Chapter 43 “Dahan’s Death Seal”

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In the blink of an eye, a week had passed without incident while the topic about Chu Yun continued to ferment in the background. Despite this, Song and her three friends continued as usual and spent the time inside villa. To be fair, it’s not like they loafed around and did nothing, the girls did continue to stream and show the world the stuff inside the underground tunnel. However, even the nicest things are going to get boring after a while.

So what’s the best thing to calm the mind for a female after getting bored and worried? That’s obvious – shopping!

“Sister Song, the meals on you today!”

“Yes, you have been married for so long yet you never let us meet your husband. It’s only fair you treat us sisters to a meal as apology.”

“I announce that today’s consumption is paid for by Sister Song!”

The girls joked around and had a good laugh.

“All right.” Song reluctantly agreed while making a happy face.

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However, right as the group was ready to leave and opened the door, they were instantly dumbfounded by what they saw.

Right outside the villa gate, two heavily armed military soldiers were standing stoically in readiness, vigilantly guarding the area for intruders. But that’s only the beginning. Right away, the ladies could tell there are other noticeable variables that had been changed. Aside from the obvious undercover policemen walking around pretending to be residences, there are also some that’s hidden behind cover in the corners and bushes.

“Hello Mrs. Song, I am Long Jiu of the National Security Bureau, who is responsible for your safety!” The short-haired and capable woman from the agency respectfully walked up to Song and saluted.

The four ladies got all nervous and anxiously spoke, “That, Ms. Long Jiu, do we really need to go to such lengths?”

Long Jiu solemnly replied, “Mrs. Song, many people are eyeing your husband right now according to the intel we have. It’s very likely they will also target you if the opportunity presents itself. I know you’re aware of this, but what if they kidnap you and use your existence as a chip in blackmailing your husband? Our country can never afford such a thing, hence the reason we’re here to ensure your safety!”

That promptly got an understanding nod from the singer.

Those things of Chu Yun’s held an important strategic significance for just about any country out there. It would be foolish to think someone wouldn’t try to make a move against those things.

And…… Song would never want to drag her feet and become a burden for her own husband. That’s something she wouldn’t and couldn’t permit herself to do!

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“Then I will have to trouble you Ms. Long Jiu.”

With another military salute, “This is my duty. If Mrs. Song has any request then please let me know. The government will do our upmost to satisfy it.”

As planned, the four ladies were able to drive to the mall under the accompaniment by Long Jiu using a special bullet proof car prepared ahead of time.

Naturally the ladies didn’t draw any attentions to themselves despite their incredible level of fame. They’re all celebrities even before these recent events so they knew how to disguise themselves with makeup. However, right as they were making a little detour around the hospital to visit another mall, Song got startled by the level of people gathered at the front entrance.

Spirit gasped as well at the sight: “What’s happening outside this hospital? Did some major outbreak happen?”

“It’s due to the shortage of medicine.” Long Jiu couldn’t hold back and shook her head in a sigh.

Music appeared slightly stunned, “Medicine? That’s right! I remember the medicines patented by the three major houses are refusing to sell to us.”

Long Jiu nodded in frustration, “That’s right, most of the illness can be cured using our own countries drug, but a small number of the more serious diseases require treatment that we don’t have. The three houses are using that to strangle our medical industry and our people.”

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Imagine knowing it’s possible to cure yourself but couldn’t because of a lack of supply. It’s not hard to foresee how crazy and desperate the families and patients would become.

“The three houses are too disgusting. How many people must they kill before they stop?!” Coco grew furious and clenched her fist.

“Targeting us shows that they are afraid!” Long Jiu’s eyes glowed with sharpness, “Since ancient times, our country’s medical skills have never been weak. If the three houses won’t supply us then we will develop the drugs ourselves. The more they pressure us, the stronger we will become!”

All four ladies nodded in unison, their ideas fully in agreement with this female agent.

It’s not only them who are thinking this way, but a lot of citizens as well. Unfortunately, researching and producing a drug takes time, and time was what most sick patients lacked, especially those critically ill.

After a while longer of this depressing mood, the topic was eventually dropped after coming before the numerous selections of goods at the mall again. They had a lot, around thirty bags worth of stuff in their harvest with clothes as the primary items, but also snacks and jewelry as a side achievement. It’s clear they don’t plan on leaving the villa in the near future.


That night in the central medical research institute of Dahan.

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The Second Elder was staring at an instrument with a pair of panda eyes due to how long he didn’t rest. Specifically, it’s been three days since he got any sleep.

But it wasn’t only the elder who didn’t’ rest, another thin and scrawny old man with reading glasses was also present. He’s wearing a white lab coat and carried an air of fatigue. This man was called Ye Zhongtian, the leading medical expert in Dahan with over three hundred patents he created himself and the one in charge of this project.

At this moment, both of these leaders were acting anxious and afraid for the results. They are hopeful for success, but at the same time scared for failure.

Regardless of their woes or desires though, the instrument here weren’t going to hold any punches. Soon, the results were through and out came the report.

“Didn’t work? Failed?” Ye Zhongtian’s body started to visibly shake due to the disappointing result. “What is wrong with this medicine, and how can it not work?” He bitterly pondered for the reason but to no avail.

When the Second Elder heard the word failure, the light in his eyes was extinguished instantly. Nevertheless, the senior went ahead to pat the doctor’s shoulder to comfort: “Zhongtian, don’t blame yourself, there will be another way. If this experiment fails then we can do it again. First rest and take care of your body. Our country can’t afford to have you collapse during this period.”

“Re-match the samples, re-test the data!” Ye Zhongtian did not listen to a single word and instead roared out to the assistants nearby.

Immediately, a group of young students rushed over to begin working the lab machines again. They’re all tired, every single one of these students, but not a single person complained at the harsh work condition. They know, the burden of saving those sickly patients lied with them after their country got cut off from the rest of the world’s medical field. They’re in a fight against time, and right now every second means a life lost!

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