Chapter 55 “The Phantom Order Became Phantoms”

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“Ah! Demon King!!!” The five members of the Phantom Order screamed in unison, their faces twisted in horror as that hair exploded.

They’re too fierce!!!


Dahan is so dangerous, woohoo, I’m going home!

They invariably had this idea of wanting to turn tail and run.

However, as soon as they took a step, their heads bounced back after hitting some kind of invisible barrier.

The orange cat gracefully explained, “You can’t escape while inside the barrier we set so go ahead and scream for help. Even if you break your throat, no one will come.”

“Woowoowoo, Lord Cat Demon, please spare us. We were wrong!” The five of them helplessly hugged each other and started trembling.

“Hoho, do you know how hard it’s been for us after going so long without anyone to eat? As if we will let you go.” The orange cat licked its paws, revealing a cold sparkle from those greenish feline eyes.

The white cat also licked his mouth, revealing the dangerous fangs from within, “Don’t worry, we will make sure you sincerely regret coming to make trouble, meow~”


The three great house’s gathering hall.

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Everyone was still waiting for the Phantom Order to report their progress through the communicator.

Didn’t you say three minutes? Why is there no movement or report yet?

The strange looks coming Patch’s way over this delay had started to make the guy uncomfortable.

What is the deal with this unit? Even if you haven’t taken action then at least give us an update, why go radio silence?!

“What is the situation now? Report…” Patch sternly speaks into the device.

Only silence returned, leaving the atmosphere in the hall eerie and awkward.

“Phantom Order, answer me!” Patch intensified his tone and asked again.

However, only silence answered his call.

“I think it must be because they are in the middle of taking action that they can’t speak. Perhaps wait a little longer?”

Patch grabbed onto this idea from a younger generation and nodded, “Yes, that must be it. Don’t worry everyone. Give it half an hour, I’m sure we will get the good news then.”

Next, everyone stared at the communicator for half an hour without much discussion.

And yet, only silence came of their patience.

Patch could no longer hold up his appearance and started to flush from embarrassment, “Ahumph, perhaps half an hour is too short still. I’m sure an hour will be enough for them to wrap things up.”

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Another half an hour later, and another radio silence.

The corner of Buju’s mouth twitched, “Hoho, as expected of the Phantom Order, they directly became phantoms and gone underground.”

The veins in Patch’s old face nearly popped at the sarcastic remark. Picking up the communicator, he gets super serious with that deep voice, “Phantom Order, give me an answer immediately!”


The faces of Fusky and the others from the younger generation all got weird because even a fool could tell something was off.

You were bragging so hard earlier and now you’re leaving us out to dry?

Meinek tries to comfort his counterpart from the Putzik House, “The Dahan military may be small, but it’s not to be underestimated. Even if the Phantom Order misses once or twice, it’s understandable so don’t hold it on yourself Patch.”

Benzhu Putzik angrily lashed out, “Father, this must’ve been a trap laid out by the Dahan people! They are too cunning!”

Patch nods again at his son’s support, “This time I was careless and didn’t send out a suitable team for this mission. Tomorrow, meet again tomorrow. Our Putzik House will open everyone’s eyes to what the Phantom Order is truly capable of!”


The next morning.

Song made a long yawn as she woke up from that beautiful dream of hers. It was incredible, which showed in that refreshing smile found only in a woman who got nourishment from their lover.

On the other hand, her three friends had long awoken from their slumber and stared at the singer with panda eyes and a gloomy vibe.

Spirit blinked and asked curiously, “Sister Song, did you dream last night?”

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“Mhmm, I dreamed of my husband.” Song nodded sweetly, looking all sweet and maiden-like.

No wonder your mood is so good.

The three friends all showed an understanding look.

They not only guessed who Song had dreamed of, but also vaguely guessed what the singer had dreamed about as well since a part of the bed sheet was still wet from last night!

“My husband came into my dream. He said he’s okay and not to worry.” Song felt the rock lifting from her shoulders after finally meeting Chu Yun again.



The three ladies glanced at each other with looks of confusion all over their eyes.

Entered your dream, and you believe it?

Music sounded surprised: “So, you’re not worried anymore?”

Song closes her eyes to recall the lovely details of the dream, “Mhmm, I’m not worried anymore. I know you won’t get it, but this is something I can’t explain in words. That dream is too real.”

Coco bemoaningly muttered her regret from one side, “But I also dreamed about my brother-in-law, why I not have the same feeling?”

“Huh, why are you dreaming about my husband?” Song suddenly shot Coco a wary look of someone on the defensive.

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Unbeknownst to the singer, that question not only made the schoolgirl idol panic, but also Spirit and Music who got all awkward in their posture.

“I, I, that’s because I want to celebrate with everyone after he returns!” Coco wanted to smack her head at being an idiot for saying something she shouldn’t have.

“So that’s why.” Song still had a wary look but dropped the issue anyways.

Ughh, having such a wonderful husband is really nerve-wracking…

At this time, Long Jiu the competent female agent waltz over from the outside. There’s fear and anger seething through her aura, “Mrs. Song, I’m glad you are alright.”

The ladies got stunned by the remark and turned to the female agent, “Ms. Long Jiu, what do you mean by that? Did something happen?”

Taking a deep breath before explaining, “Last night we encountered an attack. The enemies are highly skilled and were able to sneak into the community without alarming our sentries.”

“What?!” The four ladies got all white and frightened.

In their eyes, the defense around the area was already ironclad. If the opponent could sneak in without alarming anyone, wouldn’t that mean they’re able to…. Just thinking about the consequences was enough to send chills down their spines.

Spirit spoke first while sounding shaky, “Ms. Long Jiu, have you caught the intruders?”

Long Jiu shook her head in shame, “We didn’t find the intruders, but they were dealt with by another force outside our command.”

Song showed a shocked Pikachu face, “Another force?”

Long Jiu got all tied inside while staring at the singer. One being ashamed at their own incompetence, the other for having to report her following discovery: “Mrs. Song, we suspect the ones who protected you last night are related to your husband. They have likely been guarding you from the shadows the entire time!”


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