Chapter 54 “Phantom Order Activate!”

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Action has already begun?!

Patch’s words made everyone’s soul shake due to the lemon they ate from those words.

As expected of the Phantom Order, no one can grasp their movements.

Seeing the shock from the crowd, Patch’s face flowed with pride until his nose hit the ceiling.

“My family’s Phantom Order has three rules they must follow since inception. The first is secrecy. Unless you’re a crucial member of my clan, no one is privy to the identity of the member list. Secondly, we only use the most cutting-edge technology on our missions to avoid detection. Third is accuracy. We will not move unless we confirm the target’s identity with our intelligence. However, if steps are taken, they will be struck down swiftly and efficiently from within the shadows!”

Patch’s explanation left them all gasping because who wouldn’t want such an incredible assassination squad?

Buju cocked an eyebrow though as he raised a question: “This reminds me of a dynasty back in the old days. The king and his heirs all died together overnight, thus thrusting the country into chaos as a result. If my memories serve me right, the ones who benefited the most from that incident were your Putzik House was it not? So, did the Phantom Order have a hand in that?”

This was something many of the people present had in mind, just that they didn’t have the nerve to ask it aloud. However, the silence but cold grin from Patch said it all.

Meinek clapped in response: “Amazing! But you said the Phantom Order already has intelligence on the target. Are you sure it’s accurate though?”

“You don’t need to fret about that. In fact, we’ve been collecting intelligence since day one about the gated community. Even if Dahan puts up layers of defense with its military, it’s nothing we can’t break through.”

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Patch waved his hand like he’s speaking about a trivial matter. “Right now we already have the layout, the numbers of firepower, and spots of concern in our records. Also, we have two contingency plans in place for the mission.”

Buju sounded curious and chased the topic, “And that is?”

“The first is securing the formula of the super life element inside the villa. If that’s not an option, we will move to plan B of capturing that singer. If capture is not possible then she will be eliminated along with everything else!”

Kidnapping a person under the strict deployment of a military force would be difficult, but if it’s merely assassinating an individual and escaping afterward then that’s easy.

The crowd nodded, their hearts stirring with anticipation for the prize. They are mortals as well. Who wouldn’t want the super life element?

Buju gets all serious after hearing his counterpart out, “If we can get the super life element then that’s optimal, but if we can’t then go ahead and destroy everything. We do not need a variable we can’t control regardless of its value!”

Patch frowned and retorted disapprovingly, “Can’t get it? Are you looking down on my Phantom Order? Just sit back and watch our performance!”

As he spoke, the high-tech communicator in front of Patch suddenly buzzed, followed by a low and rasp voice from the other end: “Housemaster, we have successfully infiltrated the landscape and entered the gated community!”

Suddenly, the eyes of the entire conference room froze, and their breathing became urgent.

Patch ordered, “Act as planned and keep up to date on the progress!”

Late into the night.

Five figures moved in a ghostly fashion by minimizing their footprint and sound thanks to the special night suit they wore. It’s a fabric that allows them to blend perfectly into the darkness and interfere with almost every type of thermal detection system in place, thus making them nearly invincible to the average security cameras out there!

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“Housemaster, we are nearing the target’s home and will be infiltrating the premise within three minutes!”

Before long, the Phantom Order was now lurking within the bushes next to the front door of Song’s home, leaving only a single wall between them and the ladies inside.

In the gathering hall back over on the island, the crowd continued to listen in on the report with great focus and anticipation. They’re shocked and amazed by the efficiency of the assassins that were so infamous in the underground world.

Fusky sighed involuntarily, “Incredible, the Phantom Order is truly worthy of its reputation.”

Patch’s cackled triumphantly: “That’s a given. Just wait another half an hour, then you will see for yourself the formula on the table here before us.”

Half an hour to get gain the magical formula that could determine the power scale of this world, what a crazy idea! Nevertheless, no one in the gathering hall questioned the feasibility of this idea, that’s how confident they are in the Phantom Order!

Three minutes had passed, and the Phantom Order had now gained a firm grasp of the layout and security measures placed by the military. If they wish to break through without alerting anyone, now would be the perfect chance.


“Who?!” The five members of the Phantom Order were startled and pointed their guns in that direction.


Under their breathless gaze, five kitty cats slowly walked out of the bushes with graceful strides.


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The five of them breathed a sigh of relief.

And yet in the next moment, one of the orange cats looked up at them and spat out a sentence in human tongue:

“After such a long time, we finally encountered a blind fool that is willing to come!”

What’s going on??!!

This cat talked?!

The eyes of the assassins nearly popped out in horror.

Eventually, one of them couldn’t take it and spoke up, “Capt-Captain, I think I’m hallucinating.”

A small white cat licked its paw and shattered the idea, “It’s not a hallucination, we are those cat demons you humans talk about from legend, meow~”

“Fuck! What in the world?!” One of the team members’ voices turned shaky.

Although they are the Phantom Order and call themselves ghosts of the night, they are still human! How are they supposed to comprehend the idea of demons in this modern age?

“Everyone calm down!” At the critical moment, it was the captain who regained control.

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He held his breath and coldly spoke, “Nothing but a tiny demon, don’t panic! Don’t forget, we have guns in our hands. So what if they’re cat demons? We will show them times have changed with our guns!”

As soon as these words came out, the other four immediately regained their composures as well. Showing an evil grin, they raised their guns and unlocked the safety for battle.

“Cat demons, times have changed!”

“Bang Bang Bang—”

In the face of the numerous flying bullets, the five cats didn’t fret and remained motionless, letting themselves be the billboards for the gunfire. They didn’t get hurt of course, not even a graze to their hair. On the contrary, it was the bullets that became warped from the impact.


Are cat demons this insane?!

The souls of the five members nearly left their bodies in that instant due to fear. But then the most unfortunate thing happened, the five kitty cats raised their paws in unison.




After a swipe of those claws, the guns in their hands were instantly sliced into several pieces, falling to the ground as a result of the dismemberment.

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