Chapter 47 “Too Crazy!”

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Under the eyes of all, Song took in a deep breath and pressed her thumb against the print screen since it’s the finger that she usually used for anything formal. So if there’s going to be a print Chu Yun uses, it would be her thumb.

“Didi, da!”

A string of electronic noises knocked against the viewer’s eardrum, sending shock into their hearts with every syllable.

It’s open!

The door actually opened!

“SHIT, I just knew Chu Yun would never let us down!”

“Mommy, what’s inside that door?!”

“I have to admit, no one can see through Chu Yun. Even my imaginations can’t keep up with his!”

“Yeah, one mustn’t dare!”


Bracing herself, Song slowly pulled the doorknob and swung the barrier open.


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It was pitch black inside, but as it opened, the lights suddenly flicked to life and brightly illuminated the room that Chu Yun had directly carved the space out of the granite wall.

Although this scene was spectacular in its own right, but everyone had expected it to be more shocking…..

There was no gold mountain, no oil field, in fact there’s nothing of noticeable marking aside from the office desk and some chairs. This layout confused the viewers and surveyors, finding it strange and weird.

“The layout is a bit like a lab, except… why is there not a single experimental device?” Fang Guofeng frowned, puzzled by the oddness.

He’s a detective so his experience told him this should’ve been a laboratory. However, there’s no scientific devices like one would expect, which contradicted with his findings aside from the test tube he found under a black cloth draped over the table.

“What’s in it?”

He took a closer look and saw it was a vial of a translucent liquid…

Then after a sniff, Fang Guofeng discovered it was colorless and odorless as well, nor were there impurities like some clear tap water.

After half a day, there’s only a nameless tube of liquid in this room?!

What’s the use of this stuff?

Everyone at the scene fell into a daze, leaving the fans disappointed and displeased by the lack of discovery.

What is Chu Yun doing?

Then Coco on the side noticed something. It’s a message written under the black cloth pulled aside by the chief detective and left on the table corner.

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With a raised eyebrow, the schoolgirl idol curiously picked it up and read the content.

On the front were many diagrams and annotations that she couldn’t understand due to their complexity. It’s enough to make her go dizzy at a glance. Thankfully, there was another line of text that she could read at the end.

Reading it softly in a muttering voice: “Super life element, capable of enhancing life activity of a person, can greatly improve human immunity, and can cure more than 99% of the currently incurable diseases, such as: cancer, leukemia, diabetes…”

Halfway through the reading, her voice abruptly came to a halt, that mouth gaping open as those eyes widened in shock. She’s become a statue.

This, this, this…

Even if she reacted slower than usual due to jumping conclusions, Coco would’ve realized the importance of this vial by now regardless. And sure enough, those nearby instantly perked up after catching part of her faint muttering voice, this including the viewers watching from the other side of the screen.

In an instant, the nuclear explosions began!

“HOLY CRAP! I think I just heard something crazy!”

“The voice just now seems to be from Coco. Please shift the camera in her direction, hurry!”

“My mother is waiting in the hospital for help. Is there really such a drug? Please tell me!”

“SHIT SHIT SHIT, I should have known Chu Yun wouldn’t leave behind anything normal!”


“Wait, don’t turn the camera this way Sister Music! The method to produce the super life element is also written here!” Coco shouted and quickly covered the message by using her chest as cover.

Say no more, Music wasn’t stupid so she instantly turned a one-eighty and ran as far away from her friend’s spot.

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“My god, how can this be like this? Super life element?!”

“You only need to hear the name to know it’s amazing!”

“Aaaah, I think we’re going to witness a new era!”

“Right, right, Anchor mustn’t point the camera that way. We must prevent the secret from leaking! It’s fine if only our country knows the production method!”

Wang Da Chamber of Commerce Junior Wang rewards Anchor with 100 super fire comments: “Anchor, begging for super life element, please relay my message to Mrs. Song. The price is not important, I am in dire need of it to save my father!”

Wang Da Chamber of Commerce Junior Wang rewards Anchor with 100 super fire comments: “Anchor, begging for super life element, please relay my message to Mrs. Song. The price is not important, I am in dire need of it to save my father!”


Countless tipping effects obscured the screen.

“Holy, Junior Wang is going to toss out a million dollars at this rate!”

“It seems that Old Wang is really reaching the end of his life. Aigh, the world sure likes to play with people’s fate.”

“No amount of money will save you in front of death.”


In the Hospital.

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Junior Wang jerked up in excitement, his face flushed as he cried tears of joy, “Dad, there is hope, you can be saved! I’ll go and ask for it now! I’ll definitely get the medicine back for you!”


Back over on scene.


When Li Tianlong and the others listened to Coco’s words, their bodies instantly shuddered as they gasped profusely.

Then it was Detective Fang Guofeng’s turn who made a mute look at the test tube in his hand. Out of reflex, he almost threw it away in fright to avoid being responsible for something so precious.

“This, this… this is the super life element?!”

FUCK, what am I holding in my hand? This is the only vial too!

Does it have to be this insane?!

On top of that, I nearly dropped it out of reflex. Oh god, please someone take this thing off me! My hands are going numb!

“Fang Guofeng, don’t move! Slowly… slowly put it down. If you drop that, I’m going to kill you!” Li Tianlong roared, his eyes fixed on the super life element as if he’s staring at the most precious and fragile item in existence.

The others began to carefully surround the chief detective like they’re trapping a scared little animal, their arms spread in preparation for anything unexpected.

“Guppp….” Fang Guofeng gulped hard at this reaction, his hand carefully moving to put the test tube back in its original place.

Initially, this was a straightforward action, but at this time, every movement equated to a thousand pounds of burden on his shoulder. Eventually, after much struggle and sweat, the chief detective returned the test tube to the original to everyone’s huge relief.

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