Chapter 45 “Mortal’s Miracle”

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Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng held their phones out and stared at the screen without blinking in the car. They’re watching Long Jiu swimming through the waterhole. Though poorly filmed, the moving picture told everyone the female agent was still swimming.

“Tick, tick—” Their hearts prayed for the capable lady’s safety because this feat alone could be called extraordinary.

The average person could only hold their breath for no more than half a minute, but a good diver could do it for three minutes. In some rare cases, those who have undergone special training could even hold their breath for more than five minutes, and Long Jiu happens to be one of those few rare cases!

“What is the highest record of Long Jiu’s underwater record?” Li Tianlong’s voice was dignified but anxious as he asked.

Soon someone replied, “Director, her profile says four minutes and forty-three seconds.”

This record naturally caused Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng’s hearts to sink because there’s no return for Long Jiu! The female agent had already been underwater for over two and a half minutes, meaning she was past the point of no return!

“Impulsive, too impulsive!” Li Tianlong incessantly scolded his subordinate who’s not around to hear.

Fang Guofeng inwardly sighed as well.

“Tick, tick—”

The clock continued to push forward until another minute expired with no end in sight for the underwater tunnel.

Just when everyone was desperate and panicking, a faint glimmer of light finally appeared in front! It’s shining down, meaning there’s an opening to escape the underwater tunnel.

“LIGHT! The exit is just over there!”

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“Swim, swim, swim! Just a little more and you will make it!”

“She’s too amazing. I’m counting three and a half minutes already, that’s comparable to a professional athlete.”

“Don’t be too happy yet, we don’t know if that’s the final exit or only an air pocket!”

“Come on Long Jiu!”


Before the broadcast, countless people clenched their fists in prayer regardless of their background, this was especially true for the ladies who were still on the shore in the underground cave. They are nearly crying in worry for not stopping the agent in time.

Soon enough, Long Jiu had come to the spot where the glimmering light was shining down from, and now all she had to do was ascend to the top!

Unfortunately, Long Jiu’s movements were near her limits by this point. Moreover, due to the drastically reduced oxygen in her body, the lady’s speed had gotten noticeably slower.

Li Tianlong’s eyes grew red as he asked for another report: “How long has she been diving?”

“Four minutes and twenty seconds.”

Only twenty-three seconds away from her limit.

But in reality, Long Jiu had even less than that at twenty seconds. Once her body becomes deprived of air, the female agent would not be able to float to the surface anymore and involuntarily sink to the bottom.

Fortunately, the upward path wasn’t long, requiring her fifteen seconds to swim up and hit the surface.

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“Hoof, hooof, hooofff—” Long Jiu gasped for air as her lungs devoured the oxygen with a greedy might that she never had before.

As the female agent wiped away the trickling water from her face, those pupils sharply shrank in the next over what she saw.

This was in fact an underground river that ran through the grounds of the villa. It had jagged edges along the rocky walls, but more importantly, the top of the rocks had a door!

Without delay, Long Jiu took out Music’s streaming phone that she had picked up earlier. This allowed the eager fans to get the full picture of what was happening.

“This is the first time I’m seeing an underground river. It’s so grand and spectacular.”

“My god, this is so hair raising. I never expected Chu Yun to create an underground river right below his home!”

“Door! There’s a door along the rocky wall over there?!”

“What a hand! How can Chu Yun pull off such a play?!”

“It can’t be that the value of this one is higher than the oil field and gold mountain?!”

“Unimaginable, terrifying!”


Long Jiu didn’t realize her kind act of keeping a record for her superiors was in fact driving some viewers up the walls right now. Instead, she continued to approach the door with careful strides in her legs.

Soon, the female agent had come before the metal door after coming ashore.

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Fang Guofeng and Li Tianlong were so nervous and excited that even their veins were popping. However, the two got thrust into a stupor in the next at the fingerprint lock that came up.

“This is… a fingerprint lock?”

Depending on the model, some locks would still have the keyhole, but not this one. It’s purely for the print and nothing else!

This made everyone’s face go stiff because it meant they couldn’t use the traditional methods to bypass the mechanism.

For all their excitement and hard work, they’re once again blocked by something so small.

At this time, countless comments were floating up on the live chat.

“That… can’t we try Song’s fingerprint even though we don’t have Chu Yun around?”

“Right, right, I think it will work! Hasn’t Chu Yun always recorded the keys around his wife? I’m sure her fingerprint is the key as well!”

“I agree, the likelihood of Song’s finger working is pretty high. Besides, what’s there to lose by trying?”

“Hahaha, I’m getting a good feeling from this.”


Back over on the shore, the three friends were all staring at Song with beaming eyes.

“Sister Song, has Brother-in-law ever entered your fingerprints?” Coco asks.

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“Unlikely,” Song shook her head helplessly.

Spirit quickly analyzed: “Brother-in-law likely secretly recorded your print while you were asleep, otherwise you wouldn’t have forgotten.”

“Makes sense, I think Sister Song will definitely be able to open that door.” Music nodded excitedly, the curiosity almost overflowing from her body, “Let’s guess what will be behind that door first?”

At the same time, the live broadcast room was also eagerly discussing what lay behind the door.

It’s well known by now that Chu Yun only hides earth shatteringly incredible stuff. If it’s not at the legendary level, the guy would consider it trash and ignore it!

Long Jiu did not dare to act rashly then, only pacing back and forth before the door to search for clues.

Just when she was touching the rocky wall to the side of the door, her hands suddenly felt an imprint that shocked her. It’s a kind of symbol carved onto the surface.

Quickly wiping it with her hand, she soon removed the layer of sand to reveal the small characters inscribed onto the surface.

“This thing is a miracle for mortals, and it’s a good thing if presented to the public, but…. it’s too troublesome so forget it.”

This, this…

Long Jiu’s heart heavily contracted at the sentence, her head nearly exploding from overload.

Mortal’s miracle?!

What exactly is it that qualifies as a miracle in Chu Yun’s eye?!

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