Chapter 56 “It’s A Done Deal This time”

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My husband?!

Song hurriedly covered cusped her mouth, the tears overflowing with emotions.

I just knew it, I just knew…

My husband has always been by my side, silently guarding me.

At the same time, it also confirmed one thing in her mind and that was her husband’s okay. Otherwise, how else would there be guards around?

Likewise, the three friends also covered their mouths and popped their eyes out.

What kind of fairy husband is this?

Specially sent someone to guard the wife?

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And…… one must be aware.

The security around the perimeter could be described as ironclad. The fact that the other side could destroy a danger that somehow lurked onto the premise without the military knowing, it’s almost unfathomable how incredibly skilled Chu Yun’s people are!

This husband is too perfect!

Long Jiu said solemnly, “Mrs. Song, I fully admit it’s our incompetence to have allowed an intruder inside. From this point forward, the government will increase the manpower provided to you. I know your husband has his own people around, but please accept this arrangement as our apology!”

“Please don’t say it like that. I would be happy to accept the offered security.” Song was no longer sad so even her attitude reflected this brightness.

National Security Bureau.

The Second Elder, Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng were all gathered together in order to inspect the five sets of special equipment confiscated from last night’s raid.

“Ultra-high tech night suit deployed with nanotechnology. It’s no wonder the intruders could remain invisible within the darkness.”

“Light beam dagger, capable of slicing through any material with the intense heat.”

“The best silencer on the market, known only to a small number of mercenary groups!”

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“Puncture rifles, capable of piercing through bulletproof glass.”

Fang Guofeng recited the information regarding each piece of equipment laid on the table for his superiors to gloss over.

The Second Elder, “Where did you find these?”

“It’s on a meadow. Whoever stopped the intruders last night discarded them without bothering to hide the remains.”

Li Tianlong’s tone was full of disbelief, but at the same time helpless as well, “I can’t believe the two sides were able to fight without causing a commotion. Our people should’ve noticed, yet nothing ever got reported from our sentries.”

The Second Elder’s expression grew ugly and concerned, “What’s your take then?”

Li Tianlong contemplated the issue for a bit before replying, “The one who intervened is clearly an ally and not a foe, otherwise it doesn’t make sense for Mrs. Song to be untouched so far. I’m of the belief they’re also protecting the villa under Chu Yun’s instruction!”

“We should have realized this long ago. If that young man can casually bring forth so many treasures then there’s no way he wouldn’t think about protecting his wife in case of nefarious forces coming over.” The Second Elder sighed and lamented at their own incompetence, “It’s just… I’m starting to grow worried. The fact that we can’t even protect a single villa on our own shows we’re still too weak!”

Imagine the mobilization of a country’s military and they still couldn’t protect a single lady. It’s a total embarrassment and evidence of their weakness.

Fang Guofeng attempts to comfort the senior’s mood: “Second Elder, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. The opponent is not weak. If I’m not mistaken, the five corpses we found are likely from the Phantom Order working under the Putzik House. They’re infamous in the battlefield for being untraceable.”

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Unconvinced that it’s okay, the Second Elder grows harder in his voice, “That may be the case, but it still doesn’t excuse the fact that we nearly allowed a fatal mistake to occur under our watch. If we start taking things for granted then we will never grow!”

Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng immediately got solemn in their expression and saluted, “Yes Second Elder, we’ve been foolish!”

But then Li Tianlong lamented: “The power behind Chu Yun is definitely not weaker than the three houses. If only we can somehow get their cooperation with the security bureau…”

Fang Guofeng nodded in agreement, “As far as I know, the Phantom Order has never failed in their missions before. I wonder what the three houses are thinking right now after learning of their people’s failure. It must be quite the sight!”

The Second Elder calmly gave the order, “That doesn’t matter. Now that we have Chu Yun’s people in the shadows and us in the light, it’s the perfect opportunity to double down on our offensive against those bastards!”


That night in the same gathering hall of the three great houses, the members took their usual seats according to the predetermined assignment.

“Yesterday there was a little accident that might’ve caused you all to misunderstand the capabilities of the Phantom Order. Today, I will give you all a glimpse of their true worth!” Patch confidently sat down on the main seat and proclaimed.

Buju Wittstein retorted with a derisive remark: “Patch, I hope you’re not just pulling our legs like last night. This way we can all save some time and effort in deploying our own forces.”

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Although the three houses portrayed an air of peaceful coexistence, but the truth was they were only working together since none of them could tip the balance of the scale. If one day any of them could gain enough power, they would surely break the union and attempt to wipe the other two out.

Meinek adds, “There’s no need to add cold water on Patch’s head; after all, his efforts are for the benefit of us all. Instead, we should be sympathizing with him for his losses last night.” Then turning to his counterpart, “Patch, I will offer my thanks ahead of time. I anticipate good news in the following discussion.”

“Humph, you can quit it with your masked words there Meinek, we all know you’re the most scheming of us three here.” Patch snorted coldly, “I will say it now. When I get the super life element, I demand a bigger share of the profits to make up for the losses my house suffered as compensation!”

“That’s a given. I have no objections to that arrangement.” Both Buju and Meinek had no objections and nodded in unison.

“How are things proceeding?” Patch then picked up the communicator and spoke into it like last night.

“Housemaster, the defense is more than twice that of our intel. I request that we be permitted to operate separately to increase the odds of success!”

“Very well, go ahead!” Patch grinned wickedly and agreed without hesitation.

Now that’s what you call a professional!

Each member of the Phantom Order can hold a stand on their own without support from others, that’s how capable they are!

Back outside the villa where Song resides, five black shadows quickly lurked through the bushes without alarming any of the soldiers on patrol. But then right before they could head inside, the leading shadow halted and made a hand gesture to the other four, which promptly earned some nods before they all split into differing directions.

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