Chapter 46 “Sugared Empress”

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This line of handwriting had been left by Chu Yun himself without surprise. Although he wanted to contribute what was inside the door to the world, but upon thinking about it, he decides to drop the idea due to the trouble that might ensue.

He could help others at will, but if the help would bring him trouble afterward then that’s not helping, it’s making his own life difficult!

Very soon, Li Tianlong and the other government agents arrived at the villa and ran into the underground cave.

“Miss Song, this time I am afraid we will have to trouble you to come into the water with us.”

Song nods, “I understand.”

Not only the others, but the singer herself also wanted to test whether or not her fingerprint would work on that lock. The idea itched that curiosity egg.

Spirit jumped out and said expectantly, “Director Li, can we also tag along?”

“Yes!” Li Tianlong smiled and nodded.

Immediately, everyone put on the wetsuit provided by the government and dived into the pool.

Ten minutes later.

The crowd smoothly came to where the door was and joined in with the female agent standing in wait during this period.

“Director, look over there.” Long Jiu reported the handwriting right away.

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When they saw the words left by Chu Yun, the pupils of the crowd were tense and shrank in uncertainty.

First of all, the title itself was strange.

Why use mortals instead of humans?

From what perspective did Chu Yun write this sentence?

And then there’s the miracle.

What could possibly be regarded as a miracle by Chu Yun who only called everything in his possession garbage thus far?

And what’s inside this door?

The answer to everything must be answered, and that’s only possible if they open this door.

Song pursed her lips and slowly came before the door, drawing the attention of all the viewers watching the broadcast.

Chu Yun, the time to test whether you are a good husband has arrived!


Shangfu Hospital.

VIP ward.

After spending a week in this hospital, Old Wang’s weight had become deprived to the point he’s left with nothing but skin and bones. During this period, Junior Wang the son had also been present, watching over the senior with pure sadness in his eyes. He’s practically lost his soul at this stage, those eyes looking swollen and red from all the crying.

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“Dad, I’ve already arranged everything behind the scenes. We only need you to go change your nationality to fly abroad and cure your illness. The drug from the three houses will prolong your life by atleast a few years….”

Before Junior Wang could finish speaking, Old Wang violently grabbed that hand and glared daggers at his own son, “I rather die before changing my nationality!”

“Dad!” Junior Wang wanted to cry but couldn’t at the stubbornness of his father.

The middle-aged man grew up with smooth sailing and never worried about money or prestige due to his family’s background. But now, the sad truth was they are nothing before the cruel nature of a person’s health.

Take the last seven days for example. He had asked all his friends and connections to find the best doctors in the country. In light of this, the best medicine they had could only prolong Old Wang’s life for another ten days at best. Now, there are only three days left before the time limit….

It’s then at this moment when all hopes were lost for this family, a TV program running in the ward changed everything for them.

“Breaking news, our show will be broadcasting the live feed from Chu Yun’s home until further notice. After the gold mountain and oil field, we’ve gotten word that they’ve discovered something else in the underground cave with that pond….”

This news stunned the father and son at the same time.

If it had been before, Junior Wang would definitely be very interested, but right now his heart had died at the incurable disease killing his own father.

On the contrary, Old Wang was reacting very differently. His tired mental state instinctively shuddered and then reached out to his son, “Help me up right this instant, I need to watch this broadcast!”


Dahan Medical Research Institute.

The Second Elder had just gotten the message from his subordinate Li Tianlong and opened up the show from his end. This promptly drew the attention of Ye Zhongtian who was concentrating on the medical experiments next to the guy

I’m racing against the clock to save lives and you’re watching a live show next to me, is that even appropriate? But what can be so immersive to draw the Second Elder’s eye to this extent? I don’t recall him being this nervous when I conducted my experiments.

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The award-winning medical researcher had a lot of complaints pent up inside, but as an official of the government, Ye Zhongtian knew it would be idiotic on his part. However, unbeknownst to him, it wasn’t only the Second Elder who was watching, but also the other four elders as well in a secret conference room.


The Dakore Dynasty.

Three chancellors and several court officials were currently in council with the Empress of this country.

“Speak if anyone has something to report, if not then the meeting is adjourned.” The Empress indifferently states this without any emotional movement.

“Empress, I have something to report!” An official in a top hat came forward.


The official’s face was upright, and his tone sonorous: “How can an individual own my Dakore Dynasty? By declaring we belong to Chu Yun, the three great houses are currently sanctioning our medical industry like those in Dahan. We are looking at a major revolt from our people if public anger doesn’t recede! Therefore, I implore you Empress, please take back your statement and announce our country’s neutral stance!”

“I concur, please Empress take back your statement!”

“I concur, please Empress take back your statement!”


Immediately, half of the officials in court followed suit and kneeled.

“What if I don’t?” The Empress continues to stare down at her officials and doesn’t budge, her body exuding an oppressive air of dominance.

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The outspoken official immediately showed his indignation and strongly objected: “Then I worry for the future of our people and our country! Therefore, I ask to resign my position and return to civil life in my hometown!”

“If that’s the case, I’ll satisfy your request.”

The Empress sneered, “By the way, your son and daughter-in-law can also retire from Six Star Technology. I’m sure they would love to enjoy life in the countryside with you!”


The official promptly prostrated down to the floor with his head banging against the marbled flooring.

“Empress, I was wrong, please ignore my nonsensical ramble just now. I’ve recently come down with a condition that fogs up my head. I assure you, I will find treatment for it right away and never allow such nonsense to come from my tongue!”

Ignoring the idiotic official, the Empress swept her gaze over to the rest, “Who else?”

The crowd shrank their necks instantly and coward from their original plan. This naturally caused the three chancellors to sigh inwardly at this scene. Their goal was to change the Empress’s mind by using their title as leverage, but apparently that’s only their wishful thinking.

How did Her Majesty’s mind become so shrewd and small? Did she really become muddled in the head due to Chu Yun’s sugary words? When will she wake up?!

Waving her hand, “Is there anything else to report?”

“Empress, I have something to say.” A chancellor stepped forward.


“The live broadcast about Chu Yun has opened again, and it seems there are new discoveries.”

“Oh? So what are you waiting for, open it and let’s watch!”

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