Chapter 40 “Chu Yun Belongs to Everyone”

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Is there a gold mountain in this world?

The answer would be no of course if asked.

But now, there is….

What exactly does a mountain of gold entail?

It’s easy to hear of such a thing from a book or movie, but genuinely grasping it would be out of this world. It’s simply a distant dream, an analogy thrown around like those modern phrases in everyday conversation. But now, that distant has been thrust into reality!

Gold Mine Zhou rewards Anchor with 20 super fire comments: “Gold mountain, how can there be a gold mountain?! Anchor, is this mountain solid gold? If so then this is the world’s number one miracle!”

“Isn’t it just a mountain of gold? How dare you question my Chu Yun?”

“Do you need to be this excited over a gold mountain?”

Gold Mine Zhou rewards Anchor with 20 super fire comments: “What do you know! The total amount of gold mined in the world is only a hundred thousand tons, but do you know how much gold there is in this mountain if it’s pure!?!”

As soon as Old Zhou’s words came out, everyone immediately shuddered like they had just awoken from a dream.

Is the word’s gold supply only that much? It seems…. The gold mountain is incredible after all….

Someone has already made the calculation on the broadcast during that bickering.

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“Combining the height and bottom radius of Yu Mountain, combined with the density of the average gold, the weight of this gold mountain should exceed two million tons!”

“You mean… unlike the world’s reserve of a hundred thousand tons, this mountain alone exceeds that at two million?”

“WTF! I didn’t feel anything at first, but I’m starting to get fired up if you say it like that!”

“Hiss—the whole world’s supply doesn’t have a tenth of this. I’m getting goosebumps!”

“I bet the three scum houses are dropping their jaws at this already, there’s no way they are unfazed by this twist!”

The gold house was exaggerated enough, but the gold mountain was definitely a small witch meeting a big witch.

The five elders stood at the foot of the mountain, all looking emotional at the mountain of bling bling.

Grand Elder, “God bless our Dahan, God bless our people!”

The Second Elder also nodded his head and admired the picture, “Chu Yun has outstanding ability yet doesn’t regard money as treasure, it’s incredible how the world can produce such a person of his caliber.”

The Third Elder appears all hopeful, “Extraordinary people are always beyond normal expectations. I am so looking forward to meeting this young talent.”

The Fourth Elder gets all urgent, “Grand Elder, we must seize this timing to find him before the other countries. After this event, the danger’s bound to be coming his way!”

“That’s obvious, you don’t need to point this out to me. Even if we have to expend all our resources, the nation will bring our hero back home!”

In the face of Chu Yun, they suddenly discovered that aside from gasping in shock and amazement, they didn’t have any other expression to show….


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Music continued with her live broadcast, climbing here and climbing there, taking this opportunity to experience what it’s like to be on an actual gold mountain.

Although the hour had hit midnight by then with little lighting, no one in the viewers’ group was sleeping. In fact, the adrenaline was pumping!

“Hello my dear fans, the fact that the Dahan Dynasty can obtain this gold mountain and oil field isn’t only thanks to my brother-in-law, but also my dear friend and sister Song here!”

This sentence immediately aroused the curiosity of those watching.

Under the questioning of the majority, Music eventually explains: “Because Sister Song overworked herself one time, she casually made a wish of wanting a gold mountain or oil field. That way, she can loaf around at home day in and day out. So, as you can all see, my brother-in-law granted that wish and brought this together!”


As soon as this remark came out, there was no doubt the broadcast room had started to boil.

“It turns out the oil field and gold mountain is the result of Song’s careless wishing?!”

“WHAT!?! What magical husband is this? I’m in love, I’m in love!”

“SHIT, how can the gap between human to human be this big? Guess what happened when I made a wish to my husband about wanting a bowl of lamb soup noodles? Instead of buying it for me, the bastard made me a cup noodle instead! CUP NOODLE!!”

“Is the Chu Yun a genie lamp or something, the one from Aladdin? I feel so jelly inside….”

“Don’t say anymore, just bow and shout all hail Chu God is all you need to do!”


The discovery of the oil field and gold mountain would undoubtedly become a mythical event written down in the school textbooks, but once this love story gets mixed into the fray, it would surely be passed down as folklore of legends through the generations.

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However, just when the live broadcast room was bustling with positive energy, a large number of viewers from abroad just had to ruin it by not holding back their tongue.

“This gold mountain is a world wonder, a single country shouldn’t monopolize it!”

“Request Dahan Dynasty to donate these wonders to the world heritage organization, otherwise we will be forced to sanction your country!”

“Chu Yun is a citizen of my Damei Dynasty first, we demand that others not touch our country’s property! Those belong to us!”

“Chu Yun is part of our Daben Dynasty, we have evidence that we gathered overnight to prove it!”

“Quit shitting your crap around! Chu Yun is clearly a Damei national. Quit trying to fool everyone with your nonsense!”

“Chu Yun belongs to everyone!”

“Chu Yun belongs to the whole world!”


These outside troublemakers originally only wanted the oil field and gold mountain, but the statement of stealing Chu Yun instead had derailed the initial scheme. After all, everything belongs to the man. So as long as they control the guy, the treasures would naturally come afterward.

“Hahaha, I’m dying from laughter. These barking dogs are all so shameless.”

“Shut up, Chu Yun is part of the Dahan Dynasty, end of story!”

“As if Chu Yun is someone you lot can connive after? Scram, scram!”

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Acting in a fashion of a cat having its tail stepped on, the viewers from the Dahan Dynasty starts screeching and scratching in their comments.

Fuck, I’m not sleeping tonight anymore. Watch how I’ll curse you bitches out!



Old Wang’s villa.

The three seniors here were looking at each other wordlessly until Old Wang sighed: “The new will always push the old away, these young folks are too amazing.”

“You are right Old Wang. I’ve been in the industry for decades and have never applauded anyone, but this time I’m truly impressed by this Chu Yun.” Old Horse had immense admiration for the guy after this feat

“This man is not human anymore!” Old Pony gave an exaggerated evaluation, which shows how unsettled the senior felt inside.

Would ordinary people be able to do these things? The answer would be no, it’s impossible. So what exactly was Chu Yun? A ghost? A demon? Or an alien? They don’t know, no one does!

“An oil field, a mountain of gold, no wonder the man would say the end of all rich’s is nothing but a pile of garbage, he has the qualification to make such a statement.” After saying this, Old Wang stared at the gold mountain on the screen as if he’s in a trance. Then out of nowhere, he fell over the table as the blood rushed up to his brain.

“Old Wang, what are you doing? Even if you see a gold mountain, there’s no reason to behave this unsightly.”

“Are you okay? At such an old age, you shouldn’t behave so childishly.”

Seeing that Old Wang still did not move, Old Horse and Old Pony then realized something wasn’t adding up and immediately got anxious on their faces.

“Not good, Old Wang’s is likely having a stroke!”

“Help! Call an ambulance!”

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