wide. We can assume there are likely 30 billion tons of reserve oil underground from a preliminary estimate! And the terrain is simple so there is no difficulty if we begin operations today. We can produce 630 million tons per year with our current technology!”


Although they were mentally prepared for what was to come, the astronomical number still left everyone gasping in shock.

“Remarkable, remarkable…” The Grand Elder’s body started to shake as he repeatedly muttered to himself.

The news was beyond remarkable in truth. With this number, not only could the Dahan Dynasty achieve self-sufficiency in oil consumption, they could also export it abroad! They are not at the whim of the three houses anymore!



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Absolutely relaxation!

The Grand Elder waved at Music for her to point the camera his way. Then clearing his throat before making the announcement: “From today onwards, our country will be completely self-sufficient in crude oil consumption. We will never need to ask others to sell us black oil again!”

This announcement contains endless heartache, which resonated strongly with the people of this country.

“Woohoo, thank you heaven for giving me such a gift!”

“Great fortune befalls me yet again! I knew my lucky star destiny is not for show. That fortune teller didn’t lie when I paid him with my lunch money!”

“Ten thousand square kilometers of oil field, that’s truly incredible! Hahaha, the three scum houses have nothing on us now, right?”

“As far as I know, the largest oil field in the world is up north in the great icefield, isn’t it? That one only produces 1.2 billion tons a year, and that number is starting to decrease year after year. If we have this, our country will become the biggest oil producer globally!”

“Upstairs is right. Our country only uses 600 million tons of black oil a year. With the output of this new oil field at 630 million, we still have plenty to export abroad.”

“HAHA, not only did we turn things around, we will also rise and rise!”

“30 billion tons of oil reserve, that’s enough to last us for fifty years atleast!”

“Why do I find it really funny now looking back at the sanctions imposed on our country?”

“Miracle, this is the miracle of the heavens, god bless the Dahan Dynasty!”


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Grand Elder could only shake his head due to how moved he was at the comments he’s reading: “This is not a blessing from the heavens, it’s a gift from Chu Yun to our country!”

“What? Chu Daddy’s again?!”

“Shit, I just knew it! I’ve been wondering why Song was following along for this trip, turns out its Chu Daddy’s to begin with!”

“Chu Daddy #2: never expected it right? I’ve brought my secret savings to the outside….”

“Shit, my Chu Daddy has once again subverted my perception. How much more awesome is he going to be?!”

“I feel that I am no longer worthy to be Chu Daddy’s son, all hail Chu GOD!”

“Chu God is awesome!”


“Mrs. Song, thank you for everything you and your husband have done for our country.” Grand Elder turns to show his gratitude to the singer, “The government will properly compensate you for these black oils according to the market price. You will not suffer any losses!”

It’s then Music snuck over from the side with a devilish smirk. In her mind, the time has come for them to hit it rich. The streamer won’t ask for much, only the benefit of slouching around on the sofa everyday and counting the money from the oil field. That’s what proper friends do, right? When you’re rich, your friends need to come help use it!

However, Song’s reply instantly crushed the streamer’s dream of being a friend of a filthy rich madam: “Grand Elder, my husband specially noted that these are nothing to him. In fact, he had long wanted to give it away before so there’s no need to mention money.”

In the singer’s mind, her husband was always right. If Chu Yun says he doesn’t care about this oil field then she won’t either.

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“This…” The Grand Elder appeared dumbfounded as the logic in his brain cells started scrambling.

Likewise, the viewers in the broadcast room also went wild in astonishment. In fact, most of them were starting to doubt their own life and the sort of path they should be taking. What higher education? What nine to five job? It doesn’t matter anymore!

Meanwhile on the island owned by the Wittstein House, Buju and Fusky had fallen into silence after taking everything in with their eyes.

“Dad, this oil field seems to be a little different from what you thought…” Fusky eventually couldn’t take it and finally spoke.

What not the same? More like unnatural!

This new oil field was twice the size of the biggest known site, and the output was also massive!

FUCK! How did the Dahan Dynasty suddenly become the biggest oil producer in the world?

Oil sanction on the biggest oil producer, does that even make sense?

The plan died before we even began!

Buju didn’t respond to his son’s remark and instead pulled out a cigar to light. Then after a long puff to settle his nerves, he spat out the big question, “Who is this Chu Yun?!”

This question directly stumped Fusky because he didn’t know either.

“Investigate! I want to know everything about him!” Buju instantly caught onto the hesitation from his son and roared, “There must be a huge family clan behind him to achieve all this. I want the entire history of that country investigated. There must be clues somewhere. A clan that powerful can’t exist without leaving a mark somewhere!”

“In addition, mobilize all of the secret forces we planted inside the Dahan Dynasty. I’m going to flip that country apart!”


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