Chapter 49 “Chu Yun’s Era”

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“Everyone go on first-level alert!” Li Tianlong gave the order right away, turning the small support team back over in the office into a command center.

In mere minutes, the commando force and soldiers in hiding had come marching out in strength, surrounding the entire gated community like it was a fortress. In fact, there are military-grade weapons hidden in the nearby landscapes in case a foreign missile decides to come dropping down from space.

So what does a super life element represent?


It’s life itself, that’s what!

Whether it was Li Tianlong, Long Jiu or Fang Guofeng, they were all trembling with excitement at this point.

Protect, we must use the highest alarm status to protect this!

In the face of the oil monopoly controlled by the three great houses, Dahan had no choice but to endure that insufferable month. However, a medical sanction was a totally different thing. One could use less, eat less, but one couldn’t live less when one desperately wanted to survive in this world.

Thankfully the super life element appeared now when the situation was starting to grow dire. It’s the much-needed ray of hope for these lands and their people.

Two hours later.

An armed helicopter landed outside the villa carrying the Second Elder and head medical researcher.

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Back on the plane, Ye Zhongtian had already heard the full story from his fellow friend and superior so he had stopped protesting.

So many big things have happened in Dahan while I was cooped up in my lab?

Ancient calligraphy and paintings, gold house, night pearl, millennium sandalwood, oil field, gold mountain?

And now there is a super life element?!

Is this god giving Dahan a freebie?!

I want some freebies too!

Ye Zhongtian found his brain hurting due to congestion.

On the one hand, he did not believe it, but on the other hand, he was extremely hopeful for it to be true. So, with a complicated mood, the old researcher sprinted into the villa with Second Elder taking the lead.

“Where is the super life element? Let me see, let me see!”

At this moment, Ye Zhongtian did not look like a medical professor but a gambler giddy to roll the dice at the casino.

“Second Elder, Elder Ye, the liquid in this test tube should be the finished product, and the top of this black cloth contains the information on its production method.”

“Give it to me, give it to me!” Ye Zhongtian pounced with wolfish might, snatching the cloth right out of the other person’s hand in one jump.

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“So it’s like this, hmm, it’s actually possible in this manner! This is clearly a new form in the medicinal field! How can someone be this magnificent!”

At Ye Zhongtian’s level, he only needed a glance to notice several points of interest on the cloth. In fact, it’s enough to make him open up that dam for the tears to flow.

“Wrong, I finally know where we went wrong, genius, which genius designed this?!”

Ye Zhongtian went bananas, those eyes moving back and forth between the diagrams and number calculations on the black cloth, “Thank you heavens for letting me see something this great! I can die happy!”

Startled by the outcry from his friend, the Second Elder rushed over and hurriedly comforted the old guy, “Zhongtian, you must calm down, we can’t have you dying here now. First confirm the effects of the super life element!”

Jolting back to reality at the reminder, “Right, right, I shouldn’t behave like this. The theory here is impeccable so we can begin clinical trials right away. Unfortunately, there aren’t much of the finished product to do that.”

From start to end, Music had been keeping her camera away from the epicenter of the discovery and facing a wall. However, that doesn’t mean the ever-increasing viewers aren’t able to hear what’s happening in this underground river. They are boiling with excitement and nearly smashed their screens due to the inability to see the details.

“Aaaah, it’s Elder Ye, the head of our medical research himself is recognizing the authenticity of this super life element!”

“I have a hunch that the world’s medical treatment will transform after this. Hahaha, the future lies with this miracle drug!”

“Does this even need a clinical trial? It’s something Chu Yun left behind, we all know everything he leaves behind are miracles!”

Great risks accompany medical experiments with unknown long-term consequences. There could be allergic reactions, adaptability issues, and a series of other problems that might not arise in the initial ingestion phase. All in all, a company usually needs to pay the guinea pigs to take it, not vice versa.


Wang Da Chamber of Commerce Junior Wang rewards Anchor with 100 super fire comments: “Anchor, I am at your door right now. If you’re going to conduct a clinical trial then let my dad be the one. He has brain cancer and is almost out of time, please give us this chance!”

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Wang Da Chamber of Commerce Junior Wang rewards Anchor with 100 super fire comments: “Anchor, I am at your door right now. If you’re going to conduct a clinical trial then let my dad be the one. He has brain cancer and is almost out of time, please give us this chance!”

This would be the second time Junior Wang smashed a shit tone of money on her stream so it’s impossible for her not to take notice. With a brief moment of contemplation, the streamer went ahead to oblige the request, “Second Elder, Junior Wang of the Wang Da Chamber of Commerce is currently asking for help on his father’s behalf. I believe it’s a good idea to let them use the vial as the first test subject due to the direness of their condition.”

Second Elder, “Where are they right now?”

“Their family is waiting outside the villa at the front door.”

Because Old Wang bought a home here before, they didn’t get blocked outside the gated community by the military.

“Wang Prince and his father and grandfather all lost so much weight….”

“Wow, is this still that handsome young man from before? Poor guy, he and his father look ragged. But Old Wang’s condition is painful to watch too. Look at those dark eye bags. It’s the same look I see whenever I visit the hospital nowadays.”

“Yea, it must’ve been a terrible period for their family to have the grandfather fall into such a state so fast. This is why I visit my doctor for a checkup every year. You never know if you’re sick until it’s too late.”

“To be honest, I’m a little sympathetic.”


“Please give my father a chance, a million, a billion, any price. I’ll pay any price you ask of us!” Junior Wang and his son Prince Wang saw the crowd that’s behind the door and pleaded their case.

“Aigh…” Second Elder sighs pitifully.

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Old Wang’s a big name in their country so there’s no way the government wouldn’t have taken notice after word of his illness broke out. But sadly, they too are powerless to help since its brain cancer, one of the most challenging cancers to cure even abroad.

“Mrs. Song, do you agree with letting us use the super life element?” Second Elder turns to the singer for confirmation.

Junior Wang and Prince immediately looked to Song with hopeful faces. The father and son understand the grandfather’s life lies solely on the singer’s decision so long as Chu Yun remains missing.

Nodding with a smile, Song doesn’t disappoint: “Have you forgotten, my husband said this is a mortal’s miracle. It should be revealed to the world.”

“Thank you, thank you!” The desperate family cried in that moment. There’s no answer more important and welcoming than this one.

Likewise, Ye Zhongtian and the viewers were all ecstatic at the outcome. They wanted to dance in joy to witness the miracle drug in action.

“Chu Yun is mighty, and the song queen is mighty!”

“Thank you Chu Yun, thank you Song, woohoo, I want to cry!”

“Thank you heavens for letting me live in Dahan!”

“No wonder Chu Yun considers everything garbage, if he has something like the super life element then everything else is nothing!”

“This is the era of Chu Yun!”


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