Chapter 48 “There’s Really Such A Miracle Medicine?!”

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After confirming that the test tube was safe, the crowd then turned their attention to the black cloth.

When he saw the handwriting written by Chu Yun himself, Li Tianlong’s hand couldn’t help but tremble with emotion. Reason? Because it’s not a national treasure here, but a gem of humanity itself!

“Tingaling!” Looking down at his phone that suddenly rang, Li Tianlong only took a second to check the number before picking it up, “Grand Elder.”

“Is the Super Life Element real?” The Grand Elder’s voice sounded hoarse and emotional.

Li Tianlong nodded, “It’s true!”

“Good, good, good!”

It’s a simple conversation, but it’s full of story about their struggles thus far!

In the secret conference room of the capital.

The Grand Elder hung up the phone and smiled wholeheartedly from his heart out. Then turning to the other three elders sitting on the round table, “It is certain the super life element is left behind by Chu Yun now. Whether the effect is as good as the message claims is still up for verification, but I believe it’s credible enough to begin clinical trial.”

“Hahaha, good!”

“Chu Yun is a real god, he can even obtain such an incredible treasure.”

“Aigh, it’s a pity that Chu Yun is married, otherwise I could try to pair him with my granddaughter.”

The three other elders all showed cheerful faces right now instead of the glum they portrayed mere seconds ago.

Reasonably speaking, the effect of the super life element should warrant heavy criticism after such claims. However, if the one claiming it was Chu Yun then that’s very different. Words are cheap, and actions are expensive. Through all the miracles the guy provided thus far, they had no reason to question the authenticity of such a drug.

It’s then when the mood was at its highest, the Grand Elder’s phone suddenly rang again. But instead of the smile-inducing number he dialed himself, this time it was a number that caused his eyes to narrow into a dangerous slit.

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Buju Wittstein: “Dear Grand Elder of Dahan, have you made up your mind on my request yet? You should be aware by now that your country has no reason to refuse my offer.”

The corners of the Grand Elder’s mouth drew a playful grin at that barrage of derisive attitude, “Oh? And why would I have no reason to refuse?”

“The medical skills of your Dahan is atleast ten years behind our three great houses. The diseases your country can’t cure, we can and more! All in all, if you want your people to live then you will have to rely on our drugs!” Buju sounded overjoyed from the other end and bombarded the phone.

The Grand Elder calmly replies, “So what?”

So what?

We have Chu Yun, do you have one?!

Buju was slightly taken aback by the nonchalant attitude and didn’t expect the Grand Elder to take a tough stance suddenly.

The first few phone calls they had before, the old man’s tone did not sound good at all, so he believed this would be when they cave in.

Sneering in his voice: “Grand Elder, you should think it over before answering me again. Your people are being tormented by illness right now. If they know other countries can provide the cure for them, what do you think they will do? Those with enough wealth will all immigrate to seat treatment. By then, your Dahan will be nothing but a husk and rapidly decline! Hand over the things Chu Yun owned and we will still be good business partners.”

At this time, the Grand Elder didn’t get annoyed at all over the brazen thievery and sounded amused: “Mmm, keep going.”

Buju was silent for a moment, “That’s it, I’m done.”

“Then I will give you a reply: from today onwards, we will officially block the export of Dahan’s drug to any country affiliated with the three houses!” The Grand Elder’s voice sounded strong and powerful, totally different from the frankness he made seconds ago.


So nice!

This blast finally removed the last bit of depression from the old man’s heart as he hung up the phone.

What about the three houses? SUCK IT!!!

As well mannered as the Grand Elder was, the senior’s never felt so free in his entire life. During the civil war, this great individual fought for this country and gained status and power as reward. Then as he aged and grew old, the senior thought his life was done and nothing could bring his youthful spirit back. But now, he felt like a child again and found something worthy of him getting giddy inside.

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Hahaha, it’s really thanks to Chu Yun.

The other side.

Buju cluelessly stared down at the phone that displayed the message of the other side hanging up on him.


You’re going to sanction us?

Based on what?!

For a while, the head of the Wittstein House thought he had heard wrong and wanted to dial the number again.

“Dad, it’s not good Dad, Chu Yun is out to make trouble again!” Fusky rushed over with his iPad in hand, his face full of anxiety and disbelief.

Out of control. This time the situation had completely fallen out of their control.

Buju’s heart sank as an ominous premonition hung over his head, “What’s wrong? Speak slowly!”

Fusky said in horror, “I don’t know how they did it, but they found Chu Yun’s thing again. This time it’s something called the Super Life Element capable of curing all kinds of illnesses like cancer and such!”


Buju exclaimed in horror.

What would happen to our products if there really is such a super drug?

“It is impossible. There is absolutely no such thing as a miracle drug. This is not scientific!”

Buju kept shaking his head in disbelief, “This medicine has never been used at all. I bet it’s just that country’s bluff!”

“Aigh, I hope so.” Fusky sounded a little frightened in his reply.

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He’s lost his wits by this point whenever Chu Yun’s name came up. It’s just too freaky and unnatural. Who in the world would find treasure after treasure from looking for one’s private savings? No one!


The Dakore Dynasty.

Because of what the Empress of this country pulled on the broadcast, the court ministers were all showing resentment in their hearts right now.

The Empress is hopeless now. She’s completely won over by that guy and can’t think straight! At this rate, our Dakore Dynasty will be ruined!

However, when they learned of the Super Life Element in the next moment after seeing it on screen, their resentful faces instantly perked up and got all colorful.

“This… Is there really such a miracle drug in the world?!”

“Shit, Dahan is invincible with this!”

“Chu Yun is so awesome, this guy is so terrifying!”

“Amazing, the drugs of the three houses are garbage before the super life element. The world is going to change because of this!”

“Hahaha, the only country that stood with Dahan is our Dakore Dynasty!”

“All hail the Empress, she is wise and sees everything!”


The ministers were unable to hold in their admiration for this young Empress and immediately got on their knees in worship.

However, the lady herself didn’t have the heart to care about the attention. Instead, she started to murmur into the air: “I knew you were amazing, but you are even more amazing than I imagined….”


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Dahan Medical Research Institute.

“AWESOME!” The Second Elder suddenly exploded in excitement and blew up.

Unfortunately for Ye Zhongtian, the old medical researcher had been caught off guard by the noise due to how engaged he was in the experiment that he jumped out of reflex.


It’s bad enough you’re watching some show beside me, but can’t you atleast do it quietly instead of harassing me?

You have changed Second Elder.

Ye Zhongtian grew furious and was prepared to question the other senior for this disturbance when he got scared again by the fanatical look that came his way. Forget about being sane anymore, the Second Elder was downright going crazy with that laughing and crying.

Sounding worried and concerned, “Second Elder, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, I’m fine.”

The Second Elder smiled and waved his hand dismissively, “Zhongtian, I am just too happy that’s why. We’ve just discovered a medicine called the Super Life Element. It can cure most of the diseases in the world, even cancer….”

“What do you mean you’re alright? Listen to yourself! You’re rambling nonsense now!” Ye Zhongtian sighed and wanted to call a nurse over to help, “Second Elder, I know you’re tired so go take a rest. You’re clearly reached your limit.”

Shaking his head because he understood why the guy would think that way, “Zhongtian, I’m not going crazy. Here, look at this broadcast, it’s right there. See for yourself!”

“What? You actually believe something from a show? Second Elder, you and I have long passed that innocent age.”

Ye Zhongtian was even more certain the Second Elder had a mental breakdown now and must seek help.

“Oh right, you don’t go online much so you don’t know what’s happening.”

The Second Elder smacks his own forehead in realization, “It’s fine, we can stop arguing. Hurry and wrap up what you’re doing and come with me to the scene. We need to verify if the Super Life Element is as incredible as it claims to be.”

Ye Zhongtian’s brow furrowed into a knot and wanted to resist: “Second Elder, you must think clearly. Right now is not the time to be playing around. I can’t be wasting my time on some frivolous dream!”

Not wanting to waste time, the Second Elder began to get physical and started dragging the medical researcher away: “Come on, you can trust me! When have I ever led you wrong? COME COME COME! We will go see that miracle drug for ourselves, WAHAHAHA!”

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