Chapter 42 “The Three Ladies Targeting”

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Plum Dynasty: “Chu Yun and our devilish goddess have a leg together! Since they’re husband and wife, our nation must take half of the gold mountain!”

Daben Dynasty: “Chu Yun and our otaku goddess are also married. We demand half of the oil field!”

Dakore Dynasty: “We belong to Chu Yun!”

Yin Dynasty: “Don’t say anymore, Chu Yun belongs to the whole world. Don’t get ahead of yourself Dahan!”


Announcements of the major dynasties swept the media by storm. However, it didn’t take long for the crowd to notice something strange about one of the announcements.

“What the hell? The Dakore Dynasty said they belonged to Chu Yun?”

“Hahaha, I’m dying from laughter! Who made that announcement? They are so going to lose their job over that.”

“Take a screenshot of this announcement for proof before it gets deleted! ”

In light of the mockery and belief that it’s a mistake, the Dakore public affairs never took the message down from their webpage. Then later someone finally came down with the big hammer, revealing the order came down directly from the country’s empress herself!


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“He conquered an entire dynasty, shit! How can we plebs not grovel before this man!”

“Hahaha, I never expected even the empress herself would fall under the guy’s crotch!”

“Chu God is a real man, the king of all men! I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about this. Please take me as your apprentice. Even a single trick would be enough for me to live a prosperous life!”


Meanwhile in a secret base that most people would never know about.

A video conference had been organized by the three great houses regarding the matter of the Dahan Dynasty. They’re representatives from various nations and are against Chu Yun while scheming to take a piece of the pie.

Fusky glanced at the crowd and involuntarily frowned, “What’s the deal with the Dakore Dynasty, and why is their representative not present in this meeting? Did they lose their head by making that announcement? Have them change it immediately!”

Bilu said helplessly, “We have already contacted their ministers, and the reply is they’re not going to change the message. They belong to Chu Yun now….”

Everyone at the meeting suddenly got all strange on their faces.

Fusky made a dumbfounded face before snapping: “Those bastards, did they take the wrong medicine or something?!”

Carl raised an eyebrow and shook his head, “Forget it Fusky, it’s likely they’ve sided with that guy at this point. That Chu Yun is too freaky.”

“Fine, the Dakore Dynasty will know what it means to betray the three great houses! Their future will be the same as the Dahan Dynasty!” Buju the current head of the Wittstein House says, his eyes dark and menacing. “Let’s begin. Fusky, how are things progressing?”

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“Straight to the point.”

Fusky huffs a grunt before beginning: “The Dahan Dynasty has obtained an oil field and gold mountain in one day. If they can exploit those things fully, they will gain the ability to frog leap their country’s economy and industries by decades. By then, our sanctions will become ineffective….”

Bilu immediately nodded, “I agree with your assessment! The oil field and gold mountain cannot remain in the hands of that country. We should split it among the world, don’t you all agree?!”

Director Taiji snorted coldly and caused his Dr. Robotnik mustache to shake profusely, “Chu Yun belongs to all of us, that’s already a fact. We’ve also warned Dahan that they must accept this less they want to incur the world’s wrath!”

Fusky’s eyes beamed with confidence after getting support from the other nations taking part in their meeting, “Haha, that’s what I like to hear. Only good things will come your way as long as all of you continue to side with our three houses. The Dahan Dynasty will obey our demands soon enough.”

Bilu smiled and said, “Yes Sir Fusky, I absolutely agree with your assessment. If all of our nations join forces with your three houses, there’s nothing that backwater of a country can do to resist. Even if they don’t want to, we can always do it by force and mobilize our armies.”

“I like your way of thinking Lady Bilu. The fact that our three great houses can control Blue Star for centuries isn’t only because of our wealth, but because we have the strongest military force under our thumbs!” The corners of Carl’s mouth evoked a grin at the possibility of mobilizing their secret weapons.

Buju Wittstein gets all dark in his words: “Our three great houses are masters of the medicine and technology. From this moment forward, all these things will not be supplied to Dahan and its people. If any of you go against this order then expect the same treatment from us!”

Fusky added: “Now there is one more thing on the list. In addition to not supplying Dahan, there is also the Dakore Dynasty!”

“Please rest assured, our countries will definitely keep our distance. After all, we do want the same thing!” Others immediately took a stand on the matter and offered support.

What came afterward were a series of laughs, some ridiculing, some contempt, but one thing’s certain, they’re all carrying negative energy towards Dahan. They could all see the hard crash on that country in the impending future. At that point, it’s when they will strike and claw the treasures for themselves!

Suddenly, Bilu opened her mouth again after feeling uneasy still, “By the way, will that Chu Yun return and make trouble for us?”

“Chu Yun? Humph!” Hearing this name, Fusky couldn’t help but grunt coldly.

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Likewise, the faces of Carl and Buju also sank at the mention. They’re jealous, incomparably jealous!

For one, they’re all born from the three great houses, which have ruled over this world since ancient times. But now, an upstart had appeared on scene and shamed them. How could those watching from above their entire life allow such an affront to their authority?

On top of that, what’s the deal with Chu Yun running amok in the various dynasties and leaving legends of his exploits everywhere? Everyone has inner desires to be great, and right now they want that fame!

Carl said dismissively, “Che~ what can Chu Yun do? There are only so many things he left behind, and no one even knows where he is. Perhaps the guy is already dead in some ditch.”

Buju narrowed his eyes and spoke heavily, “Regardless, I want eyes on this matter. Once Chu Yun shows himself, I want him killed at the first sighting!”


Song’s villa.

At this moment, the three friends were carefully watching over Song for fear of the singer doing something rash and suicidal.

“Rumors, nothing but rumors. Song, you mustn’t believe any of these lies. You only need a glance to know these women are troublemakers out to smear Brother-in-law’s name!”

“Yes, Sister Song, you must not pay attention to these things!”

In light of their concern, Song’s reaction was calm and collected.

“No, you’re all wrong, he is in fact exactly like that before.”

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The three friends became shocked and dumbfounded. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

“My husband used to be a scumbag, and he also admitted that. In the past, he would spend every night with a different girl so his partners were abundant.”

Song’s been mentally prepared for this so her behavior didn’t scream of sourness.

“No, he, this…” Spirit could barely get her words right and became loss for words.

“But that’s only before he met me. After our marriage, he became a perfect husband so I knew he would never cheat on me. What surprised me though was how good of a relationship he had with those ladies in the past. It seems they still think fondly of him.”

Song’s mouth ticked downwards in displeasure, “This is exactly why I didn’t want my husband to work and stay home. I knew he would lure all these women out if he showed his face again. He’s too handsome and will lure all those butterflies over merely by standing around.”

Music breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing this, “So that’s it. I’m glad you don’t mind.”

Spirit puckered her lips as she spoke, “I didn’t expect Brother-in-law to be a scumbag before. I guess all men are pig trotters before they marry…”

Coco coughed softly to clear her throat, “I’m honestly not surprised. With Brother-in-law’s ability, it’s only normal that he attracts so much attention.”

The three friends each had different opinions on this matter. However, one perspective resonated among the three, which they didn’t dare say aloud.

Damn it, why didn’t Brother-in-law come scumbag me? I’m not any worse than any of those girls on the news! That’s it, once he returns, I will test him to see if he’s really changed his ways for Sister Song!

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