Chapter 50 “Beyond Terrifying”

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Immediately, under the thousand thanks of the Wang family, the only finished test tube was eventually transported to the hospital in preparation for the big moment.

Countless citizens and reporters rushed to the location in a tidal wave. They needed to witness this historic moment, and because of the sensation being too great, the Grand Elder had simply left the floodgate wide for broadcast.

He wants to let the whole world take a good look on how valuable the super life element was and that the Dahan Dynasty and its people are no pushover!

Inside the patient room where Old Wang was staying earlier, the family was all nervously waiting for the crucial moment. Of course, aside from Junior Wang and Prince Wang, friends like Old Horse and Old Pony were also present to see their comrade.

Old Horse, “Old Wang, you have become an international celebrity, never expected this right?!”

Old Pony: “Right, right, the number of channels covering you is insane. I heard the streaming site is losing its wits trying to keep its servers from exploding due to the many viewers jumping in. You must get better with this because the whole world is watching!”

Old Wang’s eyes moved somewhat in reply to his friend’s remark, which was optimistic because he could no longer speak anymore….

It’s then, at this time that Ye Zhongtian walked in with the potion.

With an unprecedented solemn mood, he operated with precision and skill. First by pulling a shot from the vial, then injecting the fluid into Old Wang’s vein.

“Old Wang, FIGHTING!”

“Old Wang, come alive and show us what you’re made of!”

“I firmly believe that Chu Yun will not let us down!”

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“Super Life Element, show us your abilities!”

The barrage in the live broadcast room went flying, brushing the screen one after the other. It’s not too much to say the level of hope for this to succeed was overflowing. Who doesn’t want a miracle drug, right?


On the island of the Wittstein House.

The father and son were also watching the livestream from the throne room, the former indifferent while sipping tea and the latter looking particularly nervous.

“Dad, aren’t you nervous for Dahan having such a witch brew?” Fusky couldn’t resist asking.

Buju shook his head and smiled slyly, “Haha, they will soon learn how stupid their behavior is!”

“Why do you say that?”

“There is a reason our three houses can stand at the peak of this world to this day. We don’t rely on hearsay, only power and knowledge. Those medical experts working under us already determined the super life element is a fake, that its’ impossible to produce something like that.”

Buju’s words made Fusky’s eyes light up and he was no longer nervous.

Although the medical talents of the three great houses could not be called all-powerful in this world, but theorizing on the concept of a new drug was more than sufficient. If they all conclude its not possible then it couldn’t be far off from the truth.

Fusky said happily, “Hahaha, so, this broadcast of Dahan’s is a total sham?”

“That’s right, treating an incurable person with a nonexistent drug will only make them a laughing stock afterwards. We only need to wait for the results to come back.” Buju laughed wildly, his expression amused and confident.

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Fusky said shadily, “Once their dreams shatters, the collapse of that country will be even bigger. They’re nothing but our plaything at this point!”


Damei Dynasty.

Bilu’s expression had furrowed into a deep knot while watching the live broadcast.

She had ordered her most technical staffs to keep an eagle eye on Old Wang’s health data back on the screen. The blonde female needs to decide now – to continue the hostile relationship with Dahan, or stop and begin dialogue.

After all, if there really was a super life element, it’s too important not to care.

The people of the Damei Dynasty also need saving!

“Hoho, there’s no need to make a fuss, the Dahan Dynasty has clearly gone insane. What element? They’re bluffing, it’s all a sham!” Director Jill snickers derisively while drinking his coffee. He’s arrogant and condescending like this can’t happen, which was precisely the reason those from above sent Bilu to take over. They know the guy was trouble and couldn’t be relied upon for something this big.

Bilu’s brow frowned even harder over that comment, “Do you know why our superiors sent me to oversee this operation instead of leaving you in charge? It’s because you don’t learn. How can you not see the Dahan Dynasty is now capable of challenging the three great houses? Get your head together you fool!”

“Che~ Dahan only got lucky before with the oil field. It’s probably Chu Yun’s family who prepared that without anyone knowing. But this super life element, it’s pure nonsense.” Director Jill wisely analyzed, “Dahan’s medical level was at the bottom of the barrel before. There’s no way they can produce a miracle drug without anyone catching wind.”

Bilu sighed wordlessly, “Chu Yun cannot be analyzed with common sense.”


Daben Dynasty

Director Taiji stared with fire in his eyes at the live broadcast, his Dr. Robotnick mustache shaking profusely: “They cannot succeed, they mustn’t succeed! I don’t believe the Dahan Dynasty has that capability! It’s all fake!”

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The live broadcast continued as planned with the viewers not getting bored in the slightest despite not having anything notable happening. Nevertheless, Old Wang’s state significantly improved after being injected with the super life element.

“Wow, did the effects have to take place this quickly?”

“Old Wang can already speak, SHIT!”

“Jeezes, the difference in his complexion is night and day. Before he looked like a skeleton with pale yellow skin, and now he’s looking pink and healthy.”

“Fuck, definitely doping, he definitely got doped!”

“That’s not some super life element, it’s a super stimulant, he’s only having a relapse and won’t last long!”


“Brothers and sisters, the barking dogs are back!”


Cursing and mockery came every minute from abroad, signaling the new era of vocabulary warfare on the internet.

The second day, Old Wang’s cheeks gradually became rosy, and his appetite improved a lot.

On the third day, Old Wang not only did not die as predicted but was full of energy and could sit up from the bed on his own. Also, Ye Zhongtian gave the old patient a comprehensive test to his own dismay and shock – the cancer cells got completely suppressed using the super life element.

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As soon as this test result came out, the whole world exploded in an uproar. Of course, those in Dahan cheered while many from abroad refused to believe this truth and continued to mock the show as nonsense.

Day four…

Day five…

All the way to the eighth day.

Metamorphism occurred.

Old Wang… Got off the ground!

He got out of bed and slowly walked toward the camera with that familiar smile: “Friends, smash that 666 on the screen!”


“Hahaha… why am I crying while laughing?”

“Hiss—does the medicine have to work so fast? The super life element is insane!”





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