Chapter 39 “Worldwide Attention”

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This scene passed into the eyes and ears of the other dynasties in all its glory. However happy they were about the crisis was how jealous they were about the sudden windfall of oil.

Black oil represents endless wealth, not to mention it’s a large field as big as this. How are they supposed to play together anymore?

Damei Dynasty.

“Fake, all fake!” Information Director Jill was frantically smashing everything in his office due to not being able to accept this fact.

Damei always regarded the neighboring Dahan Dynasty as competition, and now this opponent had suddenly soared into the sky without any effort, so how could he accept this?

“Rumors, it must be a rumor directed and self-directed by that country. Our Damei Dynasty will crush them for this ploy! That backwater is filled with nothing but weaksauces!” Director Jill goes beat red as he roared.

“Director Jill, please be reasonable. I hope you can recognize the Dahan Dynasty is no longer the same as before. Our first priority isn’t to lose our heads, but to figure out a measure to deal with the target!” A blonde woman with black-rimmed glass abruptly stepped into the office with those alluring high heels.

Director Jill’s brow furrowed into a knot at this intruder, “Who are you?”

“I am a temporary agent sent by headquarters. In other words, you are now my subordinate!” The woman’s tone was strong and unmistakable, but that alluring smile had all the qualities to make the opposite sex go crazy at the same time: “My name is Bilu.”

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Jill snorted and didn’t sound pleased, “So what do you want to do now?”

“According to the information I received, the reason Dahan can obtain so many treasures is because of a man called Chu Yun. The power behind that man is beyond our imagination so there are three things we must do.”

“First, use all your energy to locate and capture this Chu Yun, alive if possible of course. We will squeeze everything out of him, and if not, he’s to be disposed of immediately!”

“Second, activate the spies we planted in the Dahan Dynasty. We must confirm if that hidden power is working with the government or not. On top of that, the higherups want to know if there’s more treasures to be had!”

“Third, the Dahan Dynasty has insulted our nation by obtaining the vast amount of resources today! Immediately unite with the other nations in line with our view and come down with punitive measures!”

Bilu’s methods were swift and thunderous, which immediately raised the morale of the information office into action.


Daben Dynasty.

Director Taiji slammed the solid wood table with his fist and caused that Dr. Robotnik mustache of his to shake profusely. He’s full of red in the eyes due to the envy he felt towards the windfall of other countries.

Oil field….

Why does the Dahan Dynasty have such a large oil field while my Daben Dynasty has nothing?!

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How can the heavens be this unfair?!

“Chu Yun! Who is this Chu Yun? Why didn’t such characters appear in my Daben Dynasty! ARGGGGGHHHH!!!

Taiji roared into the air with his arms spread, “Check! I want to know everything that there is about this Chu Yun! If I can get everything from him, my great Daben Dynasty will definitely become the world’s ruler!”


While knowing the broadcast would rouse the conniving greedy nature of the world, the five elders didn’t stop it. Instead, they deliberately left it on to swing it into another direction due to the possibilities this entailed.

It can’t be, it can’t be, is there more?!

The citizens from the other nations couldn’t stop screaming

“Anchor, where are you going? Is there a second oil field?”

“There’s a second half on top of the first? It looks like I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“Anchor, is it still related to Chu Yun? Can you give us a hint?”

“Oh momma, is today a test for my heart?”

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Music’s heart relaxed after having her brother-in-law’swords verified. She’s pretty happy at this point, which easily infected the viewers on the other side of the screen.

“You all will know once we get to the next destination. Remember to be prepared, and those with heart problems should not watch.”

Her speech on camera was equivalent to acknowledging the speculation of the viewers, which roused the atmosphere to a very high expectation.

Thanks to advance arrangements, the trip proceeded without hindrance on the bumpy road, taking no more than an hour before arriving at the mountain base.

Music playfully lets the camera circle the scenery, which many locals of the capital recognized with a glance, “Look everyone, nothing is out of the ordinary and boring, right? But don’t worry, the grand final will soon be unveiled along with the miracle!”

“Dig!” With a wave of the Grand Elder’s hand, the shovel team standing by rushed up the mountain without delay.

Unlike the previous digging of the open terrain where the oil field was, this time they’re digging through rocky soil so it’s much more complicated. On top of the pitch blackness of the night, no one really knew what they were searching for, until–

A dazzling light abruptly shot into the heavens, slicing apart the pitch-black darkness of the Yu Mountain.

“Gold? How can the mountain be golden?”

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“WTF?! No way!”

“This wouldn’t be….”

“If my guess isn’t wrong, the whole mountain is actually….”

“Impossible, it’s not realistic at all!”

The viewers are going crazy to the point of not daring to believe. However, as the excavation continued to proceed, more and more of the underlying gold were soon revealed in the same fashion as a molting snake. The disguise was gone, and out came the true grandeur!


“Gold mountain! A gold mountain is real! This isn’t just some fantasy that isn’t in the legends, it’s real!”

“Mamma mia, what a big mountain of gold!”

“My scalp is tingling, the world is too crazy!”


Bilu who had just arrived at the information agency of the Damen Dynasty was making a shocked face as her mouth ran with disbelief: “WHAT THE FUCK!?!”

In fact, even the mouths of Fusky and his father Buju were forming an “O” shape with their heads buzzing, and they were the ones who instigated this mess to begin with!

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